The M+G+R Foundation

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Up to the year 2001 Christmas Season, The M+G+R Foundation has published a number of documents relating to high profile political figures, their activities, political and religious, and how they fit in the Mosaic of the Apocalypse.

This was done to call to the attention of the Faithful the reality of the times the world is living through by identifying some of the: (a) The Players; and (b) Political events which are leading the world to the End of These Times.

Obviously, politics cannot be left out of the Sacred History. The Holy Scriptures amply testify to that. However, first, The Precursor, John the Baptizer, and then, Our Lord Jesus Christ, left world politics out of their Messages and Teachings.

Heaven has prompted us to follow such lead now.

We shall leave to Caesar what is Caesar's and will give God what is God's. Thus, henceforth our focus will be exclusively on matters pertaining to the Word of God, Heavenly Messages and Organized Religion.

All documents which do not conform with the change in our emphasis have been removed from The M+G+R Foundation Domain.

If you have reached this message it is because the URL address you requested is of one of the documents which has been removed.

However, we owe to those who seek such information the courtesy of a referral. Therefore, you may access the following Listing of Opus Dei Related Links which should answer most of your questions regarding their deep and dark involvement in worldwide, behind the scenes, political processes.

Nonetheless, we must all remember that the worse criminals, conspirators, traitors, etc. were also Created by God and are Children of the Only Father in Heaven. They must be viewed as victims of satan and we are called to pray for their salvation and not to stir political and social unrest. Such behavior is not of God.

Only matters which will detrimentally affect the Faith of the Children of God will be dealt with appropriately, as God prompts us to. This category includes, but will not be limited to, Politics of, and High Profile Figures associated with, the Religions of the World.

The time is short and we must focus on the Light at the End of the Tunnel —Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior— and spiritually prepare the “Station”, that is, our souls, for His arrival.


The M+G+R Foundation

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 2001 - 2025 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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