Our Passage Through Time
The Tree of Life
It is our intent to, with the explicit help of God, explain why the passage through Time for some souls is smooth and gentle, while that of others is very difficult and traumatic.
We also hope to visually illustrate why the lives in Time of some souls is unexpectedly cut short by God.
We wish to remind the reader what we have explained elsewhere (1) - When a soul is incarnated in Time only God knows the final destination of that soul - Heaven or hell. If their name is to be found in the Book of Life [Rev. 20:15], their final destination is Heaven, even if they have to spend time in Purgatory. If their name is not in said Book, their final destination is hell.
When you view a very brief Tree of Life video clip - linked to below the following explanation - you will see:
(a) A base with a multitude of plugs but with only one "plugged into the wall".
(b) As the "camera" goes up the trunk of the tree you will see many small branches and one that is very long and with many junctions.
(c) At each juncture you will see a glowing green button and a glowing red button. If one chooses the path with the glowing green button that is the path that God Wills for that soul in that particular juncture.
(d) Even if the choice, at any one of the junctures, is the glowing red light (not the path the God Willed for that soul), at the next juncture there will be, once again, another choice between green (the God's choice) or red (a bad choice).
(e) At the end of the particular branch accessed through the last choice there will be one key juncture.
(f) It is at this key juncture where, if the soul chooses the path of the red button, there will no longer be any more options and the destination will be hell. If the soul chooses the green button, the journey will continue through another branch which will again have green and red button options and one will continue as if one were at (c) point above.
(b) As the "camera" goes up the trunk of the tree you will see many small branches and one that is very long and with many junctions.
(c) At each juncture you will see a glowing green button and a glowing red button. If one chooses the path with the glowing green button that is the path that God Wills for that soul in that particular juncture.
(d) Even if the choice, at any one of the junctures, is the glowing red light (not the path the God Willed for that soul), at the next juncture there will be, once again, another choice between green (the God's choice) or red (a bad choice).
(e) At the end of the particular branch accessed through the last choice there will be one key juncture.
(f) It is at this key juncture where, if the soul chooses the path of the red button, there will no longer be any more options and the destination will be hell. If the soul chooses the green button, the journey will continue through another branch which will again have green and red button options and one will continue as if one were at (c) point above.
You may now access The Tree of Life video clip which has been uploaded in YouTube. You do not need sound - the message is strictly visual. You may want to review the explanations given above after viewing the video clip and perhaps even viewing it again afterwards before continuing with the DETAILS below.
Each plug represents the environment in which a particular soul enters Time. By "environment" we mean:
(a) Period (in which century, decade, year, etc.)
(b) Parents (physical and spiritual condition)
(c) Nation / Culture / Wealth
(d) Specific physical location of birth - from Nation, down to City, down to neighborhood.
(b) Parents (physical and spiritual condition)
(c) Nation / Culture / Wealth
(d) Specific physical location of birth - from Nation, down to City, down to neighborhood.
That is, the variation of any of the above, or the way the above factors are combined, will determine which of the branches will extend up, which junctures will be found, and the propensity of the type of choice made at every juncture
Regardless of the "plug connection" that is assigned to a particular soul, there always is a smooth and gentle passage through Time that has been prepared for him/her by God. That is achieved when he/she takes his/her cross and follow Him (2), regardless of the "plug connection". Other choices - the ones that are refusals to take one's cross and follow Him - make the journey harder, even painful, regardless of what the final destination for that soul will be - Heaven or hell.
Finally.... If a soul destined for Heaven is going to make a choice which God knows will lead the soul to perdition, God will stop their journey through Time... right before they will make the choice at the juncture after which there will not be any more glowing green lights to choose from.
We hope and pray that we have been able to transmit to our readers some lights about the secret of our passage through Time.
If we have failed - we beg your forgiveness.
Published on January 2014 - In Celebration of the Conversion of St. Paul
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