News Commentaries by

The M+G+R Foundation


The purpose of this News Commentary Section is to assist the faithful in recognizing the signs and lies of These End Times. Somehow, many self appointed Shepherds of These Times are trying to convince the faithful that the Apocalypse will be, using street slang, "a piece of cake" for them and "hell" for all others. They are led to believe that if they "do this" and "do that" they do not have a thing to worry about (of course, so long as that between the "do this" and the "do that" they send in a donation).

Others lead the faithful to believe that "All Is Well" and will continue to be, of course, as long as those donations keep coming in...

Wrong! For either case scenario to be true, the Old and New Testament has to be invalid. Logically, if the Holy Scriptures are invalid there is no use for "Shepherds", is there? So what is their function besides collecting money?

Spending it, of course!

Now, let us focus on the real world and the news about its crumbling structures, philosophies and half-baked theories. With the assistance of the Holy Spirit of God, Who cannot be falsified, the disoriented faithful will be able to understand what is truly taking place and why.

News Commentaries of  July 2005

July 28th - Mary, Queen of Peace

 NEWS - Pope says churches in West look to be dying -   July 26, 2005 -  Reuters

Selected Quotes:  (Highlighting by The M+G+R Foundation)

"The Pope blamed a change in social attitudes in the 1960s for the Church's decline in the West, referring to what he termed a "second enlightenment" of 1968, the year of the so-called 'summer of love' and student and worker protests.

Mainstream churches in the West appear to be dying as societies that are increasingly secular see less need for God, Pope Benedict said in comments published on Wednesday.

His outlook was even glummer than that of his predecessor John Paul, who lamented the decline of faith in the developed world and said it explained the Catholic Church's struggle with falling attendance in the West in recent years.

Benedict said many developing countries were, by contrast, enjoying a a springtime for faith."

The M+G+R Foundation Comments

As usual, Rome blames everything and everyone but itself for their failures without realizing that with such excuses they are, in essence, ascribing greater power to satan than the Divine power that is at our disposal through the Catholic Faith.

Such  witnessing and deference, by default, to a greater power than God's - is the real abomination of desolation.

Frankly, we would not be the least concerned about comments, pronouncements, pontifications, etc. coming out of the Vatican. Their spiritual clout - the so called "Keys of Heaven" - for some time already has been reduced to just dispensing the Sacraments which have been protected by God for His children for the End of These Times.

Our concern - a concern that we must address since it is for such reason that we exist - is that the continuing antics of the Roman Catholic Church Administration are devastating the little Faith left. It is amazing that Benedict XVI does not realize what went wrong, first, then second and then third - in essence - what has caused what he is complaining about.  They are even blind to see what really works within their midst.

Of course "... many developing countries were, by contrast, enjoying a a springtime for faith."  In underdeveloped cultures is where the Evangelization by deceit, brainwash and manipulation through fear works best - the only Evangelization that Rome has practiced since the Church of Jesus Christ was sold to Constantine.  This is precisely why Leo XIII was so concerned about the dangers of modernism. What he was concerned about was that people were becoming educated and being able to think for themselves.

How sad that the root of  true and unshakable Faith takes hold on the minds of the educated once they realize that all that Rome has been doing since the time of Constantine is playing the "Wizard of Oz" and the True Faith is not at fault or deficient. By now the reader should know where we stand regarding the Catholic Faith and that is in spite of Rome and not because of Rome. Our ability to See and Hear through the Grace of God has assisted us  in our Faith Journey - certainly not Rome!

Remember, the Church was created for man (to assist man in his journey back to the Father), not man created for the Church. Man was created for God!

We pray that we may be of help to each and everyone one of you to strengthen you Faith or to come back to it... in spite of Rome!

July 25th - Feast of St. James the Apostle

 NEWS - Poll: Americans Say World War III Likely   July 24, 2005 -  AP

Selected Quotes:  (Underscoring/Highlighting by The M+G+R Foundation)

"Americans are far more likely than the Japanese to expect another world war in their lifetime, according to AP-Kyodo polling 60 years after World War II ended. Most people in both countries believe the first use of a nuclear weapon is never justified."

"Six in 10 Americans said they think such a war is likely, while only one-third of the Japanese said so, according to polling done in both countries for The Associated Press and Kyodo, the Japanese news service."

"'Man's going to destroy man eventually. When that will be, I don't know,' said Gaye Lestaeghe of Freeport, La."

"The poll of 1,000 adults in the United States was conducted for the AP by Ipsos, an international polling company, from July 5-10 and the poll of 1,045 eligible voters in Japan was conducted for Kyodo by the Public Opinion Research Center from July 1-3. Each poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points."

The M+G+R Foundation Comments

We think that such thinking may be seen as real progress since when we issued, via snail mail, the Sequence of Events in 1991, the feeling that m de P was out of his mind was unanimous.

Now we need to get these convinced individuals to start praying more and march and demonstrate less. In this manner they will be cooperating with God in minimizing the suffering that awaits the world as the result of World War III and what will follow.

July 22nd

 NEWS - CABLEready and Great Projects Film Company Granted Exclusive Opus Dei Access for New TV Special
                  Timed to `Da Vinci Code' Film Release - Wednesday July 20, 2005 -  CABLEready

Selected Quotes:  (Underscoring/Highlighting by The M+G+R Foundation)

"NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 20, 2005--Program distributor CABLEready and producer Great Projects Film Company have joined forces to develop DECODING OPUS DEI, a major television special that will explore the truth behind the real-world controversial Catholic group that figures prominently in Dan Brown's blockbuster novel The Da Vinci Code.

Plans call for DECODING OPUS DEI to debut in May 2006 in conjunction with the worldwide premiere of Ron Howard's highly anticipated feature film based on the novel and starring Tom Hanks.

Granted unprecedented and exclusive access to Opus Dei, the producers will tell the group's story from its founding in 1928 by Josemaria Escriva, a poor small-town Spanish priest, to the group's infamous portrayal in The Da Vinci Code - and will explain why it has become a lightning rod for conspiracy theories, criticism and even hatred.

Great Projects Film Company, Inc.. is an Emmy-winning, Academy Award-nominated independent production company based in New York City. Great Projects has produced many hours of primetime national programming for PBS and cable networks, such as A&E, Discovery Channel, History Channel and AMC.  CABLEready, based in Norwalk, CT, is the television industry's premiere independent program representation firm with clients located across the globe.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments

We do not cease to thank and Praise God for His continued assistance in the function He has called m de P to fulfill.

As the reading may recall, in our document - The Real Decoding of Brown's Da Vinci Code May be Found in the Real Purpose of the Book. - we proposed that the real purpose of the book was to give an unequaled, free and worldwide opportunity to Escrivá's Opus Dei machinery to present itself pure and holy as a dove and the victim of outright slander. An effort that otherwise would have cost them tremendous amount of money and would have been viewed as a damage control PR.

As we have pointed out in other writings, and which is patently obvious in our document highlighting St. John Bosco's trajectory, the "False Christ is to Christ as Escrivá is to St. John Bosco".

We have just read the following in a well documented (and not tampered with yet) biography of Don Bosco: 

"That same afternoon (February 8, 1870) he (Pius IX) called him again (they had already spent time in the AM) to talk with him some more about the Salesians. He (P IX) told him that in the Council (Vat I) a bishop had discussed the necessity of a religious society whose members were bound before the Church but went about as true free citizens (*); then another bishop (from Parma) had intervened in the discussion to state thus:

 "I have the pleasure to be able to inform you that such Society does exist already... and it is the Salesians." This caused all present to break into an applause, without excluding those who have caused the most difficulties for the approval of such Society."

 (*) It is hard to explain what is meant but, as we delve into the details of this situation, the best we can describe it is as follows: You must have heard us say that we do not need to legislate morals; that we need to form souls, then laws would not be needed to prevent crimes such as abortion, adultery, etc. because the well formed souls would not even consider this. As those souls spread - like good salt - they would naturally, without coercion or brainwash, "infect" others with such edifying behavior.
We make this distinction because Opus Dei,  Legionnaires of Christ/Regnum Christi, etc. people are led to believe that they are free citizens - you'd would be amazed at the brainwash technique we can see in the training manual of Regnum Christi - when they are only zombies following preprogrammed orders.

From any point of view - Escrivá's "invention" was as needed by the Church as much as man needs an eleventh finger yet he rammed it through. Why?  For very obvious and well publicized reasons.

Therefore, true children of God, do not lose heart with these "triumphs" of the Opus Dei Administration - just as we know how the pull the strings from behind the scenes, we also know how they will end.

July 18th

 NEWS - The First Three Months of Benedict XVI: New Pope, New Style   July 15, 2005 -  Espressolinoe

Selected Quotes:  (Underscoring/Highlighting by The M+G+R Foundation)

"There has also been a change in the wind at the Vatican press office. Joaquín Navarro-Valls has been confirmed as director, but he does not have with Benedict XVI the direct and osmotic relationship that he had with John Paul II. He can no longer permit himself to model and amplify the pope's gestures, statements, and performance. He knows that the newly elected pope wants to control and make very modest use of his own image and public exposure.

Navarro still has his relationship with the secretariat of state, which he depends upon by statute. But in the course of three months he has already had two mishaps. The first was connected with the apparent denial of a preliminary Vatican investigation into accusations of sexual abuse made against the founder of the Legionaries of Christ, Marcial Maciel. The second involved the adjective "anti-Christian," which was initially applied to the terrorist attack in London on July 7 and later removed. Neither case was a shining example of clarity in communication from the Vatican press office or the secretariat of state.

Navarro was the Jack-of-all-trades when it came to the books published by Karol Wojtyla while he was pope. Not with Benedict XVI."

The M+G+R Foundation Comments

We thank and Praise God for His continued assistance in the function He has called m de P to fulfill. The above is nothing less that concrete confirmation of some of what we have been waning the Faithful for some time regarding the staged-by-Navarro-Valls Pontificate of H.H. John Paul II.

First through our defense of H.H. John Paul II. Then through the clear explanation of his trajectory. We have described Dr. Navarro-Valls using his own words - something that should have awaken the heaviest "sleeper" and have clearly shown the reality of those most publicized books allegedly written by H.H. John Paul II.

If in spite all the confirmation that continues to pour forth through the Grace of God, many of the Faithful continue to adhere to denial.  He will continue to confirm, through various events, that what m de P has announced, has been on His Command, and not the result of a deranged mind as the disoriented secretary of the Marian Movement of Priests wrote.  God will continue do so to the extent needed -  up to and including the blinding lights resulting from Step No. 1. The reality of Fátima was confirmed by a supernatural miracle witnessed by ca. 70,000 individuals, yet, it was and still is denied by many.

However, Step No. 1, which was made public when the U.S. and Russia were at the height of their nuclear disarmament honeymoon - with the celebration having taken place on June 17, 1991 in the Rose Garden of the White House, will be very, very difficult to deny - most specially since m de P will have as much direct control over that as Lucía had over the Miracle of the Sun in October 13, 1917 - none!

July 15th

 NEWS - Blind Eye Unto the Holy See   July 13, 2005 - SF Weekly

Selected Quotes:  (Underscoring/Highlighting by The M+G+R Foundation)

During the 2002 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Dallas -- at the height of public outrage over the clergy sex-abuse scandal -- San Francisco Archbishop William J. Levada projected himself as a reformer on the abuse issue, chastising some fellow bishops for not doing enough to remove miscreant priests from their domains.

In the end, the conference voted to remove from ministry any priest who had sexually abused a minor, even if the abuse occurred far in the past. Afterward, however, the late Pope John Paul II felt the bishops' reforms were too severe and appointed Levada to help reconcile them with Vatican policy. The archbishop, in turn, asked Father Gregory Ingels, a prominent canon lawyer and a longtime Levada favorite, to help write the guidelines for a "zero tolerance" sex-abuse policy that the pope could later sign off on.

In this ironic way, American bishops now follow a program for dealing with sex-abuse complaints that was significantly influenced by two men:

A Catholic priest and lawyer (Father Gregory Ingels) who has had two serious sexual-abuse cases filed against him -- one of which the church recently agreed to settle by paying an alleged victim $2.7 million.

And an archbishop who has helped shield the lawyer/priest for nine years -- and who has now been appointed to what many consider to be the Roman Catholic Church's second most powerful position.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments

Brethren, the article is lengthy and very, very hard on the soul. The only comment that we have is that the Church Administration has gone from openly abusive to disgustingly revolting, but, then again, why would God see the need to raze it to the ground otherwise?

I pray to God that each and every one of you remember the contents of this particular article - as just one example - so that you may fully understand the Divine Reasoning behind what God Will allow upon them as it manifests before the eyes of mankind.

Come Lord Jesus!

P.S. Since it is obvious that to trust your children to those who were intended to be their shepherds would be a dereliction of parental duties, we suggest that you visit the Bishop' s Accountability Site and draw your own conclusions regarding the "safety" of a particular Bishop in the U.S. as the need may arise.

July 9th - Mary, Miraculous Mother

 NEWS - Vatican Criticizes Catholics on Communion   Thu Jul 7, 2005 - AP

NOTE: For the convenience of the reader The M+G+R Foundation Comments will be intertwined with the news report in purple italic.

Selected Quotes:

The Vatican singled out divorcees who remarry and Catholic politicians who support abortion on Thursday in criticizing the faithful who continue to receive Holy Communion while in a state of mortal sin.

Our position on the matrimony/divorce issue has been clearly presented already and we restate: If there was no valid Sacrament of Matrimony, there is "nothing" that should be of the concern of the Roman Catholic Church, except a well deserved malpractice lawsuit, of course.

Why do they keep avoiding the issue? Because if there was no valid Sacrament of Matrimony it was the fault of the parish priest who did not discharge his holy duties in properly preparing spiritually  the couple before entering in such serious Sacrament. A "Church Wedding" is not the guarantor of entering the Sacrament of Matrimony.... even if they paid their monetary fees....

On the other hand - Roman Catholic politicians have to be very clear and careful in whether they support abortion or the right of the individual to have an abortion - there is a vast difference between one and another.

Once again, the Church Administrators, refusing to learn what God taught them again through the long life and fruitful work of St. John Bosco, want to assign the "abortion blame" to everyone else but themselves. That is - have recourse to civil law (the Law of Caesar) to compensate for the abysmal failure of a 2000 year Evangelization effort. Nothing has changed - the same Inquisition mentality.

About "mortal sin" - The faithful is supposed to learn from their Shepherds and, since such Shepherds are generously rewarded by the Vatican, what can we then expect of the Faithful. Are they - the Church Administration - that confused or that blinded by satan?

The lament came in a new document on the Eucharist that details abuses of the sacrament and the need for better instruction to ensure it remains sacred.

The paper covers a range of issues related to the Eucharist: ...that Latin be used during international liturgical gatherings so all priests involved can understand the proceedings, ....that parishes consider using more Gregorian chants to prevent more "profane" types of music from being played.

Thanks be to God! The Administrator's disorientation has had a lapse and now they speak with clarity - in both instances: Latin should be used in International Liturgical Proceedings and no more "Honky Tonk" music in Mass!

It calls for priests not to be "showmen" who draw attention to themselves and says lay people can have an important but "minimal" presence in Masses. It says the tabernacle — which holds the bread and wine held by Catholics to be the body and blood of Christ — should have a prominent place in the church and not be shunted off to a corner.

Praised Be Jesus! Another lapse in their blindness for the Glory of God!

.... the document laments the fact that fewer and fewer Catholics are going to Mass on Sundays — in some countries, only 5 percent of the faithful attend — and that fewer Catholics are going to confession.

Darkness has set in again. Why? Because the Church Administrators are the ones to be blamed for this and, when it is their fault, they will play dumb and lie until the lie is finally believed as truth.

This lie-turned-into-truth technique brings to mind when they send their duly convinced "Holy Ones" to sack Orthodox Christian Constantinople to punish them for "their heresies".

Incidentally, "those heretics-deserving-to-be-sacked" Christians still use the Byzantine Liturgy which far surpasses in Splendor and Holiness the overly venerated and over-rated Tridentine Mass; therefore, they never had to deal with the Honky Tonk music problem in their Divine Liturgy ("Divine Liturgy"  is what "those heretics" call what the "Holy Ones" from Rome just call "Mass").

How can they expect respect? They do not even respect themselves!

.....many Catholics are living in a state of mortal sin when they receive Communion, it said.

What about the clergy officiating the Mass? Don't their mortal sins count? Get the plank out of your eye, Rome, and then you can Shepherd as you were intended to.

It noted that confession isn't always available to the faithful because of the acute shortage of priests in parts of the globe, but said the sacrament nevertheless was necessary. It cited statistics showing there was one priest for every 1,797 Catholics in 1978 compared to one priest for every 2,677 Catholics in 2003.

Don Bosco never had a problem with having boys to voluntarily - not through brainwashing - chose the priesthood. Why? He truly represented the Will of God as manifested through true piety and love for his boys. Love, mind you, not lust!

Give Rome some time and they will blame the lack of vocations on hole in the ozone layer.

The document, "The Eucharist: source and summit of the life and mission of the church," was written starting in 2004...  ...stresses that it is not a theological treatise on the Eucharist and in fact it restates church teaching on most key issues.

Just in case they have to back down or add to it, they are leaving the back door open with  "...stresses that it is not a theological treatise..." After all, "When money talks, Rome listens!"

In one section, for example, the document criticized the faithful who support Catholic politicians who themselves back abortion and other policies contrary to church teaching.

What do they expect? The Church Administration set the examples. The Church backs men who do not support Teachings of God - teachings from the Old (1) and New (2) Testaments. Obedience to God , always, and without a single exception, pre empt obedience to the Church or any man made organization. Peter himself taught us that (3), or is  the "new Vatican party line" that the original Peter was fallible but his successors are infallible, thus we must obey man over God?

In Conclusion: What part of the above, Church Administrators, don't you understand?

We can answer that question for them: All of it! Why? Our Lady appearing in La Salette, France, said it in no uncertain words:

"The priests, ministers of my Son, the priests, by their wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money, their love of honors and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity.

Yes, the priests are asking for vengeance, and vengeance is hanging over their heads. Woe to the priests and to those dedicated to God who by their unfaithfulness and their wicked lives are  crucifying my son again!

The sins of those dedicated to God cry out towards Heaven and call for vengeance, and now vengeance is at their door, for there is no one left to beg mercy and forgiveness for the people. There are no more generous souls, there is no one left worthy of offering a stainless sacrifice to the Eternal God for the sake of the world.

The chiefs, the leaders of the people of God have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has bedimmed their intelligence. They have become wandering stars which the old devil will drag along with his tail to make them perish.

(1)  [Leviticus - Chapter 20]

(2) But who so shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. [Matthew 18:6]
(3) Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. [Acts 5:29]

July 1st

 NEWS - NASA comet crash to seek building blocks of life   Wed Jun 29, 2005 - Reuters

Selected Quotes:

NASA scientists are preparing to slam a coffee table-sized spacecraft into a comet half the size of Manhattan on July 4 in a cosmic smashup aimed at discovering the building blocks of life on Earth.

At 1:52 a.m. EDT (0552 GMT) on Monday, July 4th,  the 771-pound (350 kg) copper-fortified impactor is expected to smash into Tempel 1 at 23,000 miles an hour. The comet will be about 83 million miles away from Earth.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments

Our comments may be found in the Note posted on July 1st in our Planet "X"  Notes.

June 29th - Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul

 NEWS - China Unveils Olympic Slogan -   June 27, 2005 Reuters

Selected Quotes:  (Underscoring/Highlighting by The M+G+R Foundation)

"One World, One Dream" is the new slogan for the 2008 summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China announced on Sunday.

"It conveys the noble ideal of people in Beijing as well as in China to share their civilisation and create a bright future hand in hand with people from the rest of the world," he said.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments

We do not intend to convey the notion that the Chinese Olympic Authorities are aware of China involvement in Step No. 1.

All we wish to convey is that God continues to give messages to alert those who have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear.

Today we can, in retrospect review the messages He was giving humanity through World Wars I and II dates. This time, we assure you, there will not be for opportunity for retrospection. Are we being pessimistic?  Is the National Weather Service being pessimistic when it reports a Hurricane that, like 1992's Andrew, may leave 250,000 homeless in a major Metropolitan area?

If any questions and/or doubts remain, please visit our Research Department

News Commentary - June 2005 Edition Files

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