Rome has Lost the Faith
Will soon become the Seat of the Anti Christ
On February 18th, 2002, we received a copy of an e-mail regarding the veracity of the Message of
La Salette. We deem this matter serious enough as to address it on a global scale by issuing this
Document through The M+G+R Foundation. But first, we wish to remind the reader of a
certain, and seemingly obscure, passage that may be found in the Book of Revelation:And
Will soon become the Seat of the Anti Christ
When the dragon saw that it had been thrown to the earth, it pursued the woman who had given
birth to the male child. But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she
could fly to her place in the desert... The serpent, however, spewed a torrent of water out of his
mouth after the woman to sweep her away with the current. But the earth helped the woman ...
Revelations 12: 13-16
The key portions of the above referred e-mail follow:
This message is forwarded to you as you have a file or files on your site which promotes or
supports the false message that the Blessed Virgin Mary spoke at La Salette the words to Melanie
I urge you to seriously ponder the measures you ought take to mitigate the damage caused by your stand on this matter.
I urge you to seriously ponder the measures you ought take to mitigate the damage caused by your stand on this matter.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: We are quite familiar with the concerted effort being made to discredit the Message of La Salette, the Messages through Montechiari and Fontanelle [Rosa Mystica] and the Messages of Garabandal. All three contain severe, and very accurate, criticism of the members of the Clergy and Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.
What other behavior should we expect from men, and the supporters of those men, who have placed their ecclesiastical position and related comforts and benefits ahead of the well being of the flock - most specially the most vulnerable members of the flock: the children?
Who, in his right mind would expect, say, Cardinal Law or Cardinal Egan, to endorse a Message from God, through His Mother, criticizing the debauchery of the clergy and their cover-up by the Hierarchy? Even the late Cardinal Spellman tried to torpedo the efforts of the Blue Army of Fatima but could not.
The M+G+R Foundation will not dignify such allegations against the Message of La Salette with an open debate. This issue will be laid to rest, once and for all, by the following statement from miguel de Portugal.
Even if Melanie Calvat would rise from the dead and
state that she invented the statement: “ROME WILL LOOSE THE FAITH AND BECOME THE SEAT
OF ANTICHRIST”, I, miguel de Portugal, by the Grace of God and in His Name, proclaim
from, and to, the four corners of the world that
In addition, regarding the statement about the mitigation of "...the damage caused by The M+G+R Foundation's stand on this matter." I pronounce, once more, that, compared with the upcoming Canonization of Mr. Escrivá, any error that may inadvertently appear in the Domain of The M+G+R Foundation is minor when compared with the blasphemy of such perverted canonization.
miguel de Portugal
We pray that our visitors now understand what our beloved John the Evangelist meant when he wrote:
The serpent, however, spewed a torrent of water out of his mouth after the woman to sweep
her away with the current.
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Originally published in this Domain on March 19, 2002. Texas, U.S.A.
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