Board of Updates
Published on December 14th, 2015
The selection of December 25th to celebrate the birth of Jesus...
IS NOT a Pagan carryover
Published on December 3rd, 2015
The 'Tree of Life' - A Visual Explanation of Our we journey towards Eternity.
Published on December 1st, 2015
The Real Pulse of the World
Published on November 29th, 2015 [First Sunday of Advent]
Regarding The Synod On Family and Evangelization
Published on November 21st, 2015 [The Presentation of Mary at the Temple]
Now Trending at The M+G+R Foundation
Prayer of Exorcism in Portuguese and Spanish
Christ The Messiah - The Fulfillment of Prophecy in Spanish
What does the Apocalyptic Wormwood means in Spanish
Scriptural Rosary
Nazism and the Occult
The Importnace of Mary
Rosa Mystica Novena
Significant World Wars I & II Dates in Spanish
Christ The Messiah - The Fulfillment of Prophecy in Spanish
What does the Apocalyptic Wormwood means in Spanish
Scriptural Rosary
Nazism and the Occult
The Importnace of Mary
Rosa Mystica Novena
Significant World Wars I & II Dates in Spanish
Published on November 17th, 2015
The Apocalypse.... Are We (Almost) There Yet?
We suggest a review of this ten-year old document. It will really "speak to you" now.
Published on November 8th, 2015
We have updated the Summary Page covering 200 years of Marian Communications
To better understand what is happening and will happen, we strongly recommend that
you carefully review it.
The world has been amply warned and no complaints nor claims will be entertained by Heaven. It will be just like it was for the virgins with no oil for their lamps. [Matthew 25:1-13] That we know for a fact!
Whether the readers believe that or not, it is truly not of our concern. Believe us! - our concern strictly is to make it available in a comprehensible fashion to the world.
The world has been amply warned and no complaints nor claims will be entertained by Heaven. It will be just like it was for the virgins with no oil for their lamps. [Matthew 25:1-13] That we know for a fact!
Whether the readers believe that or not, it is truly not of our concern. Believe us! - our concern strictly is to make it available in a comprehensible fashion to the world.
Published on November 3rd, 2015
Who is Paul Ryan...
Published on November 1st, 2015 [Solemnity of All Saints]
Leonardo da Vinci - The Android
A Recipe For A False Christ Manifestation - A Guest
Published on October 26th, 2015
How To Get Ready For What Is To Come
Published on October 13th, 2015 [Anniversary of The Miracle at Fatima]
Is Asteroid 2012 TC4....
The expected asteroid of the Apocalypse?
Published on October 10th, 2015
Assist God in the Redemption of Mankind
Published on October 7th, 2015 [Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary]
The Closest Natural Nuclear Bunker to Your Home (in the US).
Published on October 4th, 2015
When Truth in the news doesn't matter any more.
This document was published eleven years ago. As expected, what we warned
the world about then is even more evident today .
Published on September 21st, 2015 [Feast of St. Matthew - Apostle and Evangelist]
U.S. priests accused of sex abuse get second chance in South America
A "Novel Solution" to the sexual abuse
Published on September 19th, 2015
You Should Not Despair - Nor Give Up
and... This is why!
Published on September 17th, 2015
Who was that lady?
Published on September 14th, 2015 [Solemnity of the Triumph of the Cross]
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy Loyal to Jesus Christ vs "Pope" Francis
Published on September 6th, 2015
The beginning of the discord in the Middle East
Published on August 29th, 2015 [Solemnity of the Martyrdom of John the Baptist]
Obviously there are some exceptions to "Do and observe whatsoever they tell you".
"Pope" Francis has come out in full support of the author, thus her children's book which
promotes, by example, homosexual life styles. In the letter sent in his behalf to Francesca Pardi,
the book's author, we read:
"His holiness is grateful for the thoughtful gesture and for the feelings which it evoked, hoping
for an always more fruitful activity in the service of young generations and the spread of genuine
human and Christian values" (1)
As we have explained in detail, we must be sincerely compassionate,
charitable and loving to all but we should abstain from promoting such lifestyle.... and that is
precisely what Francis does at every opportunity. However, it does not surprise us - it is
right on schedule!
______________________(1) Source
Published on August 24th, 2015 [Feast of St: Bartholomew Apostle]
Do and observe whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their examples.
Published on August 20th, 2015
A Selection of Catholic Devotional Prayers
With which to present our petitions to the Eternal Father in the Name of His Son, Our Lord Jesus
Published on August 17th, 2015
About God and Aliens
Published on July 26th, 2015 [Feast of Sts. Joachim and Ann]
The parallel between the French Revolution and
Published on July 22nd, 2015 [Feast of St. Mary Magdalene]
Why Francis Is Keeping Evo Morales' Gift - A Hammer-and-Sickle Crucifix
Published on July 18th, 2015 [End of Ramadam]
The Many Faces of satan: ISIS, Al Qaeda And Boko Haram
Published on July 16th, 2015 [Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Scapular Feast Day]
We have stumbled upon two of our past documents - one published fourteen years ago (twelve days after the tragic events of 9-11), and the other, published nine years ago, in which we announced and confirmed that non consecrated hosts were being given to the faithful as a matter of course.
As we read them again we realized for the first time the close relationship between the contents of both documents. We strongly recommend their careful review. It will help the reader better understand what has transpired since September 11, 2001, as the world free falls into the abyss.
Published on July 13th, 2015 [Mary, Mystical Rose (Rosa Mystica) and Revelation of the Secret of Fátima]
Magic - Idols and Idolatry - Witchcraft - Divination - False Christians - Disordered Eucharistic Celebrations
Published on July 9th, 2015 [Mary, Miraculous Mother]
It may be agood time to review the following....
About the "Wormwood" Spoken of in Revelations 8:10-11
An interesting string of coincidences related to the name "Wormwood" and its translations to some
other languages. - "And the third angel sounded the trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven,
... And the name of the star is called Wormwood. And the third part of the waters became
wormwood... "
The Biblical Mark of the Beast - What could it be?
For the falsification of the Return of Christ to work, control of the world population through
fear is of paramount importance. Although Biblical prophecy can be fulfilled in many different
ways, certain general requirements must be met.
Published on July 1st, 2015
Four documents explaining from ever possible action why there is Salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church but not without Jesus Christ.
Part One deals with (a) How the Congregation of the Doctrine of
the Faith superficially backtracked from their claims by rearranging words which do not
help the confused and under Evangelized faithful; and (b) why people have left the Roman Catholic
Church and continue to do so.
Part Two shows how "Pope" Francis, unknowingly, confirms our claim of the snare. Another case wherein satan must serve God.
Part Three shows how the Roman Catholic Church Catechism confirms our position that there is Salvation outside the Institution.
Part Four goes back to basics - the Holy Scriptures - to conclude our demonstration that there IS Salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church.
Part Two shows how "Pope" Francis, unknowingly, confirms our claim of the snare. Another case wherein satan must serve God.
Part Three shows how the Roman Catholic Church Catechism confirms our position that there is Salvation outside the Institution.
Part Four goes back to basics - the Holy Scriptures - to conclude our demonstration that there IS Salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church.
Of course, you do not have to believe what we say but, by publishing the above on this Board, our hands are washed from any responsibility for those falling into the snare of a falsified Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Published on June 24th, 2015 [Observance of the Birth of John the Baptist]
The Encyclical Laudato Si
Published on June 20th, 2015
Another Great Secret of the Catholic Church Must Be Brought to Light
To Extol the Infinite Mercy of God and the Catholic Faith
Published on June 18th, 2015 [Publication of Encyclical Laudato Si and Start of Muslim Ramadan]
The Environmental Encyclical Laudato Si Confirms
Pope Francis as the Continuation of Benedict XVI
As Francis positions himself to take the position of Head of the World as called for by Israel's Shimon Peres
As Francis positions himself to take the position of Head of the World as called for by Israel's Shimon Peres
Published on June 12th, 2015 [Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus]
Marian Apparitions and the End of These Times
Published on June 3rd, 2015
A Papacy and a Church In Crisis
Originally Published on March 2001 - Reissued on May 2015
Published on May 21st, 2015 [Feast of Mary, Mother of Light]
Amen! Amen!
What is its real meaning?
Published on May 12th, 2015
An Index of Biblical Readings not included in the Roman Catholic Masses...
Published on May 5th, 2015
Be aware that Earthquake information....
Published on May 1st, 2015 [Labor Day and Feast of St. Joseph the Worker]
Terrorism Is Not the Real Problem
The Real Problem Is Religious Fanaticism
Published on April 28th, 2015
The Seven Trumpets of the Apocalypse
What Do They Mean?
Their Identification in Today's World
Published on April 25th, 2015 [Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist]
We are making public, after six years, Information that....
May explain the sudden urge of President Obama to "Kiss and Make Up" with the Castro regime in
Cuba which, of course, is endorsed by the alleged Pope.
The reader may draw his/her own conclusions.... and, we assure you, it will not be difficult.
The reader may draw his/her own conclusions.... and, we assure you, it will not be difficult.
Published on April 21st, 2015
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Probably is the most widespread ailment among First World and the one most physicians know least
Learn about it - For your own good!
Learn about it - For your own good!
Published on April 16th, 2015
satan's latest undercover project....
Proving that Marian Apparitions were his doing
Do not miss the newly added Epilogue to the document.
Do not miss the newly added Epilogue to the document.
Published on April 8th, 2015
There seems to be a....
Published on March 29th, 2015 [Palm Sunday]
The September 11 Events
Published on March 26th, 2015
Who Is Mike Adams of Natural News Fame?
Published on March 23rd, 2015
A Guide on How to Prevent the Infiltration of Cult-Like Religious Groups
Published on March 19th, 2015
Who is the mysteriously dubious......
Sorcha Faal, the reporter of What Does It Mean?
Forewarned is being forearmed. You have now been warned.
Forewarned is being forearmed. You have now been warned.
Published on March 11th, 2015
Religious and Political Alleged Conspiracies
Published on March 7th, 2015
How satan Derailed the Evangelization Effort
Published on March 3rd, 2015
The Iranian government
Expects a different version of the ..... Second Coming
of Christ.
It seems that the Muslims are more anxious about it than most Christians are!
Published on February 23rd, 2015
What is Really Behind ISIL
Published on February 21st, 2015
The warnings from St. Paul....
miguel de Portugal urgently repeats it again now.
Published on February 16th, 2015
A beautiful and moving illustration of....
How God's Megaphone works...
....or what the Prophet Isaiah was talking about.
Published on February 14th, 2015
The Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Recognize the Signs - They Are Crystal Clear
Published on February 12th, 2015
God is allowing confusion everywhere.
Understand why and you will not be confused.
Published on February 4th, 2015
Radical Muslims Exhorting to Violence.
Throughout Europe. The media ignores it.
Published on January 30th, 2015
A new Domain Theme Index has been prepared.
It is a great tool to take a quick look at the documents that we have on line - organized by
Published on January 26th, 2015
What was, and still is, behind the heavily promoted series The Bible and the movie The Son of God?
Take a look! It is not a pretty sight!
Published on January 15th, 2015
We have a new Home Page
It is more representative of our position and is more practical for all user - English, Spanish
and Portuguese speaking visitors.
Published on January 8th, 2015
The Index listing Theological Documents Encompassing Psychological and Apocalyptic Themes
Has been revised and expanded.
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