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Please Note:

A. This Document presents three distinct Novenas to Mary, Rosa Mystica. Some prayer elements, like the Daily Preparation, are common to all three novenas as we will indicate at the appropriate places.

B. These Novenas may be offered in: (a) Any nine consecutive days; (b) Nine consecutive weeks (Saturday would be a good day of the week to choose for the weekly Novena); (c) Nine consecutive months (the 13th of each month would be a good day of the month to offer the prayer of the Novena corresponding to that month).; or (d) The nine days leading to the 13th of any particular month. That is - starting the novena on the 5th of the month with the last day of the Novena being the 13th of the same month.

Daily Preparation for ALL the Rosa Mystica Novenas

Maria, Rosa Mystica, fragrant rose of mysticism, wonderful flower of divine knowledge; of purity and of blinding beauty; of brilliant and shining glory; of power and overwhelming love...

We kneel before You to pray, to look, and to listen.

To pray that we may become like You.

To look at You and to inhale Your heavenly perfume until we have, above all, taken something of Your immaculate, pure, and perfect being into our inner selves.

To listen more attentively to every single word of Yours which You have spoken not only in the past but even more so in the present, more frequently and more insistently.

We do not always want to listen and heed what You say.... what Your picture and tears are already saying to us and asking us to do.
We now want to listen to Your quiet motherly voice when it speaks to us so tenderly and consolingly with motherly understanding and concern.

We now want to open our hearts to You so that we remain loyal to Your Son's Will.

We now want to force ourselves not to say again "we have no time"; instead to endure Your sad glance even if we should blush and must cast down our eyes in acknowledgment of our many shortcomings.

Mary, fragrant Rose of Mysticism, please help us to look inside ourselves and to examine ourselves well; help us to know ourselves better, especially in those areas of thought and deed which displease You; help us then to become more like You.

We promise that we shall try to imitate You.

Please help us to work on ourselves so that Your love will always shine through wherever we may be.

3 Hail Mary...

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

First Novena

Novena Prayer to Rosa Mystica for Specific Personal Intention

Offer the Daily Preparation prayer shown above. Then...

Maria Rosa Mystica - Mystical Rose, Immaculate Conception - Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Mother of Grace - Mother of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church... You came down to Earth to call upon us children of to love each other, to unite, and live in peace.

You request from us charity, prayer, and penance. We thank God from the bottom of our hearts that He has given You to us as Our Mother and Mediatrix in all our needs. Mary, full of grace, please help me, I beseech You, and grant me my special intention... (at this point clearly and specifically request from Our Mother the favor that You are seeking from Her)

You promised us Your motherly protection: "I am always very close to You with My motherly love."

Rosa Mystica, Immaculata, Mater Dolorosa, please show me that You are my Mother, Bride of the Holy Ghost, and Queen of Heaven and Earth. Amen.

Hail Holy Queen...

Final Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Second Novena

Novena Prayer to Rosa Mystica to Reduce the Effect of Evil in the World

First Day

Let us consider the following:

The extreme opposite to the Rosa Mystica are the dirtiest and most gruesome things in the world:

+ The destruction of God and man in modern art, by the mass media, in the press, on radio and television;
+ The destruction of all values and order before and in marriage, in education and at school;
+ The shameless fashion taken to extreme excesses. All of this carried right into our churches and into the holiest places.

We pray:

Maria, Rosa Mystica, please protect us from all shamelessness and degeneration, preserve in us the sense for good and evil; prepare us to do battle in defense for all that is pure. Maria, Rosa Mystica, graciously hear us and pray for us.

3 Hail Mary...

Final Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Second Day

Let us consider the following:

It is not enough to observe how desolate and catastrophic the general situation is. First, one must be prepared not only to refuse to go with fashion but, as a penance, also to have to put up with something that is not really required, to go without something even if it is not sin. One ought to consider that one could also be guilty of sin committed by others, by setting a bad example for them.

We Pray:

Maria, Rosa Mystica, grant us the true spirit of atonement, help us to fight the current of evil, and to often and voluntarily accept the unpleasant things we encounter in our day to day living, the more others fail You. Maria, Rosa Mystica, graciously hear us and pray for us.

3 Hail Mary...

Final Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Third Day

Let us consider the following:

Pious pilgrims in particular should note that the reason prayers often do not bring the expected answer is because too little penance accompanies the prayers. One dresses just as comfortably and lightly as others and one complains about little daily inconveniences. What would Mary say to this? "Remember the power of prayer accompanied by penance!"

We pray:

Maria, Rosa Mystica, grant that we do not forget true penance and reparation with all our prayers, at home and on journeys. Please grant us the right spirit when we come to You. Maria, Rosa Mystica, graciously hear us and pray for us.

3 Hail Mary...

Final Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Fourth Day

Let us consider the following:

How can we achieve all the necessary Graces? Two things are needed:

1. Our own effort to take time off to think and meditate; to move away from excessive and improper television programming, celebrations, leisure activities, etc.; to learn to differentiate, to learn to do without; to exercise moderation in food, drink and sleep, etc.

2. Availing ourselves to the Holy Sacraments and the use of Sacramentals [such as medals, scapulars, etc.], the Holy Rosary, the Holy Scriptures, and the life of Saints. In addition, a deeply religious and pious individual is needed as a spiritual director ["director" NOT "dictator"]. God Himself will help us through His Grace and His Guidance even in sorrow, when we are humiliated, disappointed, and suffer set-backs. We should become totally free for God, breaking away from all unnecessary attachments to the world and people, be free for the incomprehensible Glory of God.

We pray:

Maria, Rosa Mystica, grant us Your help and lead us in our efforts. Maria, Rosa Mystica, graciously hear us and pray for us.

3 Hail Mary...

Final Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Fifth Day

Let us consider the following:

When God takes away from man everything which blocks his path to Him; when He helps You to leave everything; when He takes away one's close attachment to people and things; when He leads You into the very darkest "night of the spirit" without any consolations; when there is nothing but darkness and sorrow, and, yet, You can still say: "I believe!"

When one achieves that point, then, God is able to shower You with an abundance of His Graces, of His Wisdom and charisms without any hindrance.

We pray:

(Let us dare to offer this prayer with total abandonment) "My Lord and my God, take everything from me that may prevent me from coming to You. Please grant me everything that brings me as close to You as You Will I am. Take me and do with me as You please!"

3 Hail Mary...

Final Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Sixth Day

Let us consider the following:

Together with St. Theresa of Jesus (of Avila) and St. Therese of the Child Jesus, we should be now on the right path of our true devotion of Mary, through the veneration of the "Rosa Mystica", the "Mystical Rose".

We must, however, prevent ourselves from falling prey to the widely spread misunderstanding believing that many recited rosaries together with many pilgrimages and other devotions will give us a sure "ticket to Heaven". This is not true!

Devotion to Mary must be genuine and with adequate spiritual. It needs true filial devotion, not only offering many beautiful prayers and "devotions", but also having the desire to acquire the real spirit of Mary - Her complete abandonment to the Will of the Father.

We Pray:

Maria, Rosa Mystica, help us to get to know You more and more, lead us and guide us so that we may be able to find the path of Your mysticism - the fruit of Your union with God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3 Hail Mary...

Final Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Seventh Day

Let us consider the following:

There is very little written in the Scriptures about Mary's mysticism (that is, supernatural unity with God), for example, statements such as: "Blessed , full of grace." The conception in Her womb - as we learned from the text in the Bible - can only be surmised with deepest reverence; In any event, something extremely great and mysteriously enchanting happened when the infinite. Eternal love was united with the most immaculate, thus, most loving human heart that ever existed, and will ever exist; united in order to create a tiny yet infinitely great being.

The results of mysticism are powerful and rich in fruit.

We pray:

Maria, Rosa Mystica, grant that mankind may find its way to the most beautiful of things, to the glories of the supernatural that surpass nature itself so that we may serve God as He truly deserves. Please give us the fervour to seek and serve our Loving God and to lead others to Him, by example, so that they may learn to recognize how poor the delights and desires of this world are when compared with the richness that may be obtained through the devotion to Mary, the "Rosa Mystica"

3 Hail Mary...

Final Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Eight Day

Let us consider the following:

The effects of the Rosa Mystica in us. The more we are prepared to walk the path with Mary, the path She walked Herself, with inner devotion and complete abandonment to the Will of the Father, the more we imitate what is contained in the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the more we shall then "receive what they promise". This then is our request, our prayer...

We pray:

O God , whose only begotten son has prepared for us the treasures of eternal salvation through His Life, His Death and Resurrection, grant we beseech You that when we meditate on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and imitate what they contain, we obtain what they promise through the same Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

3 Hail Mary...

Final Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Ninth Day

Let us consider the following:

The special intention of the Mother of God: The true Spiritual Regeneration of the Church.

Even though every Christian is called to holiness and mysticism, it is of even greater meaning and importance the call has for priests and religious. They should venerate and imitate their ideal, Mary, the Rosa Mystica, in a special way; and this is something that is missing quite often, most of all in seminaries, monasteries and convents. It ought, therefore, to be a special apostolate to spread the purpose and meaning of this devotion in those houses, for nowhere else more saints and mystics are needed. The task of the laity will be to replace what is missing within the Church through fervent prayer in zealous imitation of the Rosa Mystica!

We pray:

3 Our Father... 3 Hail Mary... 3 Glory be - For the sanctification of priests, bishops, and religious.

Final Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Third Novena

Novena Prayer to Rosa Mystica for Priests and Religious

Offer the Daily Preparation prayer shown on the first page. Then...

Litany of Maria Rosa Mystica

Lord, have mercy of us,
Christ , have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us, Christ, hear us,
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father in Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us
Mystical Rose, pray for us
Virgin Mother of Christ, pray for us
Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us
Mother of Divine Grace, pray for us
Mother of Precious Life, pray for us
Mother of Lost Children, pray for us
Mother of Exiles, pray for us
Mother of Sweet Mercy, pray for us
Mother of Sorrow, pray for us
Mother of our Soul and Mind, pray for us
Mother of the Aging, pray for us
Mother of the Dying, pray for us
Virgin most chaste, pray for us
Virgin most humble, pray for us
Virgin most persevering, pray for us
Rose of the Heavenly Garden, pray for us
Fragrance of the Morning Sun, pray for us
Altar of Peace Offerings, pray for us
Crystal of Light, pray for us
Pearl of the Sea, pray for us
Shield of Courage, pray for us
Gate of the Enclosed Yard, pray for us
Glass of Time, pray for us
Flame of Clinging Love, pray for us
Wind of Gentleness, pray for us
Fountain of Divine Grace, pray for us
Blessed Vessel of Love, pray for us
Blessed Mother of Christ, pray for us
Lake of Inner Joy, pray for us
Mountain of Steadfastness, pray for us
Thunder of Resolution, pray for us
Depth of Commitment, pray for us
Guidepost of Eternity, pray for us
Queen of Angels, pray for us
Queen of Flowers, pray for us
Queen of Arts, pray for us
Queen of the Holy Church, pray for us
Queen of the Holy Eucharist, pray for us
Queen of the Immaculate Heart, pray for us
Queen of the word, pray for us

Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, Immaculate from Thy creation, pierced with pain, kindled with love, pray for our clergy and all the religious, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious who are walking on the wrong path, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious who do not show any more the necessary respect that is due to God, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious who do not possess any more the courage to profess their faith, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious who show no respect for the Most Holy Eucharist,

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priest and religious who have succumbed to the allurements of a deceitful world, and do not seek God any more,

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pierced with pain, kindled with love, pray for all those priests and religious who have given up the Holy Sacrament of confession, and tolerate sinful deeds, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious who have no more love for You and thus have become cold in heart so quickly, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious who do not obey the Holy Spirit any longer, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious who re walking on wrong paths and corrupt the mind of the people, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious who have left the church, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious for the sake of Your Immaculate Heart, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious for the sake of Your tears, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious for the sake of Your Son who, on the Cross, gave You His priests as Your sons, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious for the sake of Your motherhood, which embraces all the people on earth, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica , pray for all those priests and religious for the sake of Your humility as a handmaid of God by which You shine as an example to all the servants of Jesus Christ, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, Pray for all those priests and religious for the sake of Your suffering heart, a heart also pierced by the sword of sorrow which You are suffering for priests and religious, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious for the sake of Your loneliness and desolation, which You bore in total obedience, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priests and religious for the sake of Your invincible power of intercession for us, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priest and religious for the sake of You being the all powerful Mediatrix of all graces, Save them.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rosa Mystica, pray for all those priest and religious for the sake of Your sorrows and Your tears of blood, Save them.

Let us conclude our prayers...

O Almighty and merciful God, who for the triumph of Thy mercy and the salvation of souls hast granted to the Immaculate Virgin Mary unlimited recourse to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant, we beseech Thee that by Her prayers and intercession we may avoid the contagion of sin and serve thee with a pure heart, and that we may live and die in Thy Holy Love.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Our Mediator with the Father, Who hast deigned to appoint the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mystical Rose, Thy Mother and the Mother of thy Church, to be our Mother also and our Mediatrix with thee, graciously grant that whosoever goes to Thee in quest of blessings may be gladdened by obtaining them all through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thou Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God for ever and ever. Amen.

O Mother, You are leading the way for us in Your love for Your Son, Jesus Christ. Together with You, let us help the afflicted religious but especially our priests. They have the most sacred faculty to transform wine and bread into the Body of Your Son; they are the intermediaries between God and us; they bear the great responsibility for our souls. But we are also responsible for the Holy Church to produce holy priests. Help us through Your Immaculate Heart, O sorrowful Mother, who is burning with love for us. Amen.

We pray:

3 Our Father... 3 Hail Mary... 3 Glory be - For the sanctification of priests, bishops, and religious; for special guidance and strength for all the Patriarchs of Your Church.

Final Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You have sent us Your Mother as a wonderful example of holiness and mysticism and especially as an ideal and patroness for the priests and religious.

We ask You to grant us Your help to imitate Your Most Holy Mother more and more and to become steadfast intercessors for the conversion of those priests and religious who fail You. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Return to the Original Document:

Maria, Rosa Mystica

Related books authored by miguel de Portugal

'We Have Been Amply Warned by the Virgin Mary' - A book by miguel de Portugal

'Do Not Give Up! God will walk with you!' - A book by miguel de Portugal

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