Board of Updates
Published on December 28th, 2016 [Memorial of the Holy Innocents]
Francis Is An Invalid Pope
Also according to The Byzantine Catholic Patriarch.
Published on December 24th, 2016 [Christmas Eve]
The M+G+R Foundation Wishes to Remind All of Its Friends Worldwide That...
Jesus IS The Real Christmas Gift!
[Link removed]
[Link removed]
Published on December 17th, 2016 [Eve of Expectation of Mary]
New Judeo-Christian Liturgical Calendar For the Year 2017
A proposal which we will place into effect
Published on December 12th, 2016 [Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe]
Mental Reprogramming....
The Various Ways It Is Being Achieved.
It is imperative that everyone - who God Wills, of course - is aware of this.
It is imperative that everyone - who God Wills, of course - is aware of this.
Published on November 30th, 2016 [Feast of St. Andrew]
What Would Jesus Do?
That is the question that we must ask ourselves every time we are faced with a crisis or dilemma
or someone in need.
Published on November 25th - 26th, 2016
In observance of the death of Fidel Castro - Not even Stalin could destroy Russia as Castro destroyed Cuba.
From our files....
The Cuban Castro Regime and The End of These Times
Juanita was one of Fidel Castro's several sisters. She never married and, up to the time of the triumph of the Revolution,
The Real Purpose of the Castro Regime
In this case the innocent list start with President George W. Bush and Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz since neither has an idea how their confrontation is being staged by ...
Report: Castro Supported LBJ In 1964 Race
Report: Castro Supported LBJ In 1964 Race. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cuba's Fidel Castro told President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 that the U.S. leader could attack Cuba ...
The Castro Regime and Jeremiah Wright
The Castro Regime and Jeremiah Wright ... "Viva Fidel!" bellowed Reverend Jackson while concluding his speech at the University of Havana during that ...
Confirming the Lies Fed to the World
Being that the Castro regime is sustained primarily on the Castro myth, ... my most sincere opinion is that Fidel Castro was a KGB agent since 1947. ...
May the world now finally begin to rest in peace!
Published on November 24th, 2016
May our readers from the U.S. and their families have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day!
Published on November 20th, 2016
After your read the document highlighted on the November 16th post, and see how well all is falling into place and how close we are to the manifestation of the False Christ, the question that should be posed is:
In the end, who are the real fools?
Published on November 16th, 2016
With all that has transpired since 1993 we have issued again the document....
The Attempt to Establish a One World Religion as part of the plans for the
New World Order.
If, with the overwhelming confirmation, by events, of what we announced 23 years ago, some still
refuse to believe that reality - there is nothing else that we can do about it.
Our responsibility regarding this particular issue has been fulfilled.
Our responsibility regarding this particular issue has been fulfilled.
Published on November 3rd, 2016
Technology is tipping the Hand of God.
A nuclear blast generated Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) seems
So inevitable that, without it, even shortening 'those days' the Elect would be deceived. [Matthew 24:22-24]
So inevitable that, without it, even shortening 'those days' the Elect would be deceived. [Matthew 24:22-24]
Published on November 1st, 2016 [Feast of All Saints]
How many people will be left on Earth after the Tribulation?
Now, you may know, if you are able to handle such
Published on October 29th, 2016
The World Is Not Going to End! However, These Times Will Indeed End!
Why Should You Worry? - Rejoice Instead!
Published on October 26th, 2016
A Focused Biography of miguel de Portugal....
....has now been made available to all through
Published on October 23rd, 2016
Martial Law in the U.S. by Executive Order
Explained with factual details - no rumors, no conspiracies -
straight from the White House.
Published on October 20th, 2016
Various suggestions.... case of nuclear or other emergencies.
Published on October 18th, 2016 [Feast of St. Luke, the Evangelist]
About the Ultimate Deception
Understanding its scope and magnitude will help the Faithful
from being victimized by it.
Published on October 13th, 2016 [99th Anniversary of the Miracle of Fatima]
The Miracle of the Sun was the confirmation to all of humanity - specifically to those who had to act upon it - of the reality of the events of Fatima and the importance of acting upon Heaven's requests.
Ecclesiastical disobedience yielded:
As the result of World War II : 70 to 85 million deaths. For a detailed breakdown
Click Here
As the result of the Spread of Communism: 94 million deaths. For a detailed breakdown Click Here
As the result of the Spread of Communism: 94 million deaths. For a detailed breakdown Click Here
That is why miguel de Portugal accused the Roman Catholic Administration before the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Justice.
They will only be forgiven once they officially accept full responsibility for the greatest massacre brought upon humanity.
Published on October 11th, 2016 [Feast of the Motherhood of Mary]
Stolen Elections and Media Blackouts
A very timely Guest Document
Why does God allow confusion?
Published on October 8th, 2016
Third Lightning Strike of St. Peter's Basilica
Published on October 4th, 2016
How the Truth Is Suppressed to Protect the Status Quo
Published on September 20th, 2016
Communications to Heads of State - One of Our Functions
This letter to Former U.S. President Carter, sent over
twenty-three years ago, may help the reader understand God's direct involvement in World Affairs
and how miguel de Portugal has been an integral part of it since 1991.
Published on September 11th, 2016 [Fifteen Years Later!]
You are essentially on your own!
After thus admonishing his electorate, a U.S. State Senator
alerts them on how to be prepared.
Published on September 9th, 2016
The root of the violent Evangelization over most of the last sixteen centuries....
May have been finally identified.
Published on September 7th, 2016
A reminder about the non lethal microwave weapons already in existence in 1998.
The accusation that the voices heard by Marian visionaries - Fatima and Garabandal for example -
were electronically induced in the visionaries minds are confirmed as false given the state
of the art back then (1917 and 1961-65).
Published on September 5th, 2016
As the Vatican spearheads the Ecumenical Gathering in Jerusalem (September 4th through September 23rd), let us not forget that....
Last January we pointed out what in effect was 'Pope' Francis'
call for One World Religion.
Published on September 2nd, 2016
Now may be a good time to review our documents:
A Very Serious Warning About The Catholic King Syndrome -
Part I
A Very Serious Warning About The Catholic King Syndrome - Part II'
A Very Serious Warning About The Catholic King Syndrome - Part II'
Their contents may make more sense now.
Published on August 31st, 2016
This Guest Document....
May help understand why President Obama and "pope" Francis favor the Cuban Castro regime... and
how it fits with mostly all else that is taking place behind the scenes.
Published on August 29th, 2016 [Solemnity of the Martyrdom of John the Baptist]
How may Hillary Clinton be used to introduce....
....the 'Holy King' needed to fulfill the Catholic legend of a 'Holy
Pope' and a 'Holy King' to establish a Catholic Kingdom on Earth.
Published on August 24th, 2016 [Feast St. Bartholomew, Apostle]
What are the real positions of Mr. Donald Trump and Mrs. Hillary Clinton and how do they mesh with the events of the End of These Times?
A Review in the form of a Guest Document.
Published on August 19th, 2016
Stress and Depression Management
Published on August 15th, 2016 [Feast of the Assumption of the Ever Virgin Mary]
About the Bayside alleged Marian Apparitions and Message.
We address it again in response to God.
Published on August 13th, 2016 [Mary, Refuge of Sinners]
A reminder to our readers: We are neither pro Trump nor pro Clinton - we are strictly pro God.
The next elected U.S. President will be the one who will bring the U.S. down the quickest.
Remember that the U.S. is the single largest stumbling block to the world Masters' plans. Since God shortened the painful period of the Tribulation by ten years, if He doesn't shorten the remaining time now, not even the Elect will be saved. [Matthew 24:22]
Remember that the U.S. is the single largest stumbling block to the world Masters' plans. Since God shortened the painful period of the Tribulation by ten years, if He doesn't shorten the remaining time now, not even the Elect will be saved. [Matthew 24:22]
Published on August 10th, 2016
Just how ignorant are Americans? How do Americans fare on the ignorance index?
Appearances may be deceiving because there is a major difference between being "ignorant" and
being "misinformed".
Very Troublesome Survey Results.
Very Troublesome Survey Results.
Published on July 26th, 2016
Far too many individuals do not read the Bible because is too voluminous, repetitious and at times
God Willed that, in His Name, we produce a simple and condensed Bible which contains all that is
needed to safely return Home to the Father.
Excepting our introductory statements, all that is needed are four pages:
The Condensed Bible
Published on July 20th, 2016
Why there is no political solution for the ISIL plague of death and destruction. None!
Those who understand the situation will have a better
chance of escaping their reach.
Published on July 17th, 2016
The News Commentary for January 2012 page...
...has become very popular recently and we felt that we should let all readers know.
Published on July 12th, 2016
The War Against Faith - It is not all in the open.
Published on July 6th, 2016
Be therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect [Matthew 5:48]
How Is That Possible For a Mere Mortal? This IS How!
Published on June 29th, 2016
Historically confirmed!
Adolph Hitler was indeed demonically possessed .....
.....and when can tell you When, Where and what was the triggering mechanism.
.....and when can tell you When, Where and what was the triggering mechanism.
Published on June 26th, 2016 [Opus Dei observe Josemaría Escrivá's Day]
The Biblical Mark of the Beast
What could it be? Document restructured for only the
Elect to understand.
Published on June 16th, 2016
The Book of Enoch - Divinely Inspired or Heresy?
We have revised our original document on Enoch to make it more
accessible and clear to all readers, not just a few.
Published on June 13th, 2016 [Anniversary of Second Apparition in Fatima and Key Message]
The War Against Faith
It Is Imperative(!) that the Faithful understands it. It is a
matter of life and death.
Published on June 6th, 2016
God has clearly indicated to us to remind one and all that...
....Asteroid 2012 TC4 is scheduled to pass very close our
planet on October 12-13, 2017 - the 100th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. An
event that gave the impression as if the Sun was crashing down onto our planet. The same way an
asteroid/comet would look as it approached us on a impact course.
Considering how real tragic events of World War I and II closely match key religious dates, we may want to pay attention to this upcoming encounter.
Considering how real tragic events of World War I and II closely match key religious dates, we may want to pay attention to this upcoming encounter.
Published on June 3rd and 4th, 2016 [Feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary]
How the Roman Catholic Church Administration Missed the “Fatima Opportunity” for Peace Between
1917 and 1931
A Detailed and Well Referenced Time Line of Religious and
Secular Events Confirms It
Published on May 22nd, 2016 [Trinity Sunday]
The Remnant makes An Urgent Appeal to Pope Francis
[We do not necessarily agree with everything that appears on the letter or every position
of the ministry of The Remnant, however, we believe that its many valid points and theo-logic
merits that we call it to the attention of our readership.]
Published on April 27th, 2016
The real objective of the terrorist campaign is to gain absolute control of the world.
We will now show you how it is being done and why the U.S. is the
last stumbling block that must fall for its implementation.
Published on April 23rd, 2016
As warfare spreads throughout the world, let us not forget the message in.... told by Rev. George Zabelka, who served as a priest for the airmen who dropped the atomic
bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, and gave them his blessing.
A "must read" for all Christians.
Published on April 15th, 2016
A reminder regarding What the Holy Scriptures Say About...
Magic - Idols and Idolatry - Witchcraft
as well as .....
Divination - False Christians - Disordered Eucharistic Celebrations
Published on April 12th, 2016
Why are many of our prayers not answered?
Published on April 8th, 2016
The gravity and consequences of the Sin of Denial....
....should not be overlooked. Our lives literally depend on our
awareness of it.
Published on March 24th, 2016 [Holy Thursday]
Let us not forget....
The Real Timing of Jesus' Last Passover. His suffering and
the suffering Mary experienced was far greater than the official timing leads us to believe.
Let us not miss a single opportunity to console Them.
Let us not miss a single opportunity to console Them.
Published on March 21st, 2016
The New Atheism - the Latest Weapon against faith - any faith!
Become aware of its snares so that you may help others from falling
for it.
Published on March 17th, 2016 [St. Patrick's Day]
Catholic Shrines Dedicated to the Virgin Mary Draw Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims
Is this a problem? This is what we think about it.
Published on March 3rd, 2016
On November 27, 2008, we, for the record, filed charges against the Roman Catholic Church Administration before the International Court of Justice and the Court of Justice European Union for their inaction regarding the Fatima phenomena and the consequences it brought upon humanity.
Both communications were officially acknowledged. We are making now
such communication available to all.
Published on February 10th, 2016 [Ash Wednesday]
The Trouble With What Most Consider Science vs True Science
This document is even more relevant today than when
originally published.
Published on February 4th, 2016
"All things therefore whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do: but according to their works do ye not; for they say, and do not." [Matthew 23:3]
Published on February 1st, 2016
Einstein rationalizes God out of the human equation
See for yourself! Obviously he was not as brilliant as most
Published on January 28th, 2016
The Genesis of the Ongoing Middle East Crisis
Understanding it will help you survive it.
Published on January 20th, 2016
Very Clear Details Revealed About The Book of Revelations
Published on January 16th, 2016
Cardinal Ratzinger was amply informed about the sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church as far back as in the '90's and here we have....
Published on January 14th, 2016
A Tribulation Summary: We say that it is straight into the Chastisement.
Published on January 11th, 2016
Jorge Bergoglio, Accepted by Millions as Pope Francis
Seeks Prayers To Promote the One World Religion
Published on January 6th, 2016 [Feast of the Epiphany]
About Judaism and Christianity and....
The Epiphany of the Messiah.... Some thoughts about it.
Published on January 4th, 2016
Why Lord? Why Do You Allow This? Why Me? What Have I Done To Deserve This?
If you really want to know.... Here is the answer in full!
We cannot make it any simpler or any clearer.
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