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Documents on the Virgin Mary

Index of Documents

"The Lady in Blue" - a Possible Final Blow to Marian Apparitions

A book has been published which could very well be "the proof" needed to "expose" them as mere interventions by "gifted" human beings.

Regarding Garabandal and the Last Pope

Addition disinformation "facts" surface.

A Warning About the Possible Intoxication of the Messages of Garabandal

Addressing an official statement through the official Garabandal center where it is claimed, in the following terms, that: NO THIRD WORLD WAR - Our Lady Said at Garabandal.

A Warning About the Possible Intoxication of the Messages of Garabandal - Part 2

Addressing additional incoherent information related to the Garabandal apparitions.

A Warning About the Possible Intoxication of the Messages of Garabandal - Part 3

Identifying how the information delivered through the Marian Apparitions in San Sebastián de Garabandal is being intoxicated to further disorient the Faithful.

The Demise of the Faith - Know how those from the outside the Faith perceive It

Gives the rank-and-file Faithful a view through the eyes of an individual whom could be described as "having landed in a UFO and walked into a Catholic event for the first time ever" - a "virgin witness" with no preconceived notions nor passionate positions regarding Catholicism and/or Marian Apparitions.


Imposing Statue of the Virgin and Child at the Roman Arch Basilica St. Mary Major.

July 16 in History

Historical highlights for this date, on which is recognized the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

The Blue Army Pledge

A pledge to Our Lady and a daily invocation.

The Chaplet of Tears in Honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary

The Chaplet of Tears in Honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.

The Falsified Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The official Vatican "Party Line" is that the Triumph of Immaculate Heart of Mary is taking hold in the world since Heaven accepted the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, as it was requested at Fatima, and done by H.H. John Paul II in 1984. We look at the evidence...

The Holy Rosary with Scriptural Meditations

Importance of Praying the Rosary. How to pray and meditate through it.

The Last Home of the Virgin Mary in Ephesus

Enjoy a "virtual" visit to the home of the Blessed Virgin in Ephesus and learn the miraculous story of its discovery.

The Miracle of the Virgin Mary at the Church of Blachernae in Constantinople

A brief history of this miraculous apparition.

The Supernatural Manifestations at Conyers, Georgia

We entreat our readers to carefully read follows - a document which we published about the Supernatural Manifestations at Conyers in the year 2002 for the Glory of God.

The Vatican's Third Part of the Fatima Secret

The Text Released by the Vatican - A Translation

The Virgin Mary - The Universal Mother of Mankind

Catholic shrines dedicated to the Virgin Mary draw Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims... Is this a problem?

Why is Mary So Important?

Why the Virgin Mary - the Mother of God - should indeed be considered co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of all Graces.

A Personal Warning: A Terrifying Experience

A personal experience of miguel de Portugal. A comparison to The Warning.

The Apparitions of San Sebastián de Garabandal

An portal to a comprehensive site about the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in San Sebastian de Garabandal.

Garabandal: A Clarification

A Document clarifying the position of the Bishops of Santander concerning the Apparitions in Garabandal.

Our Lady of Akita, Japan - Messages

A translation of the approved messages Our Lady gave in 1973 in Akita, Japan. They are serious and refer precisely to these times

Our Lady of La Salette : Messages - Response - Consequences

A selection of the key prophecies of La Salette which clearly corroborate their prophetic value. The lack of appropriate response and the resulting consequences are also illustrated.

The Apparitions of Our Lady of La Salette in 1846 - France

A reprint of the full text of "The Secret" of La Salette. It encompasses events from that time until today as well as the very near future.

Our Lady of Lourdes, Guadalupe, Miraculous Medal, Beauraing and Banneux : Messages - Response - Consequences

A short summary and comments on various approved Marian apparitions.

The Warning: Interviews With The Seers

Segments from the various interviews given by three of the visionaries of the Apparitions of Garabandal, Spain concerning " The Warning."

The Miracle: Interviews With The Seers

Segments from the various interviews given by three of the visionaries of the Apparitions of Garabandal, Spain concerning "The Miracle"

His Holiness John Paul II Tells the Shepherds of the Church : Teach Your People to Pray the Rosary

A translation of Pope John Paul II's message given in Portuguese to Bishop Serafim de Sousa Ferreira e Silva of Leiria-Fátima dated October 1, 1997

Map of Montechiari and Fontanelle

A map showing the location of Montechiari and Fontanelle, Italy

Apparitions of Our Lady at Montichiari - Fontanelle

The Apparitions of Our Lady at Montichiari and Fontanelle under the title of "Rosa Mystica."

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross - Meditations and 35 Color Images of the Viacrucis.

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