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For a Novena to St. Michael the Archangel Click anywhere on the image

Posted On: December 28th - 2005 - Memorial of the Holy Innocents

Recently we issued a document entitled "What time is it?" Today, as we remember the slaughter of the innocent children ordered by Herod [Matthew 2:13-18] , and allowed by God, we publish the logical follow up document: "It is now about that time."

To those who will prefer to look the other way and, 'waist deep' in denial, say: "God will not let that happen!" we wish to remind you that today we are honoring the memory of the innocent children which God allowed to be slaughtered for some reason beyond our grasp at this time.

If He does not take a similarly dramatic stance now, many of those who were to be saved by the sacrifice of His Son will succumb and drown in the swirling vortex of man made decadence which now permeates organized religion and the entire world. World War I and II were dressed rehearsals - and few paid any attention to the messages He delivered through those two wars. This time, He will make sure that humanity remembers.

As for us... Our function simply is to "lead the horse to water" and teach him how to drink, but we are not to coerce him to drink it. If said horse wishes to die of thirst, are we going to try to be more merciful than God? Of course not!

Posted On: December 25th - 2005

Blessed Christmas! + Feliz Natal! + ¡Feliz Navidad!

Posted On: December 22th - 2005

Our Christmas Gift to the Faithful this year is the revelation of the Biblical reason why God, not man, chose December 25th as the date to for us to celebrate the Birth of His Son. Henceforth, true Christians will enjoy this Holy Celebration with renewed Joy and true purpose.

Posted On: December 18th - 2005 - Mary's Expectation

We have launched a new page entitled Divine Encouragement with the intent to further assist those who are truly seeking God in the strengthening their faith. It is our intent to update it on a daily basis in the measure that we are able to do so.

Posted On: December 16th - 2005

"A must read" Book Review on the latest Exposé of the reality of the Opus dei (*) - Ex-members of Opus Dei Reveal Group's Behind-the-Scenes Practices

(*) It is getting to the point that only those who simply refuse to see will not acknowledge their less-than-holy reality.

Posted On: December 12th - 2005 - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Patroness of the Americas

As the world moves towards the brink of annihilation we strongly suggest that, in keeping with what we have already revealed regarding our active, and expected, involvement in the redemption of humanity, we make a commitment, henceforth, to offer the Novena of Mercy every month, starting on the first day of the month (*).

This is the least we can do as a token of our appreciation for the suffering Jesus, and thus, Mary, endured to give us an opportunity to Eternal Life. Notice that we stated "opportunity"; do not make the common mistake that it is, borrowing from American slang to better express it, "a done deal", because it is not.

(*) If you cannot start the novena on the first day of the month, God will gladly accept it if you start it on another day; what He needs from you is its monthly offering until you are not able to do so any more or it is obvious to you that it is no longer necessary since the End of These Times has been reached.

Posted On: December 7th - 2005 - Anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, Eve of Feast of The Immaculate Conception

As the world moves toward a "global Pearl Harbor" we suggest to our visitors to read (or re-read) m de P's 1993 letter to President Jimmy Carter. We insist on these issues because denying their reality will have very serious consequences on those who are on denial - it does not matter whether the individual believes in God or not. Individual beliefs do not, in any way, affect the reality of God.

For those who keep repeating like a somniferous mantra "God is Merciful and will not cause harm to His children" we say: (1) Do you have guarantee that you are part of what is known of "His children"? Like with the proverbial Christmas List - you better check that twice; and (2) Become familiar with applied Mercy. It may just not be what you are hoping it to be. Keep in mind that mankind has proven to God that, in general terms, only pain will make man to pay attention to God.

For those who are counting on that Golden Era that the Catholic Sects are promising, as they try to manipulate Divine Revelations, we just want to point out that we are already symbolically into the Sequence of Events leading to the End of These Times.

Posted On: December 3rd - 2005 - First Saturday of Month

How and why should Catholics interact with members with other faiths. Even with those who profess to be atheists.

Posted On: November 27th - 2005 - First Sunday of Advent - Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Amongst the most downloaded documents in our domain is The Psychosomatic Consequences Caused by the Sexual Abuse of Children. All the while, the Roman Catholic Church Administration, paralyzed by the fear that what has been "whispered in the darkness" is being "yelled from rooftops", does nothing to stem the demise of the Faith triggered by their active and passive behavior in this matter. How can these men look at themselves in the mirror?

Posted On: November 22nd - 2005 - Anniversary of the Assassination of President Kennedy

As the memory of President Kennedy is honored today by many fine Americans perhaps the Faithful should revisit what we have written about his assassination. The time could not be better as Vice President Cheney blames, what seems to be, the ever incompetent intelligence community of the US for the war on Iraq.

But, can he be blamed? Those who live in denial need something to anchor the fantasies they created by their need to survive, since their man-made, man based faith cannot bring them any comfort.

Posted On: November 19th - 2005 - Mary, Mother of Divine Providence

God continues to utilize all means to communicate to His children whatever they are not being informed about through the channels He established 2000 years ago. One of the most astounding methods has been through the discovery of Tutankhamon's Tomb. His message, sent nearly 3,500 years ago, is now being delivered to the world through these pages on His behalf. Egypt continues to play a key role in the History of Salvation.

Posted On: November 15th - 2005

We take this opportunity to notify our readers that, through the courtesy of Sophia Perennis, we are able to share with you the last chapter of "False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism and the Quest for a One World Religion". We sincerely pray that the information shared in Chapter 25 wakes up the remainder children of God who need to have the oil on hand for their lamps [Matthew 25: 1-12]. The snare could not be described any clearer nor better documented than Mr. Lee Penn has already done.

Posted On: November 9th - 2005 - Dedication of Basilica of St. John of Lateran

As we remember the dedication of the Mother Church of all Churches, we should carefully ponder the timely message that said Basilica delivers to the Faithful in the Name of God.

In conjunction, we should also ponder how the Church founded by Jesus Christ was essentially commandeered by Emperor Constantine to suit his imperial needs. We should also ponder on how such action, ironically, resulted in the separation of Patriarchate of Rome from all other Patriarchates, which, in turn found its "center of spiritual gravity" in the city founded by Constantine - while Rome claimed that said Emperor Constantine had willed the Roman Empire to the Pope.

Hollywood could never invent a saga as the one we are, once again, bringing under the spotlight for the benefit of the true children of God.

Posted On: November 6th - 2005

As the irresponsible ranting of Iran's President pushes the world closer to the inevitable nuclear holocaust, we encourage our visitors to review a letter miguel de Portugal wrote, ten years ago, to His Eminence, Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, Prefect, at the time, of the Congregation of Bishops and to the then Patriarch of Lisbon (Portugal), His Eminence, Cardinal António Ribeiro.

Posted On: November 4th - 2005 - First Friday of Reparation

Do not be frightened nor intimidated! Know that There IS Salvation Outside the Roman Catholic Church - However, the Roman Catholic Faith has the greatest treasure trove of supernatural resources to assist man in his journey back to the Father.

Posted On: November 1st - 2005 - All Saints Day

Please, do not forget to assist the Souls of Purgatory. If for nothing else, to store the treasures in Heaven that you will need when you are in Purgatory yourself. Unless, of course, you have fulfilled the First Saturdays of Reparation to the satisfaction of God - in which case, your stay in Purgatory will be quite brief.

Oh, yes... the Purgatorial State does exist - denying it will not cause it to "Go Away".

Posted On: October 27th - 2005

As the President of Iran calls for the Jewish state to be "wiped off the map" and the U.N. reports and increase influx of arms from Syria into Lebanon, the faithful should review and understand the real meaning of The End of the Line.

Posted On: October 23rd - 2005 - Mary, Mother of the Dying

The Roman Catholic Church Bishop's Synod has concluded on a note that has irritated those who wanted certain changes within the Church, however, in spite of the demonstrated abysmal failures of the Administration of the Roman Catholic Church, we concur with, and defend most of, the Synod's conclusions.

Our position regarding the Catholic politicians is not so different when one meditates on what m de Portugal has stated and what the Synod finally concluded.

Regarding the divorce and communion issue - our key difference lies in whether there was a Sacramental Marriage or not. A "Church Wedding" does not guarantee that a Sacrament was entered into.

The only real abyss that separates us - to be specific - that separates them from God results from the facts that:

(1) They continue to refuse to acknowledge that the moral decay of the world of today is the result of their failures; and
(2) Their disobedience to the specific requests from Heaven have made the Administration of the Roman Catholic Church an accessory to the greatest genocide ever witnessed by humanity, a genocide which started to take place when Hitler entered Austria and will finish when God wipes the slate clean of their abominations and the Church He originally established is resurrected after its crucifixion.

For those with "weak knees" and who were led to believe that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church: Do not be concerned, if that were true, most Church Administrations would have never made it out of Purgatory due to aggravated dereliction of duty; that is, if they even made it that far.

Therefore, as you can see, satan continues to serve God and, in spite of them, the pristine Catholic Faith made it through unscathed.

Posted On: October 20th - 2005 - Feast of Mary, Wonderful Mother

The best method to avoid contracting the Avian Flu and similar plagues has been proven effective already and under the most adverse circumstances.

Posted On: October 16th - 2005 - Feast of Mary's Purity

The Book of Enoch - Divinely Inspired or Heresy? Only those who "Have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear"
will now be able to answer that question with certainty

Posted On: October 12th - 2005 - Feast of Our Lady of Pilar (Saragossa, Spain)

The Neutralization of Terrorist Activity can only be achieved in this manner. All else will fail!

Posted On: October 7th - 2005 - Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and First Friday of the Month

We have updated our document which addresses the position of the Roman Catholic Church regarding Marian Apparitions. We recommend that this document be carefully reviewed.

Posted On: October 4th - 2005 - Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year

Seventeen years ago, about one year before the "miraculous" fall of the Berlin wall, Mikhail Gorbachev was announcing to the United Nations General Assembly that the New World Order was the only solution left to man. What is truly amazing is that the general populace still do not catch on what is going on.

Posted On: September 29th - 2005 -Feast the Archangels Michael + Gabriel + Raphael

The Return to "Christendom" : The State and Church Alliance - A False Hope For the Faithful.
We must be sure that we fully understand what we ask God for.

Posted On: September 27th - 2005 - Feast Mary Protector of Orphans

Psychological Dysfunction really is a Spiritual Dysfunction - Its Identification, Treatment and Cure

Posted On: September 23th - 2005 - Feast of the Conception of John the Baptizer

If you wonder about: What can I do for God to hear my prayers and grant my requests? AM I not worthy of His attention? What is wrong with me? It is like swimming against the current and He does not seem to care. He really does care and here you will find the answers AND obtain sighed for results. May God richly Bless each and every one of you!

Posted On: September 20th - 2005

At a time when real Faith is faltering, commitments seem to be out of fashion and public admission of errors and repentance is "just for wimps" we want to help our readers to strengthen their Faith and Trust in God by bringing to light again another great secret of the Faith.

Posted On: September 17th - 2005

After the Katrina Catastrophe and the performance of the Bush Administration plus the, essentially failed UN Summit, we recommend the Faithful to review the Why of the last Presidential Election Results.

Posted On: September 15th - 2005 - Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

Please console today our most suffering Mother and Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, by offering a novena of Chaplet of Tears.

Posted On: September 14th - 2005 - Feast of the Holy Cross

Could it be that in such a special date and very significant day for The End of These Times God has identified for His Children The Great Apostasy?

Posted On: September 11th - 2005 - Feast of Our Lady of Coromoto - Patroness of Venezuela

A comprehensive clarification of the Time Table and Requirements for The End of These Times.

Posted On: September 8th - 2005 - Feast of the Birth of Mary, our Heavenly Mother

Another important Announcement, which briefly appeared in our Domains on August 2004, has been reissued.

Posted On: September 4th - 2005 - Feast of Mary, Comfort of the Afflicted

We cannot make any clearer or issue a more concrete announcement about where we are at in the Apocalypse than we are doing now. May those who have Ears, Hear and those who have Eyes, See.

Posted On: September 2nd [1st Friday] and September 3rd [1st Saturday and Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd]


Posted On: August 31st - 2005 - As New Orleans Floods

After witnessing the catastrophe caused by Katrina - all in the unexpected places and times - we recommend a review of the document which explains Why? , while, at the same time, an effort is made not to waste the benefits associated with suffering Katrina has caused, and God allowed, as it was done with the 9-11 catastrophes, while, at the same time, keeping in mind that the worse is yet to come. What can we do then?

Posted On: August 29th - 2005 - Martyrdom of John the Baptist

The gravity of appointing the former Archbishop of San Francisco, William Joseph Levada, to the position formerly occupied by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now, Benedict XVI, is such that we requested a thorough investigation of what has been published about his deeds and misdeeds. The Report has been completed and we are hereby making it available to all the Faithful.

The position Archbishop Levada now occupies - Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - is, in simple terms: "Guardian of the Faith". This is precisely why his promotion by his friend Benedict XVI is such a serious act.

Posted On: August 22nd - 2005 - Queenship of Mary

About Sin - Much talked and preached about, but little understood. Understand it and then defeat its hold on you through the Grace of God.

Posted On: August 17th - 2005

Our readers will understand our publications better if they would become more familiar with Our Function as well as with what "moves" miguel de Portugal . Some of the feedback that we receive tends to indicate a lack of understanding ot those two key fundamental basis for these writings.

Posted On: August 14 -15th - 2005

A very important comment has been posted on our News Commentary Section on August 14th. The time is getting closer and the signs are everywhere. Can you see them?

Posted On: August 12th - 2005

A Love Letter From the Father. We have read it and heard it and since I know it is absolutely true we want to share it with everyone. Please NOTE: The link above will take you out of our Domains and may not work on all computers. To return to The M+G+R Foundation use the "Return" button of your browser.

Posted On: August 9th - 2005 - Anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki

Regarding the destructive use of nuclear power in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we wish to set some records straight and come to the outright and unabashed Defense of the People of the United States of America. Let the one nation with a better overall record than the U.S. cast the first stone! Enough, is enough!

We may strongly disagree with the execution of Foreign Policy of the current U.S. Administration but a strong disagreement does not justify standing by silently during the virtual lynching of the people of the United States and of its government.

Posted On: August 6th - 2005 - Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ and 60th Anniversary of Hiroshima

The Faithful must make an effort to understand the mechanism of Divine Justice so that the application of Divine Mercy may be fully understood.

Let us not waste our time offending our already much offended Lord by celebrating His Transfiguration and not fully cooperating with Him in the Redemption of mankind.

Posted On: August 4th - 2005 Eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Snows - Dedication of Basilica of Sta. Maria Majore

Please, do not forget that the upcoming Friday is the First Friday of the Month and that next Saturday is the First Saturday of the Month, in addition of being the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us make reparation while we still can because, eventually, God will also say Enough!

Posted On: August 1st - 2005

Once again we exhort one and all to say No! To ANY Form of Anarchy. Most specially in its "invisible and silent" form practiced by too many people without realizing it (although God does notice!)

Posted On: July 30 th - 2005

How the Hierarchy of Christianity Allowed Constantine to Usurp the Role of the Pope and the High Price the Faith Has Paid For It.

Posted On: July 27 th - 2005

We have added a crucial NOTE to our document addressing the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and related, but no less important, matters.

Posted On: July 23 rd - 2005 Mary, Mother of Mercy

Now that Harry Potter is back on the news, we feel compelled to remind those seeking the light, thus, shunning the darkness, why any kind of divination and foretelling of the future as well as delving into the paranormal should be avoided... even though Harry Potter has the "blessing" of Opus Dei - which, of course, does not surprise us at all. It makes total sense based on their "theology".

Posted On: July 19 th - 2005

We have expanded the explanation regarding those with Eyes to See and Ears to Hear It is such a critical issue that the Good Lord Willed that more be said about such mysterious gift. We pray that many take advantage of said opportunity from Above.

Posted On: July 16 th - 2005 - Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel has come to be "informally" associated with the Apocalypse. However, if one reviews the Apocalyptic related events of history associated with July 16th , maybe the association should be made official.

Let us not forget how loudly God spoke to His children through the dates of World Wars I and II, yet few "saw" or "heard"; nor should we forget that there are still some pending "prophecies to be fulfilled" by Heaven.

Posted On: July 13 th - 2005 - Rosa Mystica Day

The Trajectory of St. John Bosco clearly shows what Jesus Christ fully intended by Evangelization. Without any claims of infallibility, he taught the Church and the world how to form souls like no one else has done in recent history. This is what Mary had in mind when She manifested Herself in Montechiari and Fontanelle as Rosa Mystica.

The intent of God was for Her to assist the "latent Don Boscos" in the clergy and religious orders on "how to clean up their act" and return to the right path. Just like in Fátima, She was ignored and these are some of the results.

Posted On: July 11 th - 2005 - St. Benedict - Patron Saint of Europe

"I wish that the 13th July be celebrated each year in honour of the Rosa Mystica" - The Blessed Virgin Mary, July 13th, 1947

We suggest that, as part of honoring Her as Rosa Mystica, a Worldwide Novena be initiated on this upcoming July 13th seeking the very special favor from God that "Thy Will Be Done on Earth as it Is in Heaven". Only then we will have Justice, the one Grace which will bring the Peace that mankind so desperately need.

We will never have Peace unless we have Justice and perfect Justice is when mankind, voluntarily and with great confidence, clamors for the Will of God to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Posted On: July 6 th - 2005

miguel de Portugal has made some specific comments about the Dream of St. John Bosco which pertain to These Times.

Posted On: July 1st - 2005

We have Posted an important announcement and reminder in the Notes associated with Planet X

Posted On: June 29th - 2005 - Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul

As we celebrate the Feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul we should also try to understand the True Petrine Ministry.

We should also take this opportunity to truly understand The Tragic Trajectory of H.H. John Paul II . We may consider supporting his beatification and canonization if he were declared a Martyr.

Posted On: June 27th - 2005 - Feast of Mary of Perpetual Help

Another Front for the Opus Dei? If It Is - It Would Then Probably One of the Most Dangerous Ones.

Posted On: June 24th - 2005 - Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist

As the world continue to occupy itself playing shuffleboard on the First Class Deck of the Titanic while it heads, at full forward speed, toward an iceberg... we wish to address and expose another danger to the Faith. Biblical Literalism or Symbolism? It Is Both! Learn how to effectively, and without fanaticism, defend the Faith while strengthening yours.

To specially mark this Feast Day, you may "Virtually" venerate the Relics of John here.

Posted On: June 17th - 2005

As Madrid (Spain) braces itself for the rare event of a Roman Catholic Church Demonstration against the legalization of civil unions in Spain, we recommend an in-depth review of our document regarding the Sacrament of Matrimony and Notes added to it at a later time, as well as our document dealing with the issue of Homosexuality Within a Biblical Context.

Knowledge is indeed Power while Fanaticism is not of God, Fanaticism is of satan.

Posted On: June 13th - 2005 - Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament

Commemorating the anniversary of the revelation of the suffering of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ["In front of the palm of Our Lady's right hand was a heart encircled by thorns which pierced it. We understood that this was the Immaculate Heart of Mary, outraged by the sins of humanity, and seeking reparation". - Sr. Lucía] we wish to remind one and all about the meaning of Making Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and how to accomplish it.

Posted On: June 11th - 2005

"Creation" vs "Evolution" or "Evolution vs Creation" ? It Is Neither... It Really Is "Man vs Man"... Just Like satan Likes It!

Posted On: June 9th - 2005 - Mary, Mother of Grace

The plans for the manifestation of the False Christ are so advanced, that a drug induced "fulfillment" of the First Two Commandments [Matthew 22: 37-39] is available and being promoted. For more details, please access the posting dated June 9th in our Public Forum.

Posted On: June 4th, 2005 - Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Product of Fanatical Orthodoxy is Heresy and this is a very easy trap to fall into. So easy that it is amongst the favorites of satan.

Posted On: May 31st, 2005 - Feast of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth and Zachary

Behind the Scenes of the Pontificate of H.H. John Paul II and the logic behind dropping all sexual abuse charges pending against the Legionnaires of Christ founder, Marcel Maciel Degollado.

Posted On: May 26th, 2005 - Feast of Corpus Christi

False Mysticism - Keep an Eye Open to Discern It - Mysticism is not a matter to take lightly o to "play with".

Posted On: May 21st, 2005 - Mary, Mother of Light

God In Action - Ready to Heal His Children - Physically AND Spiritually. Why don't you let Him? Another Living Example.

Posted On: May 19th, 2005

We have received our copy of "False Dawn - The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for One World Religion". This book is a Comprehensive and Irrefutable Exposé of the Final Assault on True Christianity, in general, and the Catholic Faith, in particular.

Mr. Lee Penn 's False Dawn accurately fills in all the details lacking in two of our documents: The Spiritual
Ambush of a Universal Religion
and The Establishment of a New World Order. We could not have possibly done it better.

The statements, claims and accusations made in the False Dawn are so well documented that, unless the reader suffers from the Denial Syndrome, it will be impossible to deny the undeniable reality of the times we are living through.

Posted On: May 14th, 2005 - Eve of Pentecost Sunday

As an alleged, and apparently well documented, pederast-shuffler of the Roman Catholic Church is placed in charge of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by his friend "Pope" Benedict XVI, let us review the Psychosomatic Consequences of the Sexual Abuse of Children. Would Jesus endorse this kind of appointment? Even if the man presented himself before God with a truly contrite heart - just because of the scandal that would so seriously damage the Faith, He would not endorse it.

Posted On: May 12th, 2005

An important NOTE has been added to our document on the Power of Manipulation in the Hands of the Media
which sheds more light on the dark side of the much exalted Social Communication System.

Posted On: May 10th, 2005

The Final Assault on the Catholic Faith - A Comprehensive and Irrefutable Exposé

Posted On: May 7th, 2005 - Mary, Queen of the Apostles and First Visit of Benedict XVI to the Arch Basilica of St. John of Lateran

"If the stones and art work could speak, the tales they would tell." This is a common refrain which, except in Archeology, is just idle talk... or is it? Precisely, God through the Arch Basilica of St. John of Lateran, has made that refrain a stunning reality.

Posted On: May 5th, 2005

We just issued a document (see below) entitled "What Time Is It? or Are We (Almost) There Yet?" Well, it seems that we "are almost there" if one assimilates the information contained in the posting dated May 4th in our News Commentary Section.

We understand that, as the result of the free will God has granted mankind, denial of reality is an option; however, it is our responsibility to point out that such option will not be a valid excuse when standing before the Ultimate Judge.

Posted On: May 2nd, 2005

What Time Is It? or Are We (Almost) There Yet? It should not be difficult for the reader to discern the answer to either question now.

Posted On: April 28th, 2005

The "Benedict" Popes and the Crucial Link of H.H. Benedict XV to Fátima

Posted On: April 27th, 2005

miguel de Portugal's Conclave Trip to Rome Report

Posted On: April 25th, 2005

Exactly what is meant "Having Ears to Hear and Eyes to See"? Through the Grace of God we have been able to explain it as clearly as it possible for us. It may be consoling to some, encouraging to others and disturbing to a few... but such is life, isn't it?

Posted On: April 22nd, 2005

We are consoled by the fact of "being missed". Our lack of updates, since the last one, has been due to the fact that miguel de Portugal has been in Rome since then discharging his primary function - which is within the spiritual domain.

As we have stated before a number of times, the maintenance and updates of these Domains do not comprise the primary function of miguel de Portugal. For a review on the purpose/charter of The M+G+R Foundation, the reader may also want to review our document About Us.

Regarding the election of Cardinal Ratzinger at the Conclave: We can categorically state that it was indeed an act of the (Active) Will of God. Its ramifications and how it will mesh within all the events that will take place - m de P is not privy to that information yet. For more on the meaning of the "Active or Passive" Will of God, please review the posting of April 22nd on our Public Forum.

It is indeed interesting, however, that his first Official Public Mass will be Sunday, April 24th which coincides with the beginning of the Jewish Pesach - the Night of Passover... and that, in itself, "speak volumes".

Remember - God very often Speaks through Significant Dates.

Posted On: April 17th, 2005 [Last Post until after the Conclave]

What every devoted child of God should know... but many, unfortunately, do not is The Most Effective Ways to Pray. Good and effective prayer, with its miraculous results, will reinforce the Faith of the faithful. Many have "the 800 toll free number of Heaven" but do not know how to dial it.

Posted On: April 15th, 2005

It is not too early to start becoming familiar, in earnest, why now the Roman Catholic Church will enter into its Passion. It will give the Faithful strength and courage and reinforce their Faith.

Posted On: April 12th, 2005

The Best Way to Defend the Faith Is to Explain It to Those Who Do Not Understand It. The Best Way to Explain It is to.... Know How Those From the Outside the Faith Perceive It Which Greatly Depends on How We Practice It.

Posted On: April 8th, 2005 - The Burial of H.H. John Paul II

Catholics Want The Next Pope To Pursue Change. The Question is.... Which Are the Changes Acceptable to God?

Posted On: April 8th, 2005 - The Burial of H.H. John Paul II

Catholics Want The Next Pope To Pursue Change. The Question is.... Which Are the Changes Acceptable to God?

Posted On: April 6th, 2005

An Important Note has been added to our document Beyond H.H. John Paul II in an effort to further assist the Faithful in understanding the current events and those to follow.

Posted On: April 4th, 2005

As the attempted manipulation of the Divine Designs by man goes into high gear and the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei counts as an accomplished fact that their hand-picked man will be the successor of H.H. John Paul II, MHSRIP, the true children of God should carefully review the fallacy of their "theology" so that what in reality will take place will make more sense.

Remember, dear ones - we have entered the final stretch and it is best to have an ample supply of oil for the Biblical lamps since God ALWAYS has the Last Word.

Posted On: April 2nd, 2005

Giving credit where Credit is due and assigning responsibility where Responsibility belongs. A letter from miguel de Portugal to H.H. John Paul II written eight years ago.

Posted On: April 1st, 2005

Understanding the events of the period leading to today, and the times beyond H.H. John Paul II

Posted On: March 5th, 2005

The Future of the Domains of The M+G+R Foundation Has Been Decided in Accordance to the Will of God.

Posted On: March 3rd, 2005

In an effort to assist the Faithful who have nowhere to turn for consolation, we have tried to explain how God interacts with us in our daily lives and how satan attempts to disrupt such interaction.

Posted On: March 1st, 2005

Due to a programming error the Stations of the Cross were not showing up properly - instead, the image of Pontius Pilate washing his hands kept coming up repeatedly.

Posted On: Februray 25th, 2005

An Important Communication to Our Readers About the Future of The M+G+R Foundation Domains

Posted On: Februray 23rd, 2005 - The Eve of the Anniversary of the Discovery of the Head of John the Baptist

Understanding How Divine Justice Functions Is the Key to Understand "the Why" the Future of the U.S.

Posted On: Februray 20th, 2005 - Our Lady Of Tears

As the World Institutions come crashing down, specifically what can an individual do to assist God? Plenty!

Posted On: February 14th, 2005 - St. Valentine - Martyr

Providentially, we are writing this update from a location just a literal stone's throw of Sister Lucia's Carmel Convent. Yes, indeed, she has passed on to her Heavenly reward. It is not another Vatican "bait-and-switch" story.

If you wish to honor her and console her posthumously for the suffering she endured seeing how the Church Administration trampled on the opportunity God gave mankind through her and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta, we suggest the following:

(a) Re acquaint yourself with the Chronology of the events;
(b) Read from her own handwriting (with the official English translations) the key parts of the Messages Heaven delivered through them for the benefit of mankind;
(c) Familiarized yourself with the real Third Part of the Message, as revealed through the actions of responsible Church Administrators;
(d) The proof of what was revealed as the Third Part of the Secret, using H.H. John Paul II as a prop, is an outright lie;
(e) Understand how a key portion of the Fátima Message works - and then - practice it!
(f) Avoid spending time in trying to "read the tea leaves" regarding the meaning of why she died now; why she died on the 13th; etc., etc. The greatest honor anyone can bestow on a messenger from Heaven is to act upon the message. The rest is just empty talk, just like Church Administrators did back then.

Posted On: February 11th, 2005 - Our Lady Of Lourdes

The Remaining Old Testament Prophecies Will Soon Be Finally Fulfilled. But do not take our word for it...
It is so obvious... to those who Eyes to See and Ears to Hear.

Posted On: February 9th, 2005 - Ash Wednesday

Let us accompany Jesus in His journey to the fulfillment of our Redemption by Meditating together the Scriptural Viacrucis

Posted On: February 7th, 2005

We recommend a careful review of the February 7th Post at our News Commentary Section

Posted On: February 3rd, 2005

What to expect Beyond H.H. John Paul II? The Hierarchy worldwide was advised of this Eleven Years ago!

Posted On: January 31st, 2005

This type of action is what Our Lord Jesus Christ meant when He said: - Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. [Matthew 5: 44] - We stand by this plea just as we did nine years ago. Even though they continue to uphold the invalid You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. [Matthew 5:43]

Posted On: January 27th, 2005

Ecclesiastical Secret Societies - Who are they? How to detect them? - Obviously the British government is having difficulty with this now.

Posted On: January 24th, 2005 - Eve of Conversion of St. Paul

Study Finds No Explaining Weeping Statue of Madonna - Details and Comments on News Commentary Section - Posting of January 24th

Posted On: January 23rd, 2005 - Mary's Wedding

With "Black Thursday" behind us, we are dusting off our - We Told You So Documents

Posted On: January 18th, 2005

Today we are starting a new program - Points to Ponder About Very brief thoughts that will assist the faithful in their spiritual journey as well as an aid in strengthening their faith.

Posted On: January 17th, 2005

The Importance of the Virgin Mary and the Infinite Power Available to Her. She IS Far More Than "Just a Pretty Face" and it behooves mankind to pay attention to Her.

Posted On: January 13th, 2005

If it seems that all in the world is crashing down, it is because IT IS... so.... What Can We Do?

Posted On: January 10th, 2005

Do not lose faith and become discouraged if you are worried about any doomsday prophecy date coming due? Don't!

Posted On: January 8th, 2005

Although we have been moved to copious intercessions on behalf of those departed and remaining victims of the devastating Earthquake in South East Asia, the magnitude of the tragedy, 150,000 plus deaths, do not impress us as much as the deaths related to the establishment of Sovietization in Russia and World War II. The deaths resulting from such man made, and totally preventable, tragedy was 1,000 times that of what South East Asia has just experienced.

The earthquake and ensuing tidal waves could not be prevented; however, the Sovietization in Russia, its world wide consequences and World War II were preventable and the Administration of the Roman Catholic Church opted NOT to do so.

As if that abomination was not enough, the Vatican tried to cover up its tracks with an outright lie as they re-created the third part of the Secret of Fátima.

For those of you who have fallen prey to the "Denial" syndrome - that is, to deny the sad reality the world is in - we have prepared a new document wherein we address the Consequences of the Sin of Denial ; consequences that may only be surpassed in seriousness by the sin against the Holy Spirit of God.

Brethren - our only hope is to Appeal to the Mercy of God... before it is too late to do so!

Posted On: January 5th, 2005

The Judeo Christian Religious Days of Note and Marian Feast Days for the Year 2005 Have Been Published. There are many interesting "coincidences" for the year 2005

Posted On: January 1st, 2005 - Mary, Mother of God

As the New Year begins, we invite you to carefully review the latest updates in our Public Forum and our News Commentary Section : We also wish you a Blessed Year in accordance to the Will of God.

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