Board of Updates
Posted On: December 31, 2004
As part of the world is literally awash with thousands upon thousands of decomposing corpses due to, what was formerly known as, "an Act of God", we are about to enter a new year in a most symbolic way - for the first day of the New and Sorrowful Year of 2005 providentially coincides with the first Saturday of the month.
As many of you know, the Devotion to the Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary offered as an act of reparation for the innumerable sins of mankind, is practiced on the First Saturday of each month. Let us start the New Year right by making reparation to the Most Sorrowful Heart of Mary.
For those of you who have fallen prey to the "Denial" syndrome - that is, to deny the sad reality the world is in - we have prepared a new document wherein we address the Consequences of the Sin of Denial ; consequences that may only be surpassed in seriousness by the sin against the Holy Spirit of God.
Posted On: December 26, 2004
The number of Christmas Day 2004-2005 Earthquakes continue to increase and God Wills that I remind one and all that the area most affected by the greatest earthquake on earth of the last 40 years (8.9 Richter) took place in the focal point of Sex Tourism in which the young ones are prostituted for the deviant pleasure of the "tourists".
What the world is now witnessing is another chapter of Divine Mercy in Action
We repeat: The power to diminish the need for God to exercise His last ditch effort to bring souls back to Him and Eternal Life still is in our hands.
Posted On: December 24, 2004
Blessed Christmas! + Feliz Natal! + ¡Feliz Navidad!
[Link no longer available; 2022]
[Link no longer available; 2022]
Posted On: December 20, 2004
Another reminder.... Appearances Are Deceiving : Just as the Japanese Diplomats were in negotiations with FDR's government in Washington, D.C., their air and sea armada was approaching Pearl Harbor.
Posted On: December 16, 2004
A Final and Important Note has been posted on our Planet "X" Note Pad
Posted On: December 14, 2004
Now that Bishop Wilton Gregory has been rewarded by The Vatican for his loyalty to them - not God - and has been made Archbishop in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, we invite the faithful to review our communication to him on October 2002.
Posted On: December 12, 2004 - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Patroness of the Americas
Why did the Blue Army of Fátima - the most effective and official Ministry ever established to disseminate and act upon the Messages of God to His Children and which were delivered by His Mother , essentially ceased to effectively exist as a true Evangelization force?
Posted On: December 7 - 8, 2004 - Memorial of Pearl Harbor and Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Appearances Are Deceiving : Just as the Japanese Diplomats were in negotiations with FDR's government in Washington, D.C., their air and sea armada was approaching Pearl Harbor.
Likewise, while many of the faithful think that they are "doing the right thing" (while ignoring every possible warning from the Immaculate One) they are willingly playing into satan's hands.
Posted On: November 30, 2004
The Illuminati - Fact or Fiction? - It should now be easy for you to decide unless you opt for the favorite past time of These Times : Denial
Posted On: November 24, 2004
A Road Map To Perfection : It Is Easy To Follow... ...If We Allow God To Help Us
Posted On: November 21, 2004 - Feast of Christ the King and Memorial of Mary's Presentation
Why should Catholics make such fuss over the Feast of Christ the King when they blatantly ignore His Mother's urgent requests?
Why should the Church honor a King Whose Mother is ignored?
Why should we observe with hypocritical attentiveness the Memorial of Mary's Presentation when Her very urgent, approved by Rome and well documented call is ignored?
Why should God have Mercy on the Church He founded when its Administrators clearly allow the deceit of His children?
Why should the unprepared virgins, [Matthew 25: 1-12] who were caught without an adequate supply of oil, should be cast out unrecognized by the Lord? For the same reason ones the other fools, [Matthew 25: 8] cited above, will.
Posted On: November 19, 2004
A Testimonial of the Living Fulfillment of Our Charge. If we had tried, we could not have expressed it better.
Posted On: November 16, 2004
The State of the Roman Catholic Faith - A Current Report.
Posted On: November 12, 2004
To better understand our explanation for the results of the U.S. Presidential Election, we must understand Time and Eternity.
Posted On: November 6, 2004
Who was the true victor in the U.S. Presidential Elections? Good or Evil? Of course - it all depends who one asks the question. This very valid question has been fully addressed, yet not fully answered, in the November 6th posting of our News Commentary Section.
Posted On: November 3, 2004
Why does miguel de Portugal speaks with self-certainty and seemingly without lack of fear of being wrong? This valid question has been addressed if full in the November 3rd posting of our Public Forum.
Posted On: October 31, 2004
Please, understand why God will allow upon the world -
starting with the Roman Catholic Church - what He Will. It is not that God has forgotten His
children; it is that His Church turned its back on Him.
Posted On: October 26-28, 2004
We have added, what may very well be, a very important NOTE to our Document
about the Manifestations in AKITA, Japan. AKITA is part of the Diocese of
Posted On: October 21, 2004
Obviously we are not making ourselves clear enough. We trust that this
should now do it!
Posted On: October 19, 2004
We have been asked: Regarding the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice debate, why are the Christians in the
US blind to the fact that the Bishops' exhortations to vote against John Kerry are not
God moved us to request a Christian author, whom we consider a balanced conservative, to answer said question. He graciously complied.
God moved us to request a Christian author, whom we consider a balanced conservative, to answer said question. He graciously complied.
Posted On: October 18, 2004 - Feast of St. Luke - Evangelist
Today President Putin announced that he strongly endorses President
Bush's Candidacy to a second term . We wish to re-alert the Faithful
what really lies behind such endorsement. Then, we wish to
encourage the Faithful, once more, to pray in earnest for the
U.S.A. and the world so that the suffering which awaits it is
Posted On: October 13, 2004 - 87th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fátima, Portugal
While the masses are being kept busy trying to evaluate empty political promises and "life and
death" choices - with today's Judases in the lead - they are
totally unaware that a pair of Messiahs is among us, and were
recently been crowned as such at Dirksen Senate Office Building in the nation's capital with
six congressmen Co-chairing the event.
We strongly recommend that "the masses" carefully evaluate their priorities before we enter the "Oops, if I had only known!" phase of history.
We strongly recommend that "the masses" carefully evaluate their priorities before we enter the "Oops, if I had only known!" phase of history.
Posted On: October 8, 2004 - Feast of Simchat Torah - Rejoicing of the Law
The United States 2004 Presidential Elections - Our Profound
Concerns - What Can We All Do To Help
Posted On: October 7, 2004 - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
On this very special date, once again, we exhort those who call themselves Catholics and who do
not cease to speak about Marian Apparitions and H.H. John Paul II to start: (1) Obeying the One
Who you claim to be your Mother and pray and meditate the rosary; and
(2) follow the lead of many Popes in regards of this very powerful
The condition of the world obviously shows that all God has to show from His children is cheap talk and very little prayer. Time, dear ones, is running out and most of you do not have sufficient oil for your lamps. [Matthew 25:1-13] Now - "Git!"
The condition of the world obviously shows that all God has to show from His children is cheap talk and very little prayer. Time, dear ones, is running out and most of you do not have sufficient oil for your lamps. [Matthew 25:1-13] Now - "Git!"
Posted On: October 6, 2004
To Vote or Not to Vote - To Be Excommunicated or Not Be Excommunicated -
Get the Facts!
Posted On: October 1, 2004 - Feast of the Veil of Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God
Today we celebrate one of the earliest and most important Apparitions of
the Blessed Virgin Mary
Posted On: September 30, 2004 - St. Jerome
Once again we come out in sincere defense of George W.
Posted On: September 29, 2004 - Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
In honor of our Guardians on their Feast Day and to also Glorify God,
we wish to remind the world that we must always Avoid Replacing Love
With Fear. That is a well used tactic which satan uses to drive the
faithful away from God.
Posted On: September 24, 2004 - Feast of Our Lady of Ransom
God, in His Merciful Goodness, provides the symbolic and most appropriate Celestial Events to
celebrate the Feast of the Great Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael - our Patrons.
For details, review the September 24th posting in our News
Commentary Section.
Posted On: September 22, 2004
My dear brothers and sisters, if a plague of Apocalyptic proportions is what is going to take to
mercifully subdue the arrogance of man - cleric or otherwise - "May God grant us such Grace!"
For details, review the September 21st posting in our News
Commentary Section.
Posted On: September 14, 2004 - The Exaltation of the Cross
Posted On: September 11, 2004 - Third Anniversary of 9-11
Terrorist attacks... Divine Justice OR Divine Mercy? It is imperative
that humanity understand why is God allowing this slaughter of His children. Only then it can be
Posted On: September 8, 2004 - Feast of the Birth of the Ever Virgin Mary
She is the one Whose offspring will strike at the head of the serpent while the serpent strikes at
His heel. [paraphrasing Genesis 3:15]
We are called to help Her through the assiduous and meditative prayer of the Holy Rosary, but we would be most effective if we know Her and our enemy better. Knowledge, is power; ignorance of the Holy Scriptures and of the Faith yields the world we live in today.
She does not need flowers today; Her Son is the Lord of All, thus all flowers belong to Him. What She needs as a gift is your will to obey Her in defeating the ancient dragon - satan. To do so is best to know Her, thus, our enemy better and learn how to better pray for his final defeat.
We are called to help Her through the assiduous and meditative prayer of the Holy Rosary, but we would be most effective if we know Her and our enemy better. Knowledge, is power; ignorance of the Holy Scriptures and of the Faith yields the world we live in today.
She does not need flowers today; Her Son is the Lord of All, thus all flowers belong to Him. What She needs as a gift is your will to obey Her in defeating the ancient dragon - satan. To do so is best to know Her, thus, our enemy better and learn how to better pray for his final defeat.
Posted On: September 4, 2004
As we approach the celebration of the Birthday of our Heavenly
Mother, we wish to remind one and all that the best gift we can offer Her is to do the Will of
Her Son - which is True Blessedness [Luke 11:27-28].
A second gift that Her children can offer Mary is the healthy acknowledgment of the suffering Her Son willingly endured to afford us an opportunity to spend Eternity with Them. This can be done through the prayerful meditation of The Stations of the Cross (His Viacrucis). This can be done frequently, and in a healthy and constructive manner, without falling into a sado-masochism orgy of blood and agonizing pain.
A second gift that Her children can offer Mary is the healthy acknowledgment of the suffering Her Son willingly endured to afford us an opportunity to spend Eternity with Them. This can be done through the prayerful meditation of The Stations of the Cross (His Viacrucis). This can be done frequently, and in a healthy and constructive manner, without falling into a sado-masochism orgy of blood and agonizing pain.
Posted On: September 2, 2004
Before the spirit of the AntiChrist can take complete control over the Earth, the Christian
Faith must be thoroughly perverted in all fronts through Mental
Manipulation. That is "Talk Like a Lamb" but "Act as the
Dragon" so that people believe that the "Dragon Actions" are really from a "Compassionate
Lamb". The only way to effectively achieve this objective en-masse is through the
Intoxication of the Public Opinion.
When one believes that killing is perfectly acceptable under certain
circumstances but not others; when one believes that the sexual abuse of a child
is a lesser offense before the Eyes of God than abortion; when
one believes Divine Justice is selective and does not apply to the "Elite"
if certain mechanical formulas are applied... Christian Faith no
longer exists in that individual and, whomever is having a difficult time seeing this, is already
well advanced in the Mass Reprogramming project. For them we must pray and
offer sacrifice to the Most High, because, once mankind has passed a certain point in its
Historical Journey, there will be no turning back.
Posted On August 30, 2004
We have added an important qualifying footnote to our "How to Vote"
Details and an in-depth explanation of the footnote may be found in our August 28 posting of our Public Forum.
Details and an in-depth explanation of the footnote may be found in our August 28 posting of our Public Forum.
Posted On: August 25, 2004
Catholic Shrines Dedicated to the Virgin Mary Draw Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims.
Is this a problem?
Posted On: August 21, 2004
Some misunderstandings have arisen in reference to the recent Announcement made. We have issued
a Clarification and will consider this issued
Posted On: August 16, 2004
With the visit of H.H. John Paul II to the Sanctuary of Lourdes and the hushed talk about
miraculous cures associated with it... Are we to expect another miraculous cure to take place as
the result of H.H. John Paul II's visit there?
Considering what we have written about the actual dates which have been
revealed to the Vatican in the past - a "miraculous" cure manifested by a well orchestrated
"Bait and Switch" would be quite convenient for those who feverishly are at work behind the scenes
to advance their very worldly agenda.
"What about God?", the faithful may ask. We have already answered that...
God is now allowing confusion as He has done in the
past as part of the Dispensation of Divine Justice.
Posted On: August 10, 2004
After centuries of verifiable apparitions of the Virgin Mary... What can
conclusions can we draw? Are they valid? Does History support such
conclusions? We invite Catholics and non Catholics alike to carefully review and ponder the
contents of this document. You never know, your life may really depend on your perception of these
Posted On: August 6, 2004 - Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord
As we commemorate today the 59th Anniversary of the
Nuclear Devastation in Hiroshima, Japan let us ponder if mankind has learned anything in the
last 59 years. Now, turn on the news... then, either fall
back on Denial or start praying!, and
then, pray more!
Posted On: August 5, 2004 - Feast of Our Lady of the Snows
Airing out some possible misconceptions about, and in support of,
The Sacrament of Reconciliation, The Infallible
Guidance of the Holy Spirit and The Prevention of Scandal Within a Church
Posted On: August 2, 2004
How Should Catholics Determine Which Candidate to Vote For? God certainly is pro-Life, He is Life
Itself, but... could He also be pro-Choice?
Posted On: July 26, 2004 - Memorial of St. Anne and St. Joachim - Parents of Mary, the Virgin Mother of Jesus Christ
Religious Asceticism (self mortification like fasting, self flagellation, etc.) and the serious
consequences of the practice of some of its forms and the abuse of any of its forms
- A Timely Reminder
Posted On: July 24, 2004
As announced some time ago, and urged by Heaven to rapidly do so, certain documents are being
removed from our Domains at the rate of 5 to 10 documents per day. The following
Announcement will clearly explain "Why?" and "Which
documents will remain on-line."
When we state that "Time is running out", we are not stating it to "sell books" or to "sell survival supplies" or to "collect funds". We are stating it because Time Is Really Running Out.
When we state that "Time is running out", we are not stating it to "sell books" or to "sell survival supplies" or to "collect funds". We are stating it because Time Is Really Running Out.
Posted On: July 21, 2004
An established Italian insider and supporter of the Vatican
clearly and unequivocally illustrates the key reason for
which we entreated H.H. John Paul II to step down almost two years
Obviously he did not; therefore, as announced, the remaining gems of his initial Pontificate are vaporizing before our very own eyes while denial continues to set in.
Obviously he did not; therefore, as announced, the remaining gems of his initial Pontificate are vaporizing before our very own eyes while denial continues to set in.
All else that has been announced/warned about will also come to pass
just as sure as the Jerusalem Temple was demolished in the First Century A.D.... as it was also
announced then.
Posted On: July 19, 2004
The Divine Motherhood of Mary is a concrete reality which does not
require dogmas to "stand on its own two feet". Glorify God by honoring His Holy Mother! We say
"honoring" and not "adoring". Adoration is only due to God although
man continues to attempt to take His place.
Posted On: July 16, 2004
Today is the:
For these and other interesting and poignant Anniversaries visit July 16th in History and take note that God is not deaf... it is mankind who is in need of assistance.
For balanced and realistic news of the real world, instead of CNN, we recommend Euro News - In English - Em Portugués - En Español.
(a) 753rd Anniversary that the Scapular was given to St. Simon Stock by the Blessed Virgin (Our
Lady of Mt. Carmel;
(b) 908th Anniversary that the "Soldiers of Christ" of the First Crusade indiscriminately killed men, women, children and the elderly in Jerusalem - Muslims and Jews alike. Ten thousand Crusaders murdered in those two days (July 15th and 16th) approximately 40,000 human beings - mostly civilians; and
(c) 59th Anniversary that the first atomic bomb was tested over desert in New Mexico, U.S., heralding start of atomic age. Project Code Name: Trinity.
(b) 908th Anniversary that the "Soldiers of Christ" of the First Crusade indiscriminately killed men, women, children and the elderly in Jerusalem - Muslims and Jews alike. Ten thousand Crusaders murdered in those two days (July 15th and 16th) approximately 40,000 human beings - mostly civilians; and
(c) 59th Anniversary that the first atomic bomb was tested over desert in New Mexico, U.S., heralding start of atomic age. Project Code Name: Trinity.
For these and other interesting and poignant Anniversaries visit July 16th in History and take note that God is not deaf... it is mankind who is in need of assistance.
For balanced and realistic news of the real world, instead of CNN, we recommend Euro News - In English - Em Portugués - En Español.
Posted On: July 14, 2004
Of the hundreds of important documents that we have published in our Domains, the three which are
consistently downloaded the most continue to be:
(a) The United States of America Is Betrayed by FBI Special Agent Robert Philip Hanssen - A Member of Opus Dei; (b) Apparitions of Our Lady - Rosa Mystica - at Montichiari-Fontanelle; and
(c) World Wars I and II - Key Dates And Their Relation To Messages and Warnings From Heaven - In English and Spanish.
Maybe the rank-and-file citizens of this planet are beginning to wake up after all.
(a) The United States of America Is Betrayed by FBI Special Agent Robert Philip Hanssen - A Member of Opus Dei; (b) Apparitions of Our Lady - Rosa Mystica - at Montichiari-Fontanelle; and
(c) World Wars I and II - Key Dates And Their Relation To Messages and Warnings From Heaven - In English and Spanish.
Maybe the rank-and-file citizens of this planet are beginning to wake up after all.
Posted On: July 9, 2004
On July 13th, 1947, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Our Lord and God, stated: "I wish that the 13th July
be celebrated each year in honour of the Rosa Mystica." We beg of
you - please, please do.
Posted On: July 4, 2004 - Independence Day
May God Bless America and, just as important,
May America Bless God!
Posted On: July 1, 2004
Please remember the First Friday (July 2) Devotion to the Sacred Heart
of Jesus and the First Saturday (July 3) Devotion to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Posted On: June 30, 2004 - Memorial of First Martyrs of Rome
Let us remember with Love, Compassion and Gratitude the sufferings of the
First Martyrs of Rome.
Posted On: June 29, 2004 - Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
To commemorate that Bartholomew I, considered first among equals among
Orthodox Patriarchs, will participate in the Mass that H.H. John
Paul II will preside over in St. Peter's Square on the solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul,
let us review the True Petrine Ministry. A Ministry definition both men
believe in but are not allowed to openly express nor practice.
Posted On: June 26, 2004
A submerged active volcano was Found in Antarctica
Posted On: June 24, 2004 - Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist
Divine Mercy in disguise: The Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear
Holocaust - It is imperative that we learn from the past!
Posted On: June 18, 2004 - Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Let us celebrate the Love, Compassion and Mercy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by rediscovering the
true and hopeful story of St. Marcellinus, Pope and Martyr -
a well kept secret that should have never been.
Posted On: June 16, 2004
The Vatican rebuttal to our Document on the lack of validity of a faulty Sacramental Matrimony
would be comical if it were not for the suffering their illogical and incoherent-with-the-Word-of
God dogmas inflict on the poor faithful. For details access the most recent
NOTE in said document.
Be assure to also read (afterwards) the NOTE added on May 22, 2004, regarding the multi-Hierarchical officiated wedding of the Heir of the Throne of Spain with a divorced young lady. The only "coherence" the Vatican knows is the survival of their Institution and posh way of life, regardless of the price the poor faithful has to pay.
Brethren - we beg of you - do not let any of this stain the purity your Catholic faith. It is our inheritance from Our Lord Jesus Christ; the Faith that will safely see us through the End of These Times, Vatican or no Vatican!
Be assure to also read (afterwards) the NOTE added on May 22, 2004, regarding the multi-Hierarchical officiated wedding of the Heir of the Throne of Spain with a divorced young lady. The only "coherence" the Vatican knows is the survival of their Institution and posh way of life, regardless of the price the poor faithful has to pay.
Brethren - we beg of you - do not let any of this stain the purity your Catholic faith. It is our inheritance from Our Lord Jesus Christ; the Faith that will safely see us through the End of These Times, Vatican or no Vatican!
Posted On: June 13, 2004
As we, once again, reach June 13th, 2004, and approach July 16th, 2004, it may be interesting to
again review the Religious Dates for the Calendar Year 2004
as well as the History associated with July 16th throughout the
centuries. Both have been updated.
Also a review of the many "coincidences" associated with key dates in World War I and World War II may be appropriate. All those very memorable - and very mediatic - events marking the D-Day 60th Anniversary are really worthless unless we have learned something form the past.
Also a review of the many "coincidences" associated with key dates in World War I and World War II may be appropriate. All those very memorable - and very mediatic - events marking the D-Day 60th Anniversary are really worthless unless we have learned something form the past.
Posted On: June 10, 2004
We certainly cannot blame God, nor solely blame organized religion, for the problems that face the
world today; each one of us must assume the responsibility that God placed in our hands when He
gave us our inviolable Free Will. "We the People" are "We the
Government" - The responsibility is ours individually, just as individually as it will
be when we stand before The Throne of Judgment
Posted On: June 6, 2004 : Trinity Sunday and 60th Anniversary of D-Day
[Luke 19:40]"I tell you, if they keep silent, the stones will cry out!". This time, though,
because of the unnecessary suffering the children of God
endured throughout World War II.
Posted On: June 4, 2004
In view of Mr. George Tenet's sudden resignation as the CIA Director and President Bush's visit to
H.H. John Paul II, we recommend that our document addressing the interaction among
The Competing World Saviors and associated NOTES be
carefully reviewed.
Posted On: June 3, 2004
Does hell exist? Does a non-believing soul end up in hell? We have addressed these questions today
in the Public Forum
Posted On: May 31, 2004 - Memorial Day
Today, more than ever, we claim: May God continue to Bless America, and may
we learn to constructively utilize and better share such wondrous Blessings.
Posted On: May 30, 2004 - Pentecost Sunday
Come Holy Spirit, come and Renew the Faith in the
Earth, come by the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of
Mary, Your well beloved Espouse .
Posted On: May 28, 2004
Understanding Millenarianism - What it is and What it is
not. A key in understanding the difference between the AntiChrist and the
Posted On: May 25, 2004
As the result of the Sacramental Matrimony between the Heir of the Throne of Spain and a divorcee,
a ceremony which was officiated by the highest ranking Roman Catholic Hierarchy in Spain and
witnessed by over 1 billion people worldwide a Relevant and Encouraging
Note has been added to our document dealing with such issues.
Posted On: May 21, 2004
A new NOTE has been added highlighting Major Changes which are taking
place in our Solar System and not only in our planet.
Posted On: May 17, 2004
We entreat one and all to think very carefully about what you are about to pronounce upon
yourselves before you pray the Our Father. Talk is cheap, as they
say, but Eternity is a very, very long time. The choice - as always - is yours.
Posted On: May 15, 2004
Understanding how The False Christ will be an "incarnation of
satan". This is a serious Theological (mystical) document - not to be "sped read", otherwise
the reader will waste his/her time. The choice - as always - is yours.
For balanced and realistic news of the real world, instead of CNN, we recommend Euro News - In English - Em Portugués - En Español.
Posted On: May 13, 2004 - 87th Anniversary of the First Apparition in Fátima
It is now a good and appropriate time to become familiar with The Real Facts About Fátima so that as the world implodes upon itself the faithful will be able to see that the Hand of God is in total and absolute control.
Posted On: May 10, 2004
For some "Good News", for a change, Click Here and for some very "Straight Forward and Clear Talk", Click Here.
Posted On: May 7, 2004
Do not forget... The First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which coincides with the closest approach of the Long-awaited Comet NEAT (C/2001 Q4).
Posted On: May 4, 2004
How Love is replaced by Fear and... How to avoid it at all costs, thus avoiding the further deterioration of the Faith.
Posted On: April 30, 2004
Yes, the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ will be a reality... But when?
Posted On: April 28, 2004
Rwanda presents another example of the demise of the Catholic Faith worldwide; a situation which Mary has repeatedly tried to avert.
What is it going to take for the Roman Church Administrators to stop Pontificating and start obeying Heaven? If World War II did not teach them, what will?
Step No. 1 seems to be the only option left for God to help the "deaf to hear", and the "blind to see".
Posted On: April 24, 2004
The Withholding of Holy Communion Is A Crime Against the Goodness of God - Illuminate yourself and allow Him to bring you back to spiritual health.
Posted On: April 20, 2004
This is the result of a Shepherdless Youth
Posted On: April 17, 2004
As we get ready to celebrate The Mercy of God next Sunday, April 18th, we should strive to understand the many ways the Divine Mercy of God is manifested and cooperate with Him in bringing back to His fold, with love AND NOT through coercion, the strayed sheep of the new House of Israel (the New People of God).
Posted On: April 13, 2004
The Warning From St. Paul is echoed by miguel de Portugal for now. May "those who have Ears, Hear"; and "those who have Eyes, See".
Providentially Easter Sunday fell on the same calendar day for the Roman Church and the Orthodox Church - a rare event since both Churches, originally founded as one by Our Lord Jesus Christ, utilize different calendars. May those who have Ears, Hear; and those who have Eyes, See.
Posted On: April 11, 2004 - Easter Sunday
Let no one forget that the most efficacious Divine Mercy Novena commences today - Good Friday. Although this novena was originally intended to be offered by Sister Faustina - it is the Will of God that all His children join her by virtue of the Communion of Saints, just like we do with the Apostles, and each other, when we pray the Our Father (which was originally given to His Apostles).
Posted On: April 9, 2004 - Good Friday
As the remorseful world leaders remember the 10th Anniversary of the beginning of the Rwandan Massacre we must remember that Nothing Has Been Learned and that we should expect God to soon "increase the volume of the megaphone that helps the deaf to hear".
The more we refuse to respond to His prompting, the more painful it will be for us. Let us not blame God, NOR the devil... God gave us a Free Will and, through His Teachings, taught us how to live to avoid falling in the traps set by satan. Therefore, dear brothers and sisters... The "Buck Stops" right before our noses and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Not even the Church which betrayed Him since the Holy Spirit of God really does not need the Church to reach us; God only needs a searching heart to be able to "establish the Guiding Connection".
The Church was supposed to make the establishment of such "Connection" easier, unfortunately, the Church had other agendas which did not include serving its Founder.
Posted On: April 7th, 2004 - on the Eve of the Conmemoration of the Betrayal of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Palm Sunday Reminders
Posted On: April 4, 2004 - Palm Sunday
Who is miguel de Portugal? It really does not matter who he may be; what really matters is what he states in the Name of God
Posted On: April 2, 2004 - Feast of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
For balanced, realistic and uncensored news of the grisly events that took place in Iraq on March 31st we recommend that our fellow Americans visit Euro News - In English - Em Portugués - En Español.
Posted On: April 1st, 2004
As the celebration of the expansion of NATO to the borders of Russia inebriates the populace with the symbolism of Peace, Justice and the Triumph of Good Over Evil we suggest that the faithful, and the not-so-faithful too, review some key parts of NATO history - while, at the same time remember how Russia and China view the "liberation" of Iraq
Posted On: March 30th, 2004
Although the smoke of satan is choking the Catholic Faith, the true servants of God within the Church are, in very subtle ways, upholding the Eternal Truths. - Do not give up... the Gates of Hell will not prevail over the Church composed of the true children of God
Posted On: March 27th, 2004
At a time when religious leaders and politicians are lying about matters which should be crystal clear to an average IQ individual, we suggest that the faithful review the Religious and Political Alleged Conspiracies afoot - in the hopes the faithful may be alerted as to how they are being manipulated.
Posted On: March 24th, 2004
What is to Sin Against the Holy Spirit? Why is it unforgivable? We made that crystal clear today through our Public Forum - Rejoice and Be Free Again!
Posted On: March 19th, 2004 - Feast of St. Joseph
As the terrorists strike and the world Socio-Political and Religious structures continue to implode, the faithful should ponder... What went wrong with Christianity? - It is too late to stop its complete collapse, but it is not too late to minimize human suffering as it implodes.
Posted On: March 15th, 2004
The Will of God - How do we know what it is?
Posted On: March 11th, 2004
NASA Chimes In to confirm The Pentagon "Weather Report"
Posted On: March 8th, 2004
Please do not forget to obtain benefits for yourself and others by practicing the First Friday and the First Saturday Devotions.
Posted On: March 5th & 6th, 2004
Most of "them" are made and then "they" are marginalized and de facto damned by the same who may have contributed the most to the situation they find themselves in. Is this "Christianity in Action" or is it "Finger Pointing" to avoid detection?
Posted On: March 4th, 2004
Beloved, do not lose heart. No matter what the fanatics accuse you of, know that God Loves you and will help you! No matter what crosses you have been saddled with in this life, the real Jesus will show you the only way to lighten their weight. That the behavior of the Church Administrators revolt you? Just believe, it is Jesus Who saves, not the Church - any Church! Do not allow institutional lies to separate you for the right path to God and to His Awesome Mercy ...for the worse sin man can commit is but a grain of sand compared to the oceans of His Mercy. Only if He is rejected it is when He cannot forgive - that is the hardly understood sin against the Holy Spirit [Matthew 12: 30-32]
Posted On: Posted On: March 3rd, 2004
As the issues of marriage among homosexuals and Mel Gibson's version of the Crucifixion overshadow everything else, the reader may want to review the latest "Earthquake Score" and the latest Weather Report by the Pentagon. Then the Document listed below - "The End of the Line" will even make more sense.
Posted On: February 26th, 2004
The End of the Line
Posted On: Posted On: February 24th, 2004 - February 25th, 2004 - Ash Wednesday
Questions that need to be answered before joining an overly zealous religious group within the Roman Catholic Church - To do so after joining may be too late.
Posted On: February 21st, 2004
During this Lenten Period Think about the Passion of Jesus... - It was not in vain!
Posted On: February 19th, 2004
Conspiracies are a tragic and sad reality and if you doubt this - Doubt No More!
Posted On: February 17th, 2004
Today we invite you to pray The Holy Rosary with Scriptural Meditations - The Perfect Valentine's Message to the Perfect Lover - Jesus - the One Who chose to die for love of you.
Posted On: February 14th, 2004 - Sts. Cyrl, Methodius and Valentine's Day
Listing of Religious Dates for 2004 has been updated
Posted On: February 11th, 2004 - Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
Hypocrisy at the Super Bowl
Posted On: February 10th, 2004 On a trial basis, we will comment on current news thus assisting the faithful in understanding the real underlying issues which are shaping the End of These Times News Commentary by The M+G+R Foundation
Launched On: February 6th, 2004
If we were in charge of orchestrating the Apocalypse... ...we could not possibly do any better than it is already being done by the alleged Saviours of the World.
Posted On: February 5th, 2004
Jerry Falwell has redefined God - Meet the False Christ
Posted On: February 3rd, 2004
Prime Minister Blair joins the White House chorus in a new rendition of Flip Wilson's (Geraldine) "The Devil Made Me Do It!"
Posted On: January 29th, 2004
Judeo Christian Religious Days of Note for the Year 2004
Posted On: January 27th, 2004
How God, using His instruments, intervenes in End Time Events... and plays havoc with the best laid plans.
Posted On: January 24th, 2004
Make no mistake, miguel de Portugal holds the same contempt for the Vatican Administrators as our Lord and Master Jesus Christ held for the Temple Administrators 2000 years ago... and for the same reasons.
Posted On: January 22th, 2004
It is time again for A Reality Check
Posted On: January 21th, 2004
Make no mistake... The time is indeed ripe for the Apocalypse
Posted On: January 16th, 2004
On a trial basis, we will answer questions which we deem of Universal interest and concern in The Public Forum of The M+G+R Foundation
Updated On: January 15th, 2004
As we ponder Former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill's report regarding the influences under which President Bush functions we have added an important NOTE in our Document In Defense of President Bush
Posted On: January 12th, 2004
An "intriguing" NASA inspired note has been added to the Notes on the alleged Planet "X"
Posted On: January 6th, 2004 - The Epiphany of the Lord
It is official - H.H. John Paul II has called for a New World Order - Its consequences
Posted On: January 2nd, 2004
A new and very broken year has started but it is in your hands to minimize the stress and suffering by learning that PSYCHOLOGICAL DYSFUNCTION really is a manifestation of SPIRITUAL DYSFUNCTION.
Posted On: January 1st, 2004
Every year the New Year is greeted, according to the Media reports, with ever increasing enthusiasm, yet, the record shows that every New Year holds far more misery than the prior one. Why such unbridled enthusiasm?
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