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On the accumulation of the spike protein (from Covid "vaccines") in body tissues
From the news: (1)
Essentially, the assumption behind COVID-19 [mRNA] vaccines [Moderna and Pfizer] is their ability
to enable the cells in our bodies to produce spike protein. When an immune response is launched
against the spike protein, the virus stops infecting the body. ..... When administered, COVID-19
vaccines are injected into the shoulder muscle - not into the blood. ..... [Dr.] Bridle
(3) details further, explaining:
..... [A] groundbreaking research (2) presents scientists with a more reliable understanding of where COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines travel in the body after being injected. Bridle explains the study absolutely refutes the premise that the COVID-19 vaccine stays in the shoulder muscle, asserting:
“The assumption until now has been that these vaccines behave like all of our traditional
vaccines; that they don’t go anywhere, they stay in our shoulder. Some of the protein will go to
the local draining lymph node in order to activate the immune system.”
..... [A] groundbreaking research (2) presents scientists with a more reliable understanding of where COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines travel in the body after being injected. Bridle explains the study absolutely refutes the premise that the COVID-19 vaccine stays in the shoulder muscle, asserting:
“The short answer - is absolutely not. It’s very disconcerting. The spike protein gets into
the blood, circulates through the blood in individuals over several days post-vaccination. Once it
gets in the blood, it accumulates in a number of tissues such as the spleen, the bone marrow, the
liver, the adrenal glands. And of particular concern for me is it accumulates in the
ovaries, in quite high concentrations.”
... and...
Accoding to doctors Michael Palmer, Sucharit Bhakdi and Stefan Hockertz: (4) Potential risks to fertility and to the breastfed newborn. A high level of expression of
spike in the ovaries raises the prospect of significant damage to that organ, with possible
consequences for female fertility.
(1) Vaccine Expert Warns: “We Made a Big Mistake” (dated 2021-May-31) (our underlining)
(2) The Bio-Distribution Study - SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (in Japanese) (dated 2021-Feb)
(3) Dr. Byram Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph, Canada (Source)
(4) Expert statement regarding Comirnaty - COVID-19-mRNA-Vaccine for children (dated 2021-Jul-15) (our underlining)
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The Myth of Overpopulation
FROM OUR FILES: September 27th, 1993 (1)
As others before the Fonda-Turner (2) team, the basis for the heavy
promotion of birth control has been the so-called overpopulation of the world. .....
Another source of bafflement for this writer are the continuous attacks on the Catholic Church by the Fonda-Turner team. The current level of inhabitants on this planet calling themselves Catholics is ca. 13% with less than 1% of them strictly adhering to the Catholic Doctrine on birth control.
Scientifically and socially this tiny group of Catholics, spread throughout the world, without Divine assistance, could not possibly be a threat to the Fonda-Turner team and their agenda. This is as completely illogical as the overpopulation myth. .....
My dear friends, this writer does not believe that we really see the real Fonda-Turner agenda. Do we really know what it really is? Perhaps their logic would not seem as aberrant if we only knew their real objectives. At least we know that Paul Raymond is the British King of smut, but, who are really Jane Fonda and Ted Turner? Who are they really serving? Our country? Our planet? Hardly!
miguel de Portugal
Another source of bafflement for this writer are the continuous attacks on the Catholic Church by the Fonda-Turner team. The current level of inhabitants on this planet calling themselves Catholics is ca. 13% with less than 1% of them strictly adhering to the Catholic Doctrine on birth control.
Scientifically and socially this tiny group of Catholics, spread throughout the world, without Divine assistance, could not possibly be a threat to the Fonda-Turner team and their agenda. This is as completely illogical as the overpopulation myth. .....
My dear friends, this writer does not believe that we really see the real Fonda-Turner agenda. Do we really know what it really is? Perhaps their logic would not seem as aberrant if we only knew their real objectives. At least we know that Paul Raymond is the British King of smut, but, who are really Jane Fonda and Ted Turner? Who are they really serving? Our country? Our planet? Hardly!
miguel de Portugal
(1) The alleged world overpopulation... is a myth
(2) Ted Turner, Founder of the CNN. In 2000-2001, Jane Fonda embraced Christianity and left Ted Turner behind
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Population control in The New World System
As revealed by Dr. Day, an Illuminati initiate, in 1969:
(a) He [Dr. Day] was very active with population control groups, the population control movement,
and population control was really the entry point into specifics following the introduction. He
said the population is growing too fast. Numbers of people living at any one time on the
planet must be limited or we will run out of space to live. We will outgrow our food supply
and we will over-populate the world with our waste. (1)
(b) Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now [1969]. Information is on file
in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if
people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well
die of cancer as something else." (2)
(1) The New World System, a plan revealed in 1969 - Population control
(2) The New World System, a plan revealed in 1969 - Suppressing cancer cures as a means of population control
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Did you ever wonder... ?
Did you ever wonder how far is the reach of what miguel de Portugal (1) has been proclaming in the Name of God? Even the wolves may have been paying attention to improve their sheep's clothing (2). Reading the following, you may get an idea of what we are saying.
From miguel de Portugal, FROM OUR FILES, Published on February 9th, 2005: (3)
Do you ever wonder... Why we ask the Father, in the "Our Father", "...not lead us into
temptation..." when the only one that tempts is satan?
Because... it is wrong in certain translations - English being one of them. It is correct in Portuguese, Spanish and some other languages.
It seems that our "Oh, so great Theologians" have missed it or they did not want to "rock the boat". Maybe they thought it was better to accuse the Father of being a tempter than to acknowledge yet another mistake.
God tests us - and we should be eternally grateful to Him for that! But tempt us? Never!
Therefore, that part of Our Father in English should be changed to " not let us fall prey to temptation..."
Because... it is wrong in certain translations - English being one of them. It is correct in Portuguese, Spanish and some other languages.
It seems that our "Oh, so great Theologians" have missed it or they did not want to "rock the boat". Maybe they thought it was better to accuse the Father of being a tempter than to acknowledge yet another mistake.
God tests us - and we should be eternally grateful to Him for that! But tempt us? Never!
Therefore, that part of Our Father in English should be changed to " not let us fall prey to temptation..."
From miguel de Portugal, Document Published on October 12th, 2006: (4)
As the reader will see, this is not a theological problem, but a translation problem. The same
happens with the Our Father:
Both the English and Latin texts are wrong —God never leads or induces us into temptation— only the devil does that. In Portuguese and Spanish we see the correct petition; that is, invoking His protection in case we are tempted.
In English: "...and lead us not into temptation..."
In Portugués: "...e não nos deixeis cair em tentação..."
In Spanish: " nos dejes caer en la tentación..."
In Latin: " ne nos inducas in tentationem...."
In Portugués: "...e não nos deixeis cair em tentação..."
In Spanish: " nos dejes caer en la tentación..."
In Latin: " ne nos inducas in tentationem...."
Both the English and Latin texts are wrong —God never leads or induces us into temptation— only the devil does that. In Portuguese and Spanish we see the correct petition; that is, invoking His protection in case we are tempted.
From the News, Jun 7, 2019: (5)
The newly-approved Messale Romano will translate the penultimate line of the Our Father (ne nos
indúcas in tentatiónem) (lead us not into temptation) as “non
abbandonarci alla tentazione” (do not abandon us to temptation). The
existing version had translated it as “non ci indurre in tentazione” (lead us not into
Though the new Italian translation of the Our Father was not Pope Francis’ “change,” he has several times been publicly critical of the way the petition “ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem” is translated in some languages.
In an interview with Italian Catholic television network TV2000, Pope Francis lauded the French bishops' decision, and he expressed concern that certain translations could give the impression it is God “who pushes me toward temptation to see how I fall.”
Though the new Italian translation of the Our Father was not Pope Francis’ “change,” he has several times been publicly critical of the way the petition “ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem” is translated in some languages.
In an interview with Italian Catholic television network TV2000, Pope Francis lauded the French bishops' decision, and he expressed concern that certain translations could give the impression it is God “who pushes me toward temptation to see how I fall.”
From the News, Nov 26, 2020: (6)
The new Italian translation will be used for the first time at Masses on Nov. 29, the First
Sunday of Advent and the start of a new liturgical year.
The new edition translates the penultimate line of the Our Father, “ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem” (lead us not into temptation in Latin), as “non abbandonarci alla tentazione” (do not abandon us to temptation). The previous version had translated it as “non ci indurre in tentazione” (lead us not into temptation).
The new edition translates the penultimate line of the Our Father, “ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem” (lead us not into temptation in Latin), as “non abbandonarci alla tentazione” (do not abandon us to temptation). The previous version had translated it as “non ci indurre in tentazione” (lead us not into temptation).
(1) Who is miguel de Portugal
(2) Wolves in sheep's clothing
(3) From our archives
(4) Which of the 3000 Bible translations is the right one?
(5) Source
(6) Source
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Towards a global information dictatorship
Over a quarter of EU adults 'unlikely' to get COVID vaccine, survey finds: (1)
Over a quarter of adults in the European Union are unlikely to get vaccinated against COVID-19, a
new survey has found.
Additionally, it found a correlation between vaccine hesitancy and social media use. Forty per cent of people who said they use social media as their primary source of news are hesitant about the vaccines, while only 18 per cent of those who use traditional news sources as their main source of information are.
Additionally, it found a correlation between vaccine hesitancy and social media use. Forty per cent of people who said they use social media as their primary source of news are hesitant about the vaccines, while only 18 per cent of those who use traditional news sources as their main source of information are.
State Attorneys General tell Facebook and Twitter to kill vaccine skepticism: (2)
The letter further singled out Facebook for failing to flag posts discussing COVID-19 vaccines,
including posts on groups created by Larry Cook, a prominent vaccine skeptic. || “Facebook
has failed to consistently apply misinformation labels and pop-ups on its pages and groups
that discuss vaccines or COVID-19 generally. ...”
Democrats push Facebook and Twitter to “address” 12 prominent vaccine skeptics: (3)
“For too long, social media platforms have failed to adequately protect Americans by not
taking sufficient action to prevent the spread of vaccine disinformation online,” the senators
wrote in the letter. “Despite your policies intended to prevent vaccine disinformation, many of
these accounts continue to post content that reach millions of users, repeatedly violating your
policies with impunity.”
(1) Euronews, 2021-May-14
(2) Source, 2021-Apr-11
(3) Source, 2021-Apr-20
Commentary by The M+G+R Foundation:
We all know that the so-called "social media platforms" - which are mainly Twitter, Facebook/WhatsApp and YouTube/Google - are great cooperators (4) of the Universal Vaccination Campaign (5), including the systematic censorship (6)(7) that prevents a truly open debate on Covid-19 related issues. Despite this, we find, in the mainstream media (1), in public institutions (2)(8) and from politicians (3), veiled or overt criticism claiming that social platforms "are not doing enough (to censor)."
These public criticisms are not casual but have a dual purpose: (a) to warn the owners of such "social platforms" that they may lose control (or even more) if they do not cooperate enough; and, at the same time, (b) to prepare the public to justify any dramatic action whereby the social platforms would be subjugated in full under external "independent" authorities to combat "infodemic".
Of course, the masters of the world who drive the Coronavirus Crisis (5) do not want to leave anything to chance and must have several possible plans or actions ready to be executed at the time they deem necessary. Two nefarious but predictable possibilities are as follows:
(a) To provoke or stage in the social media a wave of proliferation of violence or issues on child
abuse (for example) that "proves" that "social platforms" must be controlled in a much more
authoritative way through governments, international bodies or external "independent" authorities
- for example, being "regulated" through new and stronger national or international laws.
(b) To provoke or stage "anti-vaccine rebels and fanatics" to act violently in a coordinated way
through social platforms in an action that would be presented to the world as an act of
"terrorism" (9). This would justify not only a dictatorial control of social
platforms but also an absolute censorship over all Internet sites offering information on Covid-19
opposed to the official version. The media amplification of the Capitol vandalism on January 2021,
as if it were "an armed insurrection" (10), is an example that illustrates
well how this can work.
Such staged or provoked acts may not be necessary if formal claims on the political front, such as the recent ones in the United States (2)(3), achieve the same ends in a more "diplomatic" manner. In any case, these are moves towards a global information dictatorship "justified for the common good", as they would say.
We must keep in mind that control of the world population through vaccine-related devices (11) is not the only goal they hope to achieve, but it is a whole system of intertwined steps directed towards the equivalent of a One World Government (12). In this sense, it is not a question of whether or not they wish to control dissidents, but when and how they want to achieve it. Except that, of course, their plans will go no further than God allows them to go (13).
Essentially, God is allowing this and more: (a) as a megaphone to let those who have eyes and ears, see and hear (14) and (b) as a screening mechanism (15) to separate those who seek Truth from those who accept, out of fear or convenience, any "official truth" given by the authorities of the day, through the same mechanism whereby many will embrace the False Christ (16) and others - very few - will reject that ultimate demise (17).
For this reason, how far the plans for a New World Order (12) and a New World Religion (18) will go is something that does not depend on the human abilities of the world masters, nor does it depend on how many millions of people second such plans, but depends only on how the God's Chosen Ones respond to His Call.
(4) Google, Facebook, and Twitter's Conflict of Interest in Vaccines
(5) The Coronavirus Global Scam that is being staged by the World Masters
(6) Systematic censorship, the scheme:
(a) The WHO set up collaborations with social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter (dated 2020-Sep-24)
(b) WHO is working with more than 50 digital companies and social media platforms including TikTok, Google, Viber, WhatsApp, and YouTube (dated 2020-Aug-25)
(7) Systematic censorship, actual instances:
bans misinformation about Covid vaccinations, just days after Facebook took similar action
(dated 2020-Oct-14)
(b) Manipulation and censorship on major US internet platforms Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia (dated 2021-May-06)
(b) Manipulation and censorship on major US internet platforms Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia (dated 2021-May-06)
(8) According to a report from the European Comission (June 2020, PDF format, pp. 8): (our emphasis)
"Fact-checkers, researchers and civil society organisations have a crucial role to play,
but platforms have not sufficiently empowered them during the current public health crisis,
for example by making more data available or giving due prominence to fact-checks on their
services in all Member States. There is therefore a need for additional efforts and
information-sharing by social media platforms, as well as increased transparency and
greater accountability. This highlights the need to enforce and strengthen the policies
that the platforms have committed to implement under the Code of Practice. || Platforms
should deepen their work to combat the risks sparked by the crisis."
(9) Washington Post calls anti-vaxxers "domestic terrorists" || The new official strategy to label dissidents as "domestic terrorists"
(10) Sen. Johnson: Capitol Breach didn’t seem like an "Armed Insurrection" to Me || Exposed: The media has been lying about the Capitol protests
(11) Progressive control of the world population through vaccine-related devices:
Oracle and the World Economic Forum announce Global Initiative for COVID-19 Vaccine Records
(dated 2021-Jan-15)
(b) The European version: Designing and implementing an immunisation information system (PDF format; dated 2018-Nov)
(c) ID2020 - The Alliance in a market-based approach to ensure that good digital ID is available (since 2016)
(d) The ‘Vaccine Passport’ Agenda
(e) How the "need" for a "vaccine passport" is being promoted and progressively accepted by the common population
(f) Restrictions on travels - planned from 1969 or before - "Not everybody should be free to travel"
(g) In USA, employers have the legal right to mandate shots for workers returning to the office
(h) Russian regions make vaccines mandatory for many workers
(i) Surveillance implants - planned from 1969 or before - "So the next step would be the single card and then the next step would be to replace the single card with a skin implant. ... The skin implant, on the other hand, would be not losable or counterfeitable or transferrable to another person so you and your accounts would be identified without any possibility of error."
(j) Microsoft Patent for a device connected to the human body for buying and selling cryptocurrency (article dated 2020-Apr; patent filed on 2019-Jun-20 with number W02020060606)
(b) The European version: Designing and implementing an immunisation information system (PDF format; dated 2018-Nov)
(c) ID2020 - The Alliance in a market-based approach to ensure that good digital ID is available (since 2016)
(d) The ‘Vaccine Passport’ Agenda
(e) How the "need" for a "vaccine passport" is being promoted and progressively accepted by the common population
(f) Restrictions on travels - planned from 1969 or before - "Not everybody should be free to travel"
(g) In USA, employers have the legal right to mandate shots for workers returning to the office
(h) Russian regions make vaccines mandatory for many workers
(i) Surveillance implants - planned from 1969 or before - "So the next step would be the single card and then the next step would be to replace the single card with a skin implant. ... The skin implant, on the other hand, would be not losable or counterfeitable or transferrable to another person so you and your accounts would be identified without any possibility of error."
(j) Microsoft Patent for a device connected to the human body for buying and selling cryptocurrency (article dated 2020-Apr; patent filed on 2019-Jun-20 with number W02020060606)
(12) The attempt to establish a New World Order
(13) The gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church in the end, but as part of the journey to its Glorification, the Church will be crucified
(14) The meaning of "Pain is the megaphone that God uses to assist the deaf in hearing Him"
(15) The Selection of the Elect by God - A step by step procedure
(16) The face and name of the False Christ
(17) The Church's Ultimate Trial - the falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism
(18) The attempt to establish a One World Religion
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The Police Global State
FROM OUR FILES: March 19th, 2010
Did you know that... just about "everyone and his brother" is becoming aware of how far advanced is the Police (Global) State? (1)
The reigning economic system is a vicious circle of isolation. Its technologies are based on
isolation, and they contribute to that same isolation. From automobiles to television, the goods
that the spectacular system chooses to produce also serve it as weapons for constantly reinforcing
the conditions that engender 'lonely crowds.' With ever-increasing concreteness the spectacle
recreates its own presuppositions.
And when those "presuppositions" reproduce ever-more wretched clichés promulgated by true believers or rank opportunists, take your pick, market "democracy," the "freedom to choose" (the length of one's chains), or even quaint notions of national "sovereignty" (a sure fire way to get, and keep, the masses at each others' throats!) we're left with a fraud, a gigantic swindle, a "postmodern" refinement of tried and true methods that would do Orwell proud!
In this light, a new report published by Cryptohippie, The Electronic Police State: 2010 National Rankings, delivers the goods and rips away the veil from the smirking visage of well-heeled corporate crooks and media apologists of America's burgeoning police state.
And when those "presuppositions" reproduce ever-more wretched clichés promulgated by true believers or rank opportunists, take your pick, market "democracy," the "freedom to choose" (the length of one's chains), or even quaint notions of national "sovereignty" (a sure fire way to get, and keep, the masses at each others' throats!) we're left with a fraud, a gigantic swindle, a "postmodern" refinement of tried and true methods that would do Orwell proud!
In this light, a new report published by Cryptohippie, The Electronic Police State: 2010 National Rankings, delivers the goods and rips away the veil from the smirking visage of well-heeled corporate crooks and media apologists of America's burgeoning police state.
The M+G+R Foundation commented then:
This situation is far more obvious in Europe than in the US and elsewhere... but everyone is happy "to be so secure and well taken care of".
For example - [when] you make a credit card or cash card purchase... [then,] for "your safety", an instantaneous message arrives to your cell phone notifying you of it - amount and location. Therefore - "they" do not have to look into your credit card or bank record to be "up to date". "They" just read the message which is intercepted easily and know, from the purchase, what city you are in and, by phone service triangulation, exactly where you are standing at.
We have witnessed in Spain someone walking up to a clerk in their IRS equivalent office, give their equivalent SS number (which is plastered in every bill or contract one has in that country) and in a fraction of a second the clerk has on her/his screen the current bank statement of any and all banks or bank accounts the owner of that SS equivalent number has... for openers....
Pets have had implanted ID chips since more than a decade ago, etc., etc.
But do not feel left out.... "Chips for all" are on the way! (2)
(1) Current Status Report
(2) Chips for all - Please note: This was in 2010! - Quoting from the link: "A series of tried and tested strategies will be marshalled to familiarize citizens with the technology. These will be coupled with efforts to pressure tainted social groups and entice the remainder of the population into being chipped. ..... Chipped individuals will, for example, move more rapidly through customs."
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