The M+G+R Foundation

Through the Encyclical "Fratelli Tutti"...

Francis confirms himself as

The Apostle of a New World Religion

For a New World Order

Originally published on July 26th, 2021


In 2016, we alerted the faithful (1) that Francis has openly activated the machinery to establish the intended One World Religion that we have been announcing since the spring of 1993 (2).

The purpose of this new document is to alert that Francis has turned his Encyclical letter "Fratelli Tutti" (3) into the founding manifesto of the expected New Universal Religion, renouncing the pre-eminence and sovereignty of God, and openly declaring the alliance of the Church of Rome with the powers of the world - the New World Order we have been announcing since the spring of 1993 (4) - to achieve on the temporal plane the ends of Justice and Peace that can only be achieved by God and with God (5).


The fundamental issue of the Encyclical "Fratelli Tutti" is that God and Jesus Christ are kept aside as non-essential elements in the plan of salvation of humanity to remedy the world's problems advocated by Bergoglio.

If the reader wants to check this bold disregard for the role of God and the Christian Faith, he/she has to face reading the long, tortuous, boring and very unenlightened Encyclical in its entirety. But also, with much less effort, he/she can quickly skim through it to see when and how, in the Encyclical, key words such as "God", "Jesus" and "Faith" are used - never at the heart of the project of "universal fraternity" (3).

All along his Encyclical, through a systematic omission of our total dependence on God and the foundation of the Christian Faith, Bergoglio implies that "universal fraternity", without need of God or Faith, will solve the injustices of the world. In this line, he states that:

"A real and lasting peace will only be possible on the basis of a global ethic of solidarity and cooperation in the service of a future shaped by interdependence and shared responsibility in the whole human family." [Ch. 3, Par. 127]

And what about God? Is God not necessary for "real and lasting peace"? Is "ethic" more powerful than religion? Is "solidarity" a greater virtue than charity? Is he a man of faith or an atheist politician speaking?

In his Encyclical, Francis "forgot" to mention that permanent supernatural contact with God is the only thing that can keep "fraternal love" in a live and healthy state. And if he "forgot" to mention this key issue in a document on fraternity, with ample opportunity to do so in such a long encyclical, it is either because he does not believe it is an important issue or because he does not believe it to be true.

The "good will" of men is not enough. Man, separated from God, is worse than a wild animal, and human history proves it. But Bergoglio believes, on the contrary, that it is possible to solve the injustices of the world just by appealing to the "good will" and "solidarity" of men, without the need of God.

If he believed otherwise, if he truly believed that recourse to God is indispensable for harmony among men, he would not have written the Encyclical he has written in which God is a mere circumstance beside man's effort to build, by social, political and economic means, a world of peace, justice and unity.


Francis affirms that his Encyclical:

"is addressed to all people of good will, regardless of their religious convictions" [Ch. 2, Par. 56]

That, in itself, is not a problem. The problem is that, because what he is putting on the table are the injustices of the world and possible solutions, and precisely because he does not integrate God into the formula, he is conveying - by omission - the false message that our relationship with God is not necessary to understand and solve the injustices of the world.

In particular, in attributing responsibility for the injustices of the world, he lists a large number of political, cultural, economic and social elements, but does not stop to talk about the great responsibility of organized religion (6). Among the causes he cites are:

political disunity, "narrow nationalisms", the selfishness of economic powers, an erroneous "model of globalization", "transnational economic powers", certain destructive ideologies, a lack of "historical consciousness", "cultural colonization", a confrontation-based approach to politics, a culture of "short-sighted culture, bereft of a shared vision", the "obsession with reducing labor costs", certain "economic rules", "a profit-based economic model", "certain, primarily economic, interests", "the temptation to build a culture of walls", "the lack of an equitable distribution of natural resources", "the shared passion to create a community of belonging and solidarity", "neoliberalism", "the dogmatic formulae of prevailing economic theory"...

If organized religion - and, in particular, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy over which Francis nominally presides (7) - is indeed a bridge between God and men, and if God is truly the Lord and Sovereign of the Universe and can do and undo all things, then it automatically follows that organized religion has had and has an essential and most responsible role in the failure of the world in relation to peace and justice - a role and responsibility far more important than the role and responsibility of the powers of the world that Francis accuses.

On the contrary, if Bergoglio believes that religion, "the bridge between God and man," has no supernatural power granted by God, but is a human structure with the same limited powers as any other, then it fits very well that Francis makes no reference to the responsibility of the Church Hierarchy for the failed state of the world regarding peace and justice.

Certainly, Bergoglio, the Vatican and the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy that supports him in this enterprise, are proving once again, by turning to the world and not to God to save the world from itself, that they do not believe in the words of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

Amen, amen I say to you, he that believeth in me, the works that I do, he also shall do; and greater than these shall he do. Because I go to the Father; and whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, that will I do; that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask me any thing in my name, that I will do. [John 14:12-14]

Sweeping the Christian Faith under the carpet

Let's face it: In virtually every corner of the world, people have heard of the Christian Faith and know what it consists of. The unique role we Christians ascribe to Jesus in healing the world's ailments, if it is kindly recalled in front of a non-Christian audience without trying to convince or pressure them, does not have be an offense to anyone.

But then, precisely because practically everyone has had contact with the concepts of the Christian Faith, if a Christian leader speaks of solving the problems of the world but "forgets" to speak of the importance that we Christians give to our relationship with God and to the very special role of Jesus, he is causing a scandal for everyone: he is implying that, in his heart and mind, he does not give true importance to his Faith (7).

In other words, Francis' intention to make his voice heard by all, believers and non-believers, Christians and non-Christians, is not a valid pretext for not speaking about God, for not remembering that God created us out of Pure Love and that He is the only true source of Love in all its forms, including fraternal love. But Bergoglio-Francisco has chosen not to talk about it.

The intention of not hurting the sensitivity of non-Christians is not a valid pretext for not remembering that we Christians believe that Jesus - the Word of God made flesh - is the only physician capable of healing a sick humanity. But Francis has chosen not to mention this "small detail".

If, for example, St. Paul had been as "prudent" addressing the unbelievers of Athens [Acts 17:16-34] as Bergoglio is addressing "all people of good will", St. Paul would not have spoken of the Resurrection of Jesus in front of the Athenians, they would not have been scandalized by the matter [Acts 17:32] and St. Paul would have had the opportunity to suggest to them some political and judicial reforms based on "fraternity" and "solidarity" which would have been better heard... but that is neither the mission nor the methods of a Christian apostle!

Bergoglio's speech sounds like the speech of a politician or an atheist trade unionist, of someone who is ashamed of his faith and hides it under the table, not of a Christian leader, not even of a Christian individual. Immediately, Jesus' instructions come to mind:

"No man lighteth a candle, and putteth it in a hidden place, nor under a bushel; but upon a candlestick, that they that come in, may see the light." [Luke 11:33]

Does this have any precedent? Can we imagine that a true Christian evangelist would stop talking about our absolute dependence on God and Jesus' role in our Salvation just to make the Gospel more "friendly" to non-believers?

In the face of these facts, there is only one explanation: Bergoglio - and, with him, the entire immense court of Cardinals and Bishops who support him in his project of "Fraternity" (8) - does not have much appreciation for the Christian Faith and, instead, places his trust in what man can do by his own means, that is, in the powers of the world.

Trusting in men more than in God

Did Jesus accuse the Roman Empire of the evils of the world? Did He propose to remedy the injustices of the world by reforming the Empire? Instead, Bergoglio affirms that:

"We need to attain a global juridical, political and economic order which can increase and give direction to international cooperation for the development of all peoples in solidarity." [Ch. 4, Par. 138]

Jesus Christ did not entrust nor exhort Caesar to transform the world (9). He entrusted and exhorted the task to Peter, the other Apostles and their successors, but not through the methods of Caesar nor, of course, by way of becoming Caesar's allies.

Bergoglio, from a position in which he claims to be the successor of St. Peter (7), sees himself as a political advisor and ideologue of the Empire of our day - the New World Order - with which he hopes to establish an alliance because he is firmly convinced that only by Caesar's methods can "a real and lasting peace" be achieved in this world:

"The development of a global community of fraternity based on the practice of social friendship on the part of peoples and nations calls for a better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the common good." [Ch. 5, Par. 154]

He himself makes it clear that his advice is not simply moral but also (and more extensively) political. In his own words:

"This demonstrates the need for a greater spirit of fraternity, (*) but also a more efficient worldwide organization to help resolve the problems plaguing the abandoned who are suffering and dying in poor countries." [Ch. 5, Par. 165]

(*) In the original Spanish (Bergoglio's primary language), the exact word is "mysticism of fraternity", making more evident the latent meaning of a "religion of fraternity".


Reading these last words, which are confirmation of what he defends extensively in the Encyclical, his approach could not be clearer:

Francis-Bergoglio proposes and defends a New World Order in union with a New World Religion, materializing that of which miguel de Portugal, in the Name of God, has been warning the world since the spring of 1993 (2)(4). This new religion of Bergoglio is the "mysticism of fraternity" which, as we have just seen, is disconnected from God and Faith and, therefore, cannot be characterized as Christian Faith.

(1) Jorge Bergoglio, accepted by millions as Pope Francis, asks for prayers for One World Religion
(2) The Ambush of One World Religion - Originally published in the spring of 1993
(3) Francis' Encyclical Letter "Fratelli Tutti" on Fraternity and Social Friendship - Annotated reproduction of the original
(4) The Attempt to Establish a New World Order - Originally published in Spring 1993
(5) The doctrinal fallacy that world power and riches will bring Justice and Peace
(6) What was the failure of the Roman Catholic Church?  (Part 2 and Part 3)  |  The Alliance between Church and State: A False Hope for the Faithful
(7) "Pope" Francis Denies the Divinity of Jesus  |  Francis, the Record of an Anti-Pope  |  A Catholic Group is Open to Francis' Resignation from the Papacy
(8) Wolves in sheep's clothing
(9) Jesus Christ did not trust or exhort Caesar to transform the world
(10) Who is miguel de Portugal?

Related Documents

Encyclical Fratelli Tutti - The Manifesto of Francis' New Humanist Religion

Index of Documents on "Pope" Francis / Jorge Bergoglio

The Ambush of a One World Religion

The Attempt to Establish a New World Order

Confirmation of the Totalitarian Plan for a World Dictatorship

Confirmation of the plan for a One World Religion

En Español:  Francisco, el apóstol de una Nueva Religión Mundial para un Nuevo Orden Mundial

Published on July 26th, 2021

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