Board of Updates
Posted On: August 29th, 2007 [The Beheading of John the Baptist]
A Theological Explanation For The near-Apocalyptic Climatic and Geological Events Worldwide -
The 2005 Tsunami in SE Asia Will Be Used as a "Textbook Example"
Posted On: August 25th, 2007 [Feast of Mary, Health of the Sick]
Mr. Lee Penn is the author of a comprehensive article on the history of Opus Dei, which has been
published in the Journal of the Spiritual Counterfeits Project. Through the courtesy of the
author and of the Journal, we have published an excerpt of this article in our Domain. This
excerpt covers Mr. Robert Philip Hanssen's sexual and psychological deviations, which resulted in
the greatest security breach in the history of the United States of America. The reading of
The Perversions of ex-FBI Agent and Opus Dei Member -
Robert Philip Hanssen is a must for any truth seeking and God-loving responsible
Posted On: August 22nd, 2007 [Feast of The Queenship of Mary]
As Russia "rattles its sabers" anew and Washington, D.C. responds to the cue and the misty eyed
Marian Apparition romantics talk about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary when the Berlin
Wall was torn down.... the Elect better have a Reality Check
Published On: August 18th, 2007
It is imperative that the Elect understand how the announced Three Days of
Darkness fit within the Biblical context and with the information that we have been sharing
with the world - and with the Ecclesiastical authorities - since about
1991 - 1992.
Published On: August 15th, 2007 [Feast of The Assumption of the Ever Blessed Virgin Mary]
It is the Will of God that we now reveal how God has chosen
The Elect at every stage in Time, since He created man in His Image until the end of Time,
when the created Universe ceases to exist. A revelation which will help understand the purpose of
certain announcements made during the manifestations in San Sebastián de Garabandal.
Published On: August 11th, 2007
It is imperative that the Faithful understand the seriousness of de facto
Idolatry and how is directly related to the sin against the Holy Spirit.
Published On: August 8th, 2007
An important Note has been added to a certain Index associated with
the apparent activities of the Opus Dei.
Published On: August 5th, 2007 [ Feast of Our Lady of Snows ]
Understanding the Beginning of the Discord in the Middle
Published On: July 28th, 2007 [Mary, Queen of Peace]
The Dynamics of Social Decay and the Restoration Mechanism - in clear
graphical form
Published On: July 28th, 2007 [Mary, Queen of Peace]
Mankind must asses its priorities and understand the real threats that lurk about him so that
action can be taken. Without discounting the real threat of terrorism, we must understand
who are the real killers of people in the US and elsewhere in
the globalized world.
Published On: July 22nd, 2007 [St. Mary Magdalene]
Although we are an non political Domain, it is our responsibility that we highlight to our
readership any major political event that is directly associated with the conclusion of These
Times. Therefore, we feel that the
Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in
Iraq squarely falls into that category.
But, no matter what and no matter how bad all gets.... Do Not Lose Your Faith!
But, no matter what and no matter how bad all gets.... Do Not Lose Your Faith!
Published On: July 20th, 2007 [Feast - St. Elijah, Prophet (1)]
The "magic" that names like Harry Potter, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and David Beckham work on
the human mind is nothing more than... Mass Media Brainwashing
(1) Elijah (Hebrew:
Eliyahu, also known as Elias) was a prophet in Israel in the 9th century BC. He appears in the
Hebrew Bible, Talmud, Mishnah, Christian Bible, and the Qur'an. According to the Books of Kings,
Elijah raised the dead, brought fire down from the sky, and ascended into heaven on a whirlwind.
In many parts of the New Testament, both Jesus and John the Baptist are frequently thought to be
Elijah. Based on a prophecy in Malachi, many Jews still await his return as precursor to the
coming of the Messiah.Elijah's legacy continues on in many traditions and beliefs. He is a major part of the Jewish brit milah and Passover seder ceremonies, as well as traditions involving Lillith and the angel Sandalphon. In Christianity, he is expected to arrive either before the Second Coming of Jesus, or thought to have already arrived at the Mount of Transfiguration before the Crucifixion. In Eastern Europe, he is known as "Elijah the Thunderer" and is blamed in folklore for poor weather. [Source I and Source II ]
Published On: July 16th, 2007 [Feast - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel]
Given the continuing deterioration of the world on all fronts - political, religious and moral
(1) - it behooves mankind to review past events
associated with the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - a Marian manifestation much associated
with nuclear power.
(1) We are fully aware of the "settlement" with North Korea, the "honeymoon" between Israel and the Palestinian government of the West Bank, the "booming" Stock Market and the "progress" being made in Iraq. However, we, just as "they", are also fully aware of the blindness of most citizens of this Earth and how easily they can be manipulated by the media which is the source of wisdom of today's mankind. Just do not forget the events leading to Pearl Harbor.
Published On: July 13th, 2007 [ Mary, Mystical Rose (Rosa Mystica)]
Today, as we honor Mary, Mystical Rose, we publish, in the Holy Name of God, the final rebuttal to
the outrageous statements made by the Roman Catholic Church Administrators wherein the only road
to salvation is claimed to be through the Roman Catholic Church.
How could this possibly be when Jesus Himself Accuses the Church Administration of Not Being of His Spirit?
How could this possibly be when Jesus Himself Accuses the Church Administration of Not Being of His Spirit?
Posted On: July 12th, 2007
As we promised in Part II to our initial
Document on Biblical Literalism we issued a brief historical
summary of the Four Gospels.
Basically a: Where? By Whom? When? and Written under what circumstances? This new document will further strengthen the Faith on the Word of God as falsehood and deceit is exposed for all to see.
In light of the latest claim by the Roman Catholic Church Administrators that they, not Christ, constitute the only Way to Salvation and in preparation to better comprehend and assimilate our next document, we highly recommend that the above documents be carefully and prayerfully reviewed.
Basically a: Where? By Whom? When? and Written under what circumstances? This new document will further strengthen the Faith on the Word of God as falsehood and deceit is exposed for all to see.
In light of the latest claim by the Roman Catholic Church Administrators that they, not Christ, constitute the only Way to Salvation and in preparation to better comprehend and assimilate our next document, we highly recommend that the above documents be carefully and prayerfully reviewed.
Posted On: July 7th, 2007 [ First Saturday ]
In preparation for a new "supremacy and exclusivity in the role of the salvation of mankind"
document that will soon be issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, we strongly
recommend that the Faithful carefully review our related initial
document. In said document we proved how ridiculous their claim was, a claim that had
to be toned down by the Vatican after being denounced to the four corners of the world.
If the upcoming document lives up to the expectations fueled by the programmed Vatican leaks, we have the "antidote" for it which, Providentially, had already been revealed by God to m de P before we knew about this "new gem".
If the upcoming document lives up to the expectations fueled by the programmed Vatican leaks, we have the "antidote" for it which, Providentially, had already been revealed by God to m de P before we knew about this "new gem".
Posted On: July 6th, 2007 [ First Friday Devotion ]
We have completely revised the novena of prayers to
Reduce the Effect of Evil in the World to conform with the Will of God. You are encouraged to
offer it. Evil in the world will not be stopped until God steps in, but we can certainly reduce
its effect on the Elect by appealing to God.
Posted On: July 4th, 2007 [Feast of the St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal and U.S. Independence Day]
Mary said: I wish that the 13th of each month be celebrated as a Marian Day. Special prayers
are to be said during the proceeding twelve days. With an expression of great joy, She
continued: On this day I shall pour out vocational holiness and abundant graces on those
religious orders and spiritual institutes who have honoured me especially.
I wish that the 13th July be celebrated each year in honour of the Rosa Mystica (the Mystical Rose)
We recommend that a novena of prayers to Reduce the Effect of Evil in the World be started on July 5th so that it would be concluded on July 13th.
I wish that the 13th July be celebrated each year in honour of the Rosa Mystica (the Mystical Rose)
We recommend that a novena of prayers to Reduce the Effect of Evil in the World be started on July 5th so that it would be concluded on July 13th.
Posted On: June 29th, 2007 [Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul]
This would be a good time to review and better understand the reality of the
Petrine Ministry as well as the reality of
Infallibility - under certain conditions.
Of course - the understanding of both concepts now is for the purpose that the past can be better understood and acted upon since, with the election of Cardinal Wojtyla to the Chair of Peter, the last Successor of Peter was elected.
Of course - the understanding of both concepts now is for the purpose that the past can be better understood and acted upon since, with the election of Cardinal Wojtyla to the Chair of Peter, the last Successor of Peter was elected.
Posted On: June 24th, 2007 [Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist]
There is a startling parallel between the French
Revolution and the events which are leading us to the End of These Times. Down to the antiChrist
and falseChrist periods.
May those who have Eyes to See act accordingly.
May those who have Eyes to See act accordingly.
Posted On: June 20th, 2007
Self appointed "experts" continue to interpret and promote the fabled Esperanza's version of the
imminent coming of Jesus and, true to our function, we reject it and
expose what is behind it. Remember the problems of the
MMP. It is a multi front attack on the Truth of what is to come.
May those who have Eyes to See... as for the rest, God knows that we have tried but, as the saying goes, "...we can only lead the horse to water, but cannot make him drink."
May those who have Eyes to See... as for the rest, God knows that we have tried but, as the saying goes, "...we can only lead the horse to water, but cannot make him drink."
Document Published On: June 13th, 2007 [90th Anniversary of the second Apparition in Fatima]
While Cardinal Bertone busily tries to prove to the world that the Fatima issue is,
escathologically speaking, a Closed Case, we have had all the first hand information exposing
their lies published for some time now. Down to the analysis of
Lucia's alleged handwritten text of the third part. The best Scam is the
one which most fools wish to believe.... and, as the saying goes, the
Fatima Scam "took the cake!"
Document Published On: June 9th, 2007 [Eve of the celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi]
Today would be a good day to review the reality of Transubstantiation or
how a simple host and simple wine are truly transformed, in substance, into the Body and Blood of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Note Posted On: June 3rd, 2007 [Trinity Sunday]
Without a doubt we have just concluded a very interesting date "convergence"....
May 31st - The visitation of Mary (fixed day)
June 1st - First Friday (variable day)
June 2nd - First Saturday (variable day)
June 3rd - Trinity Sunday (variable day unrelated to the First Friday and Saturday)
June 1st - First Friday (variable day)
June 2nd - First Saturday (variable day)
June 3rd - Trinity Sunday (variable day unrelated to the First Friday and Saturday)
Document Published On: May 31st, 2007 [Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary]
Upon request from our readers - This is a most commendable
Charity and we highly recommend it.
Document Published On: May 27th, 2007 [Pentecost Sunday]
satan's most common snare - The Co-Dependency Syndrome. A
liberating revelation.
Document Published On: May 24th, 2007 [Mary, Help of Christians + Mary of the Path]
Time to review and confirm the Blue Army Pledge
Document Published On: May 21st, 2007
The Will of God - How to discern it on an ongoing basis.
Note Posted On: May 19th, 2007 [Mary, Queen of the Apostles]
If you believe that you are in our Mailing List and are not receiving any mailings, please let us
know and we will advise you what may be the problem and how to correct it. If you are not in our
Main Mailing List and wish to be added to it, do let us know.
Posted On: May 17th, 2007 [Feast of the Ascension]
What every devoted child of God should know... but many, unfortunately, do not is
The Most Effective Ways to Pray. Good and effective prayer, with its
miraculous results, will reinforce the Faith of the faithful. Many have "the 800 toll free number
of Heaven" but do not know how to dial it.
Document Published On: May 13th, 2007 [90th Anniversary of First Apparition of Mary in Fatima]
As we mark the 90th Anniversary of the first Apparition of Mary in Fatima, Portugal, it behooves
Catholic and non Catholics alike - as well as self proclaimed atheists - to review the documents
that we have published regarding Our Lady at Fatima.
For those who may, with good reason, think that the Fatima phenomena was an invention of the Roman Catholic Church - think again. The fact that the Church Administration could technically be processed as an accessory to the greatest genocide known to man because of their negligence, may just change your mind.
For those who may, with good reason, think that the Fatima phenomena was an invention of the Roman Catholic Church - think again. The fact that the Church Administration could technically be processed as an accessory to the greatest genocide known to man because of their negligence, may just change your mind.
Document Published On: May 10th, 2007
In a continuing effort to ward off evil, thus minimize the suffering of the Elect, we have
published The Chaplet of St. Michael.
It had been published for some time in Spanish and Portuguese yet we had overlooked the fact that it was not published in English.
It had been published for some time in Spanish and Portuguese yet we had overlooked the fact that it was not published in English.
Posted On: May 8th, 2007
We certainly cannot blame God, nor solely blame organized religion, for the problems that face the
world today; each one of us must assume the responsibility that God placed in our hands when He
gave us our inviolable Free Will. "We the People" are "We the
Government" - The responsibility is ours individually, just as individually as it will be when
we stand before The Throne of Judgment
Document Published On: May 3rd, 2007
Only if we understand what triggers the persecution of
Christians, in general, and Catholics, in particular, we can do
something about it.
Announcement Published On: April 30th, 2007
We did not say that our Domains were going to be withdrawn or documents removed. God Is the One
Who makes the decisions here and He made clear His position about this
some time ago. What we said is exactly what may be read below.
Announcement Published On: April 27th, 2007
Since we continue to lack the physical support necessary to function in an appropriate manner and
fulfill our God given Charter, we are cutting back in the areas that we
are able to do so. Attending correspondence is one of those areas.
Any correspondence addressed to us will be looked at eventually, although an individual response will no longer be possible except in very rare occasions.
Any correspondence addressed to us will be looked at eventually, although an individual response will no longer be possible except in very rare occasions.
Document Published On: April 24th, 2007
Old Testament Prophecies Identify Jesus as THE ONE and ONLY Messiah -
An Undeniable Fact
Document Published On: April 18th, 2007
Obviously the War on Terrorism continues to be lost by the West. Obviously neither ignoring the
threat nor walking away will be to mankind's best interests. Where are those who, beating their
chests, proudly proclaim to be followers of Jesus Christ? This IS the
only way of really winning it.
Document Published On: April 13th, 2007
The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven - What Are They and Who Holds
Document Published On: April 8th, 2007 - Easter Sunday
A Message of Hope and Consolation for this Easter... and forever! (No longer on-line; June
Document Published On: April 6th, 2007 - Good Friday
The Passion of Christ as if were reported Live by the
21st Century Media. A reflection of our hardened hearts.
Document Published On: April 5th, 2007 - Holy Thursday
As the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ approaches and satan's ultimate deception - the False
Christ - logically is in the last stages of preparation, we have published a new document
carefully highlighting every Old and New Testament Prophecy regarding the Second Coming of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. This New and Critical Document may be counted
among those which will be pivotal in avoiding falling for satan's ultimate deception - adoring him
as he presents himself as the Christ.
Remember that Jesus warned us that the deception will be so great that even the Elect would fall for it unless He shortened the time we will be exposed to it [Mark 13:20-21]. The deception will be that good!
Remember that Jesus warned us that the deception will be so great that even the Elect would fall for it unless He shortened the time we will be exposed to it [Mark 13:20-21]. The deception will be that good!
Document Published On: April 1st, 2007 - Palm Sunday
As the world moves towards the brink of annihilation we strongly suggest that, in keeping with
what we have already revealed regarding our active involvement in the
redemption of humanity, we offer the Novena of Mercy starting next
Friday - Good Friday.
This is the least we can do as a token of our appreciation for the suffering Jesus, and that of His Holy Mother Mary, endured to give us an opportunity to Eternal Life. Notice that we stated "opportunity"; do not make the common mistake that it is, borrowing from American slang to better express it, "a done deal", because it is not.
This is the least we can do as a token of our appreciation for the suffering Jesus, and that of His Holy Mother Mary, endured to give us an opportunity to Eternal Life. Notice that we stated "opportunity"; do not make the common mistake that it is, borrowing from American slang to better express it, "a done deal", because it is not.
Document Published On: March 26th, 2007
As we prepare to enter in Holy Week we recommend the assiduous practice of the devotion of the
Via Crucis [Stations of the Cross]
Document Published On: March 18th, 2007
We have added and important NOTE to a certain document about the
reality of Garabandal. We recommend a careful review of the NOTE as well as of the original
document - even if it was read in the past.
Document Published On: March 13th, 2007
What is the meaning of "Sacrifice once and forever" when we
refer to Jesus' Sacrifice in Calvary in relation with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?
Document Published On: March 9th, 2007
We strongly recommend a review of The Remaining Old Testament
Prophecies yet to be fulfilled; prophecies which clearly indicate the conditions set fort for
before and after the Second Coming of Christ. We continue to come across those who, thinking that
their Eyes and Ears have been opened, are still very easy prey
for the snares that lie ahead.
Document Published On: March 2nd, 2007
Now that satan has engaged the History Channel to promote the idea that "There are prophecies and
oracles from around the world that all seem to point to December 21, 2012 as doomsday. based on
the Mayan Calendar", we recommend the Faithful to review the document we prepared some time ago
addressing such notion: Such doomsday prediction is wrong and here is
Document Published On: February 24th, 2007
We are launching a new page - Public Forum - Part II. The
purpose of this Public Forum - Part II is to publish communications sent to us, communications
which require no response from us, yet, we feel that their content is beneficial for the
spiritual health of the Faithful.
Document Published On: February 21st, 2007 [Ash Wednesday]
In this Holy Period that Christians have just entered into today - instead of focusing on the many
rituals of the Faith which, obviously, have been carried out in a luke warm manner for centuries -
the Faithful should focus on two of the Key Pillars of the Faith: (1)
God is here to help us, not to condemn us; and (2)
His "road map" for our journey in time is flawless.
Then - not out of habit, but out of a burning desire to be more united to God - the many rituals of the Faith associated with the Lenten Period will be naturally embraced, not as just another set of cultural rituals, but as for what they really are - a vehicle to a better union with God.
Then - not out of habit, but out of a burning desire to be more united to God - the many rituals of the Faith associated with the Lenten Period will be naturally embraced, not as just another set of cultural rituals, but as for what they really are - a vehicle to a better union with God.
Document Published On: February 17th, 2007
Now that "Cardinal" Egan's name is in the news again as the result of his highly improper handling
of the Faithful in the churches that he is closing down due to financial problems, it may be
prudent to review Egan's record.
Document Published On: February 14th, 2007
The Divine Protection was visible at Hiroshima and well
covered up by organized religion to the continued detriment of
the disoriented Faithful. A key to our protection remains in our hands
but the best of keys do not open doors if not utilized.
Document Published On: February 8th, 2007
The Old Catholic Movement may be the answer to many who are fleeing
the collapsing Church of Rome. "Holy" and "pious" new Roman
Catholic Movements are not the answer.
God gave the Roman Church a Divine Transfusion through the work of Don John Bosco but, unfortunately, the "needle" (The Roman Church Administration) used for the transfusion was very "infected" and the Divine Transfusion did not have the intended effect.
God gave the Roman Church a Divine Transfusion through the work of Don John Bosco but, unfortunately, the "needle" (The Roman Church Administration) used for the transfusion was very "infected" and the Divine Transfusion did not have the intended effect.
Document Published On: February 5th, 2007
An objective review of the Fruits of the Opus Dei and
the questions that one must ask when coerced to join a very
"devout" and "pious" Church group.
Document Published On: January 27th, 2007
Lee Penn, author of False Dawn, issues warning about Opus
Document Published On: January 25th, 2007 [The Conversion of St. Paul]
Why does it appear that God does not hear our prayers or just simply ignore them?
Click Here and find out why and what can you do about it so that
your life becomes all that God intended it to be.
Document Published On: January 20th, 2007
As the result of the assistance received from one of the long time members of The M+G+R Foundation
Family we have been able to (finally!) publish The
Judeo-Christian Religious Days of Note for the Year 2007 .
Document Published On: January 17th, 2007
On this month, January 2007, to date, we have seen one document break every record for the most
downloaded document in the same time period. The document is
The Papacy In Historical Perspective - The Seldom Told
This apparent anomaly brings to mind what was taking place - behind the scenes - before the sexual abuse and its cover up within the Roman Catholic Church blew up in the Vatican's face.
However, never forget that "the Vatican" nor the "Roman Catholic Church Administration" can taint or nullify the spiritual benefits found in the Pristine Catholic Faith. Be sure to never ever "throw out the baby with the bath water."
This apparent anomaly brings to mind what was taking place - behind the scenes - before the sexual abuse and its cover up within the Roman Catholic Church blew up in the Vatican's face.
However, never forget that "the Vatican" nor the "Roman Catholic Church Administration" can taint or nullify the spiritual benefits found in the Pristine Catholic Faith. Be sure to never ever "throw out the baby with the bath water."
Document Published On: January 11th, 2007
The mystery of how a disgraced and seriously tainted Cardinal Law became the master of the
Flagship of the Immaculate One - the Basilica of Mary Major in Rome - may have
been solved.
Document Published On: January 6th, 2007 [The Epiphany of Our Lord]
The Mayan Calendar implies the end of the world will take place on December 21, 2012. Good try,
satan! The reader does not have to "know m de P's face" to believe
what we expose - if you can read, you will believe.
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