The M+G+R Foundation

Myths About the Papacy


Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

"Take heed that no man seduce you; For many will come in my name saying, I am Christ; and they will seduce many. "[Matthew 24:4-5]



Part 1 – The Claim: Papal Infallibility

Part 2 – The Reality: Papal Sins and Heresies

Part 3 – The teachings of the Magisterium and a History of its Fallibility

Part 4 – A Way Out of the Trap


The M+G+R Foundation (1) commissioned this document from Lee Penn, a Christian journalist and the author of False Dawn (2) (an expose of the present-day movements for one-world religion and one-world government). miguel de Portugal (3) vouches for this document, which brings into sharp focus one of the central messages that miguel de Portugal must convey to all – believers and non-believers alike:

Accept no man-made substitutes for the true God

With this report, we intend to call the world's attention to a long-standing, commonly accepted error in many Catholics' thinking: The idolization of the Pope and the Papacy.

We show here that Popes can sin, sometimes gravely. We also show that serious errors in Catholic teaching and practice —errors committed under Papal authority— can occur, and can persist for centuries.

Our intent is to warn against making idols of the Popes and of the Hierarchy. The objective of this report is not to make an argument against the Catholic Faith itself, or to claim that all Popes have been evil. On the contrary: this report is an effort to uphold the true Catholic Faith and the salutary teachings of many Popes.

Why Lee Penn was chosen to prepare this document?

The M+G+R Foundation chose Lee Penn to write this article for three reasons:

1. The depth of his faith, and his grasp of the historical aspects of Catholicism – East and West;
2. His ability to transmit complex concepts in clear and understandable language; and
3. Because he presents, without compromise and with objectivity, all references used to illustrate and prove his thesis.

Lee Penn is a member of the Russian Catholic Church, an Orthodox Church in communion with Rome.

He therefore believes, as he vowed when being received into the Church...

+  in "one God Who is glorified and adored in the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: and I worship Him as my King and my God",
+  in the teachings of "the Seven Holy Ecumenical Councils",
+  in the teachings of Scripture "as understood and interpreted in the community of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Church of the East",
+  in the seven life-giving and holy "Sacramental Mysteries of the Church",
+  that in the Divine Liturgy "the faithful partake of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto the remission of sins",
+  that it is "proper to reverence and invoke the Saints who reign on high with Christ",
+  that the intercessions of the saints "avail the beneficent God unto our salvation",
+  that icons of Christ, the ever-Virgin Mary, and the saints "are worthy of being possessed and honored"
+  that prayers "for the salvation of those who have departed this life are favorably received, through the mercy of God",
+  that Christ is "the Foundation, Head and Great High Priest and Chief Shepherd of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church",
+  that "Bishops, Pastors, and Teachers are appointed by Him to administer the Church", and
+  that the Church is "the Bride of Christ." (4)

The Faith stands, and will do so forever despite satan's efforts to destroy it, using the evil deeds of men.

(1) The Charter of The M+G+R Foundation
(2) False Dawn – The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion
(3) Who is miguel de Portugal?
(4) From the text of the "Office for Reception and Chrismation into the Russian-Byzantine Catholic Church."

Myths About the Papacy – Index

Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Published on February 2, 2006

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 2006 - 2025 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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