Benedict XVI's resignation on February 28, 2013
Its possible connection to the events at Garabandal
Document Originally Published on February 24th, 2013 - Four Days Before
Its possible connection to the events at Garabandal
Document Originally Published on February 24th, 2013 - Four Days Before
Note added in August 2020. Although this document was published in 2013 (four days
before the resignation) the message and the conclusion remain valid and therefore we keep the text
It is our purpose in this very brief document to raise the awareness of the Faithful to the potential events which may be associated with the resignation of Benedict XVI scheduled for February 28, 2013, at 8 P.M.
In a document issued in the year 1996 and titled The Attempt to Harness Prophesied Supernatural Events To Gain Manipulative Control Worldwide (1) we discussed the possibility of the Vatican schemers attempting to link up to prophetic announcements of great supernatural events in order to implement their less than Holy plans of world control.
Given the fact that we have exposed such intention seventeen years ago and have had it on line for fifteen years, great modifications have been made to such plan. Modifications, but without abandoning the plan altogether.
They will salvage what they can and force fit events as necessary. Lying and deceitfulness are their strength and they will resort to anything to attempt to fulfill their objectives. After all, their real creed is: The End Justify the Means.
With the announcement of the resignation of the alleged successor of John Paul II, the proverbial alarms are going off. Let us briefly review the situation at hand.
As we announced on August 19, 2010:
The Warning (2), Miracle (3) and Sign announced at the
time of the Garabandal phenomena (4) at San Sebastián de Garabandal, Spain,
between 1961 and 1965 will not come to pass.
The world is heading, without further ado, directly into the Chastisement (5)(6), which was announced in Garabandal (7) and Akita (8), and which we have independently confirmed to our readers several times since 1992.....
The world is heading, without further ado, directly into the Chastisement (5)(6), which was announced in Garabandal (7) and Akita (8), and which we have independently confirmed to our readers several times since 1992.....
This does not mean that the plotters and schemers who plan to use the announced, but now canceled, supernatural events in order to fulfill their plans are about to give up. If they have to fake a supernatural event in an attempt to fulfill their plans, they will.... but will then find out what God has in store as His response.
With that said....
What has been revealed regarding the Miracle is:
Conchita, responding to a question, on February 1974, states: (2)
Q. You have said that the Miracle of Garabandal will coincide with a great event within
the Church. Did Our Lady tell you what that event will be, and can you add anything to what you
have already said about this matter?
A. Yes, I know what the event is. It is a singular event in the church that happens very rarely, and has never happened in my lifetime (9) . It is not new or stupendous, only rare, like a definition of a dogma (9) - something like that in that it will affect the entire church. It will happen on the same day as the Miracle, but not as a consequence of the Miracle, only coincidentally.
A. Yes, I know what the event is. It is a singular event in the church that happens very rarely, and has never happened in my lifetime (9) . It is not new or stupendous, only rare, like a definition of a dogma (9) - something like that in that it will affect the entire church. It will happen on the same day as the Miracle, but not as a consequence of the Miracle, only coincidentally.
In the same document, Conchita responds to related question, posed on February 1977, as follows: (2)
Q. Would you please restate the information covering the span of months during which we
may expect the Miracle?
A. March to May.
A. March to May.
It is also common knowledge among the well informed Garabandal publications and circles that according to Conchita:
(a) The Miracle will take place on a Thursday at 8:30 p.m. This will mark the beginning of
a new era in the history of the salvation of mankind; and
(b) Will coincide with the feast day of a young martyr (of the Eucharist?).
(b) Will coincide with the feast day of a young martyr (of the Eucharist?).
Of all the announced conditions associated with the Miracle there was one which was next to impossible to decipher and that one was:
It is a singular event in the church that happens very rarely, and has never happened in my
lifetime. It is not new or stupendous, only rare, like a definition of a dogma - like that in that
it will affect the entire church.
It will happen on the same day as the Miracle, but not as a consequence of the Miracle, only coincidentally.
It will happen on the same day as the Miracle, but not as a consequence of the Miracle, only coincidentally.
Now it has become obvious that the one event that perfectly matches such description is the resignation of a Pope. Although he is not a Pope, most of the world believes that Ratzinger is a Pope thus fits the prophecy.
If to this perfect match one adds the day of the resignation - a Thursday, and the effective time of the resignation - just 30 minutes before 8:30 P.M. - it is hard not to think that some humans may try take advantage of this apparent coincidence.
[The listed Saints for that day are: Bl. Villana de'Botti, St. Oswald, St. Caerealis, St. Hilary, Pope, St. Romanus of Condat and St. Ruellinus (10). Anyone of them could be forced fit into the required saint for the day of the Miracle or a new one could be "found" in the secret archives of the Vatican.]
Of course, the month does not appear to match since allegedly the Miracle was to take place between March and May. However, the calendar February 28th is the liturgical March 1st, after sundown. Therefore, liturgically speaking the resignation becomes effective on March 1st but in the calendar February 28th at 8 P.M.
Keeping in mind that Conchita - the most popular and/or key of the Garabandal visionaries: (a) has been keeping a very low profile since the early nineties; (b) was not present in Garabandal for the 50th Anniversary celebrations (only one of the remaining three visionaries was present); and (c) was not in Garabandal when the local Bishop, accompanied by a number of priests, officiated a Mass in the newly refurbished church right at San Sebastián de Garabandal (none of the three remaining visionaries were present), just about anything spiritually illicit could happen.
We know what the end result will be; we know the general path that it follows, but, as we have said many, many times, this is like a chess game in three dimensions plus time dimension.
That the resignation is part of the overall plan, is indeed a reality, but as the "pieces of the chess game" are moved "on the board", in accordance to the Will of God, what may be the next step now, may not be the next step taken tomorrow because every next step depends how they responded to the last step taken on behalf of God.
We just try to stay out of God's way and execute His Will (through spoken and written words) as He commands.
Nonetheless, we felt compelled to share the above with our readership.
EPILOGUE (written after the resignation effective date)
Since the Vatican did not stage a false miracle, it is obvious that God has used this apparent set of coincidences matching the Garabandal prophecies to confirm our previous announcement that there is not going to be a Warning, nor a Sign nor a Miracle - that is, we are heading straight into the Chastisement (7).
(9) The dogma of the Assumption was pronounced on November 1, 1950. Conchita
González was already born. Therefore, the referred to event would not be a dogma.
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The Chastisement announced at the time of the Garabandal phenomena
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About Warning and Miracle Announced at Garabandal: They Will Not Come to Pass
The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in San Sebastián de Garabandal - An Index
Garabandal's prophecy about the last three Popes - How they want to distort it
Benedict XVI's Call For Global Government
The successor of Benedict XVI, Francisco - a Ratzinger repackaged
The attempt to gain manipulative control worldwide through the reveled dates of supernatural events
The Chastisement announced at the time of the Garabandal phenomena
A possible part of the Chastisement - A Gamma Ray Burst
About Warning and Miracle Announced at Garabandal: They Will Not Come to Pass
The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in San Sebastián de Garabandal - An Index
Garabandal's prophecy about the last three Popes - How they want to distort it
En Español: La renuncia de Benedicto XVI y su posible relación con los eventos de Garabandal
Published on February 24th, 2013 • Anniversary of the discovery of the Head of John the Baptizer (Celebrated by the Orthodox Church)

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