Steven Frayne a.k.a. Dynamo - Magician Impossible
Already Being Promoted as God in Disguise
Already Being Promoted as God in Disguise
The purpose of this brief document is to alert our readers that what we announced on January 2013 about a "made to order False Christ candidate" continues to manifest itself.
On January 18th, 2013, we posted a document (1) from which we quote...
We know that there is a question regarding the "made to order False Christ candidate" that
is shared by many, yet, no one has asked us about it yet. In spite of that, it is the Will of God
that we answer it for the benefit of all.
The question: If said individual has performed such beyond-Biblical miraculous feats for a variety of individuals (from street people all the way to billionaires) in many public, by-invitation-only events and strictly private places of the world, with audiences totaling over one billion spectators, why is he not a household word yet?
The answer follows:
In spite of the fact of the innumerable miraculous feats that Jesus Christ performed - many of them witnessed by Scribes and Pharisees (with the last one being the resurrection of a man, Lazarus, whose corpse was already decaying) - the Temple Masters still chose to kill Jesus. Intellectually, killing Jesus was a completely insane idea in the face of the well documented positive supernatural events He performed during the previous three years.
Since the Temple Masters were not able to explain, or refused to accept what they saw, based on their world experience data base, they "just buried it" deep in their collective mind as if they never happened. It did not fit at all in "their well categorized world" so it was ignored in order to intellectually justify killing Jesus.... to avoid the masses from falling under the spell of what they themselves were denying as a reality.
Back to Mr. X - a very credible False Christ candidate - whose real name is Steven Frayne, aka Dynamo...
Once the "weird" and "unbelievable" events are endorsed by authoritative figures, the millions who have already seen him will "dig up" the memories carefully buried when they could not, as the saying goes, "wrap their heads around what they witnessed", and will start talking about it and sharing it, even with the walls.... just in case walls indeed had ears.
Back to Jesus...
That is why we said that Steven Frayne could become a household world - from Dubai to Singapore, from the US to Patagonia - in 24 to 48 hours if he has the endorsement of the "official faces" of the world.
The question: If said individual has performed such beyond-Biblical miraculous feats for a variety of individuals (from street people all the way to billionaires) in many public, by-invitation-only events and strictly private places of the world, with audiences totaling over one billion spectators, why is he not a household word yet?
The answer follows:
In spite of the fact of the innumerable miraculous feats that Jesus Christ performed - many of them witnessed by Scribes and Pharisees (with the last one being the resurrection of a man, Lazarus, whose corpse was already decaying) - the Temple Masters still chose to kill Jesus. Intellectually, killing Jesus was a completely insane idea in the face of the well documented positive supernatural events He performed during the previous three years.
Since the Temple Masters were not able to explain, or refused to accept what they saw, based on their world experience data base, they "just buried it" deep in their collective mind as if they never happened. It did not fit at all in "their well categorized world" so it was ignored in order to intellectually justify killing Jesus.... to avoid the masses from falling under the spell of what they themselves were denying as a reality.
Back to Mr. X - a very credible False Christ candidate - whose real name is Steven Frayne, aka Dynamo...
Imagine if, after literally walking on water or levitating at will, the Vatican or the Maitreya
promoter or the New Age Movement spokesperson announces that Steven Frayne, for whom most anything
has been obviously possible, is the expected Messiah.... There will be a "meltdown" of Twitter and
Facebook accounts, e-mails, YouTube videos, and every news outlet in the world.
Once the "weird" and "unbelievable" events are endorsed by authoritative figures, the millions who have already seen him will "dig up" the memories carefully buried when they could not, as the saying goes, "wrap their heads around what they witnessed", and will start talking about it and sharing it, even with the walls.... just in case walls indeed had ears.
Back to Jesus...
If when the Temple guards, who apprehended Jesus, brought Him to the Temple Masters Jesus would
have Transfigured [Matt. 17:2] Himself again, we assure you, there would not have
been a crucifixion.
That is why we said that Steven Frayne could become a household world - from Dubai to Singapore, from the US to Patagonia - in 24 to 48 hours if he has the endorsement of the "official faces" of the world.
And on June 10th, 2014 we wrote...
Steven Frayne (Dynamo) started his third Discovery Channel Season and I just viewed what I believe
is the third episode of the season. He continue to outdo himself in his performances yet, the last
"trick" of this episode was shocking and overwhelming. After making a point of visiting, for the
second time during his visit to Mandela's South Africa, a very poor village of the country, he
surrounded himself by locals eager to see some free performances.
Frayne picked up a dirty bucket which was hanging from a nail. Showed it to all as well as to the camera, turned it upside down, shook it and a small fish came out. As the audience gasped in awe, he proceeded to shake the bucket from which countless fish, mixed with a bit of water, pour forth.
When he finished, the amount of fish on the ground could not possible fit back in the bucket where from they had emerged. Then, he invited all to a cook out where the fish was cooked and all ate as much as they desired.
We are not going to entertain whether it was a camera trick, mass hysteria or that the locals of that poor village could stage an act that Cecil B De Mille could not in his iconic "Ten Commandments" . What we are saying is that anyone who would see that performance, after Frayne having been declared the "Jesus of the Second Coming" by an authoritative face or by worldwide mob acclamation, will not doubt that he is indeed Jesus.
Frayne picked up a dirty bucket which was hanging from a nail. Showed it to all as well as to the camera, turned it upside down, shook it and a small fish came out. As the audience gasped in awe, he proceeded to shake the bucket from which countless fish, mixed with a bit of water, pour forth.
When he finished, the amount of fish on the ground could not possible fit back in the bucket where from they had emerged. Then, he invited all to a cook out where the fish was cooked and all ate as much as they desired.
We are not going to entertain whether it was a camera trick, mass hysteria or that the locals of that poor village could stage an act that Cecil B De Mille could not in his iconic "Ten Commandments" . What we are saying is that anyone who would see that performance, after Frayne having been declared the "Jesus of the Second Coming" by an authoritative face or by worldwide mob acclamation, will not doubt that he is indeed Jesus.
Although published over a year ago, a short video (2) promoting - visually and audibly - Steven Frayne, a.k.a., Dynamo as "God in Disguise" has just been brought to our attention.
In the video - enhanced with an enchanting soundtrack - a few scenes of the movie Bruce Almighty (3) were interspersed with some footage of Dynamo in action. Footage that is new to us even though we have viewed the complete first two seasons of his popular Discovery channel program.
Although we were expecting this type of promotion of Dynamo as God in Disguise, the impact was greater than imagined. With the level of faith throughout Christendom at its lowest, and the level of despair and ignorance of the masses at its highest and increasing, it is not hard to imagine how easy it will be to pass Steven Frayne as Jesus staging His Second Coming.
My God have Mercy on His Elect!
Published on December 12, 2014 - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Patroness of the Americas
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