The M+G+R Foundation

The Supernatural Manifestations at

Conyers, Georgia - U.S.A.

NOTE Added on October 9th, 2006 [Day of 1st Nuclear Test by North Korea]

Today, providence moved miguel de Portugal to review, for the second time, the Conyers video titled "Wake up America!". It was sheer Providence for he had no particular reason to do so today or any other day, for that matter. He did not even remember if he had viewed it before nor he remembered that he had written and published the following document.

This time he took note of the date of completion of the video [February 21, 1996] and that most of the very urgent messages relayed by Mrs. Fowler in it were received by her over twelve years ago. Nonetheless, such dire predictions have not been manifested yet. This apparent failure in the manifestation of the many impending and graphically announced catastrophes may have, erroneously, caused the Conyer's manifestation to lose credibility.

God Willed that we remind His children that - as we have reported elsewhere - humanity's intense suffering was shortened by ten years; something that God relayed to miguel in 1997. We have no knowledge if Mrs. Fowler knew about this delay of the period of intense suffering. This delay, in effect, pushed back the events which seemed so imminent in Mrs. Fowler's interviews.

Therefore - we wish to underscore the fact that Mrs. Fowler was not off-the-mark on the immediacy, nor in the type of events, mentioned in the messages that she was relaying in the early to mid nineties. As we reviewed the afore-mentioned video today, those messages presented therein are as valid (and obvious to Those Who Have Eyes to See) and pressing as they were then. The difference now is that God will not grant another time compression; there is simply not enough time to compress any more.

We entreat our readers to carefully read what follows - a document which we published, for the Glory of God, about the Supernatural Manifestations at Conyers in the year 2002.


Our Lord has clearly indicated that He wishes that we include in The M+G+R Foundation Domain a link to the Supernatural Manifestations at Conyers, Georgia.

In an effort to "test the spirit" we reviewed Nancy Fowler's Site and were immediately drawn to Nancy's letter through which she disassociated herself from the money-making machine the Apparition Site has become. A most pleasing act in the eyes of God.

Secondly we were drawn to the following statement associated with a video available from them:

On October 6, 1992 visionary Nancy Fowler was told: "Wake up America - to Jesus." It was an invitation to find out about God's love and mercy. This hour-long video produced in 1996, examines the Conyers messages and prophecies.

It delves into the incredible graces found at mass and
serious visions about the future of the United States. Will a great war come from China? Are there troubled times ahead for the Church? Will massive earthquakes and waves strike our land? Are we receiving a wake-up call from Jesus?

That was part of the information that miguel de Portugal, independently, received from Heaven in 1991 when his final call came. The actual Sequence of Events, given to him in a few minutes during the second part of 1992, was then published in November 1992. Mysteriously China was named in Step No. 1 as one of the powers which would become the enemy of the U.S.

People would not accept this because in 1991-1992 the US was in its honeymoon with Russia and China.

There was another, and very private confirmation of the validity of the genuine Conyers messages...

When in 1993 miguel de Portugal's resources were literally 0 Escudos (Portuguese currency) - a former benefactor, who had developed considerable animosity towards miguel and refused any further assistance, contacted him and told him that, during his (the benefactor's) only visit to Conyers Our Lady had communicated to him directly, by means of an inner, but very clear locution, to send to miguel a generous contribution - $6,000 USD - to assist him in his work. Said benefactor immediately complied with Heaven.

This very personal event is one that, up to now, maybe only two individuals ever knew outside The M+G+R Foundation family... and one of them is the benefactor, an apparently hopelessly lost soul, but who, through the Grace of God and the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, already winged his way to Heaven clothed with the Scapular and with a Crucifix in his hands.


The spirit being tested passed the test. Indeed it was the Spirit of God Who was prompting us to highlight the supernatural manifestations of Conyers in our Domain.

We recommend the reader to first review the aforementioned letter from Nancy Fowler which, for your convenience, is stored in our system exactly as it is published in her Domain.

Then we encourage the faithful to visit Nancy Fowler's entire Domain which may be accessed from a Link at the end of her letter.

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