The M+G+R Foundation

For Your Information and Reference

April 2020


In this issue:  April 29  |  24  |  22  |  20  |  17  |  15  |  13  |  10  |  08  |  06  |  03  |  March 30

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April 29th, 2020

Masters of the World, New World Order, COVID-19 deception, The AntiChrist || Internet statistics and dangers

From miguel de Portugal

Now that the reality of the, often mentioned by us and seldom believed, concepts of "Masters of the World" and the "One/New World Order" have become a concrete reality, even for the spiritually deaf and dumb, through the COVID-19 deception....

.... it may be a good time to point out to your family and friends what the same "nut and fanatic" published about the AntiChrist "only" 14 years ago.

One never knows... they may believe it now and avoid great pain in their future at either side of the veil.

From Jack Foster @ VPN Geeks

The internet is maturing, now 30 years young - the whole world is jumping on board. What will this mean for the Internet in 2019 and beyond?

Global Internet usage is rising at an astronomical pace. With millions of internet users coming online each day, it won't be long until the whole world is online.

Certainly, the biggest internet trend of the past 20 years is that an increasing amount of people are coming online, therefore the whole world is getting connected.

At VPN Geeks, we've put together a comprehensive list of internet statistics and trends (which is constantly updated) and which may of interest to your readers.


Thank you for helping our readership to become more aware of the facts, figures benefits and dangers on the Internet.

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April 24th, 2020

Dr. Rashid Buttar, COVID-19 deception, Main Stream Media, RT-PCR testing, Anthony Faucy, National Institutes of Health, Funded COVID-19 testing in China, World Masters' plans, World warned || Hunger deaths in the world, Children, Undernourishment

From Mr. GR @ US

I just watched a video (1) of an interview featuring Rashid A. Buttar, DO (2), a highly credentialed Doctor of Osteopathy. He is  exposing the COVID-19 deception with credible facts and figures. It is riveting and keeps hitting on all relevant points.

His main theme is that physiology is being put in the garbage bin!

Main Stream Media's COVID-19 numbers are contrived lies; RT-PCR testing is not relevant; since 1984, flu shots cause false positive in COVID-19 test results;  Dr Anthony Fauci (3), through the National Institutes of Health, illegally funded COVID-19 testing in China and served in US military with Special Forces (Special Forces set Iraq oil field fires as a false flag!); social distancing is to enable monitoring (4)... and a long etc.

This is a "must see" exposé for the Elect.


Indeed it is a "must see" exposé for the Elect specially if they are still on partial denial!

We sincerely Thank you! for bringing this interview to our attention.  It covers every warning that we have issued before plus much, much more.

As expected, Dr. Buttar is being labeled as everything from being a "quack doctor" to a conspiracy theorist. The typical reaction towards anyone who may raise a qualified voice against the World Masters' plans.

After denouncing the COVID-19 deception, as we have before (5) , and now, with the publishing this interview with Dr. Buttar, we are finished with sounding the warning trumpet on this real conspiracy.

If with what we have published and Dr. Buttar exposé, anyone still wants to believe the lie, we have a message for him/her/them:

If you are bound to Heaven, then you have earned every bit of the pain which God will use as He increases the volume of His Megaphone (6) to catch your attention, because you have been given much information already. He said it; we didn't!

But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
[Luke 12:48]

As a matter of fact, miguel de Portugal wishes that, as long as they remain in Purgatory, they do not forget that they were amply warned and could have avoided much of the suffering they now must endure.

In closing,  we wish to advise our readership that we have downloaded the video before it disappears from YouTube, should anyone need a copy of it later on.

Thank you brother Gene for being the instrument that God has used to bring me the much needed peace that comes with getting a job finished.
(1) The Video
(2) Rashid A. Buttar, DO
(3) Who Is Dr. Anthony Fauci?
(4) Just take a look at the the plans
(5) The first of our six articles on the COVID-19 deception
(6) God's Megaphone

From miguel de Portugal

God Willing, in a future post we will share with our readers "the view from above". No, it is not a view from a drone. It is how God is viewing things down below and how He will use every stanic move for His Honor and Glory.

Just a preview....

Around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. This is more than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

A child dies from hunger every 10 seconds

Poor nutrition and hunger is responsible for the death of 3.1 million children a year. That’s nearly half of all deaths in children under the age of 5. The children die because their bodies lack basic nutrients.

Globally, 822 million people suffer from undernourishment.

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April 22nd, 2020

God tells you:
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.", "Do not fear, for I am with you"

From miguel de Portugal

This is a comprehensive series of reminders that we must keep fresh in our minds now more than ever.

[It is a PPS presentation which requires that you hit the "Enter" button to advance to each new step.]

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April 20th, 2020

The godless globalized system,
COVID-19 deception, Response of the true children of God, After they prayed they were all filled with the Holy Spirit || Jonh Paul II, 1997, World Peace, State of the World, Responsibility of the Church, Jesus Christ did not entrust Caesar to transform the world || A image of Jesus' Divine Mercy Blessing

From miguel de Portugal

In the First Reading of today's Mass [Acts 4:23-31] one can read what the spiritual response of the true children of God (*) should be to the godless Globalized system being forced upon humanity using the COVID-19 deception as it's launching pad.

On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them.  When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David:

'Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?  The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed one.'

Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen. Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” [Acts 4:23-30]

May we speak boldly about the reality of God and of Jesus, the one and only Messiah, as they did..... so that, likewise,....

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. [Acts 4:31]

...we become filled with the Hoy Spirit of God and the Earth is virtually shaken as the result of our prayers.
(*) Not those who just give Him "lip service", as most do.

and again.....

From miguel de Portugal

You are invited to read a letter that we wrote and sent, via regular postal mail, to John Paul II back on February 22, 1997, with copies to....

All NATO Ambassadors except the one from Spain.
Javier Solana, NATO Secretary General
U.S. Secretary of State M. Albright
Israel Ambassador to the U.S. - I. Rabinovich
L'STAMPA, Torino, Italy
L'EXPRESS, Paris, France
THE MIAMI HERALD, Miami, Florida
THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, Los Angeles, California
EL PAIS, Madrid, Spain

As you will see, the world's movers and shakers have been amply warned. Who will then defend them when they stand before the Throne of Divine Judgment?

You may access the letter via This Link.

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April 17th, 2020

The One Wold Order, Warning in 1993, Notes on development of the plan

From miguel de Portugal

The first time that we announced to the world, through certain key individuals on a worldwide scale, about the establishment of the One World Order it was in the year 1993. It was done through the regular postal service, not electronically. The letter-turned-into-document went on-line when we established a Domain in 1998 and has been there since.

Over the years we added Notes to it identifying, in broad strokes, key developments of said plan. Now, that the promoters of said plan have come out of the proverbial closet through the COVID-19 deception, we wish to highlight those tell-tale Notes to our readers. 

They are in chronological order and accessible through This Link

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April 15th, 2020

Aliens, Fallen angels, Israeli News Live, Celeste Solum, COVID-19 plan,
The Story of Creation, The Book of Enoch || Our work done before the actual launching of the New World Order; The "I Told You So" Foundation

From miguel de Portugal

Now that aliens - not fallen angels - are being brought into the picture by some - including Israeli News Live and Celeste Solum - as part of the COVID-19 plan, we strongly encourage our readers to review our documents on The Story of Creation as well as The Book of Enoch - both of which we published years ago. That may prevent the readers from falling into what could be a painful error.

It has been exactly twenty-two years, to the week(!), that The M+G+R Foundation was launched into the Internet. It took place in the week between Easter Sunday and Divine Mercy Sunday - April 12 to April 19, 1992 - just as it is this year. I did not even know how to compose a document for the Internet, much less upload it and make it available to all. God, literally, took my by the hand and walked me through it since there was no one else to help me.

It has been a long, and many times painful, journey since I left the world to serve God at His request... and I have four cervical disks hernias to prove it. John and Peggy D. found us on-line, through Ms. M.L.J., and were a tremendous help in the early years - financially and physically. May God reward them richly as they truly - truly! - deserve.

I feel that we have done what we were supposed to before the actual launching of the New World Order and its manifestation through the COVID-19 deception.

Besides the many hours of prayer and invocations, plus the daily Liturgy on behalf of the Mystica Parish, we shall see what is what God wants us to do now.

We are actually considering changing the headline of our home page to....

The I Told You So Foundation

formerly The M+G+R Foundation

No; we are not joking!

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April 13th, 2020

The warning of St. Paul, Tribulation time, Not to do unnecessary actions || Coronavirus deception, Bill Gates, Next pandemic, Testing, Vaccine, Isolation, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Pandemic exercise in October 2019, Modeled fictional coronavirus pandemic, nCov-2019 outbreak, World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation || Mercy Sunday, Before the reset of Creation, Divine Mercy

From Mrs. LL @ US
[a quote from her letter]

...As far as your latest advice, adding onto St Paul's warnings about not buying a new home...I sure hope and pray our most Generous God will make an exception in our case...


Of course He will! You and your husband, as well as you son and his family, are in a transition period and need to take the necessary steps to buy a home

Our Pauline advise refers to unnecessary actions/behavior - whether is buying a new and better home, car, new investments, changing jobs or relocating unnecessarily, etc. etc. The key qualifier is "unnecessary actions" as so many of ours are.

God has shown you that He is with you, so, be at peace, He will not let go of your hand!

From miguel de Portugal

Obviously the Coronavirus Deception is the "deception that keeps on deceiving"! If you still doubt it  read on!

Bill Gates warned we were not ready for the next pandemic, here's how he says we should respond now

Bill Gates: "
We need testing, at a very high volume, and isolation."

What's the prospect for developing countries? The response strategy has proved more difficult for developing countries, where it's tougher to isolate and where health systems are less efficient. For those, "we should all accelerate the vaccine, which eventually will come", he said.

May we remind you that this is the same Bill Gates that was part of the Johns Hopkins' coronavirus and pandemic exercise in October 2019? In case that you have already forgotten.....

A coronavirus and pandemic exercise was carried out by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in October 2019  (2)
[our highlights]

In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a pandemic tabletop exercise called Event 201 with partners, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Recently, the Center for Health Security has received questions about whether that pandemic exercise predicted the current novel coronavirus outbreak in China.

To be clear, the Center for Health Security and partners did not make a prediction during our tabletop exercise. For the scenario, we modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction. Instead, the exercise served to highlight preparedness and response challenges that would likely arise in a very severe pandemic.

We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.

(sarcasm on) Yes, yes! Another conspiracy theory! (sarcasm off)
(1) Euronews Reports
(2) Official Source

Today is Monday after Easter Sunday so....

Now, let us all get ready for Mercy Sunday.

This may very well be the last Mercy Sunday before the reset of Creation.

The Elect need more His Mercy now than ever!

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April 10th, 2020

Let us accompany Jesus Up to Golgotha
To access the Viacrucis CLICK anywhere in the image

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April 8th, 2020

Coronavirus scam,
The mark of the beast, Blood test, Implant, Vaccination, Chip injected || Reset of Creation, New Paradise || What to do now, St. Paul's warning, Not to do innecesary investment

From Ms. LG @ US

Dear Miguel, with the reference to the Epilogue added to your latest Coronavirus Scam document...

I am feeling low. Can't even imagine the weight on your shoulders knowing what has been revealed to you.

Could you clarify if a blood test will be used to implant “the mark of the beast?” As well as, how that would work?

Just feeling a bit anxious for what the future way of life will look like?


Thank you for pouring out from your heart your valid concerns; concerns that we are sure many share.  We will try to be brief in our response but as clear as what God has revealed to me allows.

* I am feeling low.

That is normal, but to overcome it so that you may function as God Wills it through these times, we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and where, and how, we will be once the End of These Times is reached. He needs us to be upbeat so that we may serve Him well all the way to the end.


* Could you clarify if a blood test will be used to implant “the mark of the beast?”

Frankly, that seems to be the ideal way. Everyone will be agreeable to be checked for the virus but not so many will want to be vaccinated. I addition, with blood samples they can also have the DNA matching the chip implanted. As we have said before : "satan was not born yesterday!" - he knows well what he is doing.

* As well as, how that would work?

When we read your letter originally we had to idea about the answer to your question... and then He came through with it.

The way I understood it is: When a blood sample is to be taken, the device (syringe?) already has a very small amount of saline solution wherein a most minuscule chip is suspended and which will be injected in before the blood sample is extracted.

We do not know the technical details of how the tracking will be done but, considering how far advanced similar technology is already, that would probably be the easiest step of the whole operation.

* Just feeling a bit anxious for what the future way of life will look like?

It will be nothing - absolutely nothing - that may resemble today's world. This will be a major reset of Creation. A renewed physical world - a Paradise - where the Will of God will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This will then result in Peace - the offspring of Justice which was, in turn, the offspring of the Will of God being done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Incidentally, that the Will of God will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven  is precisely the main intention in every single Mass that we offer.

Now, let us bring up another question that many may have: What am I to do now?

While heeding St. Paul's warnings, which we have been echoing since the year 2004, continue whatever life / career / profession you are engaged in now, while making the appropriate adjustments to the (blessedly brief) new governmental regulations/laws. Specifically, for example:

(a) Make a concerted effort to draw closer to God living His Word more and more while purifying your soul further.
(b) Do not start/expand a business
(c) Do not buy a home or a bigger one.
(d) Do not invest in any unnecessary material goods like a new car, furniture, stocks, etc., etc.
(e) Do not seek a better or higher paying job

If we have not made something clear enough (to the extent I am allowed to), by all means, let us know and we will try to explain it in a different way.

The latest Board Post is

Published on April 7th, 2020

It was in the year 2004 when miguel de Portugal repeated the Admonishment From St. Paul.

Without a doubt, many (*) laughed at it. We are wondering how many are laughing now?

They will now fully understand how God's Megaphone works - for the deaf and blind to pay attention to Him.

We have just entered the "we told you so" period.
(*) Obviously we are not referring to our List Members, although it may very well apply to some of their spouses. 

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April 6th, 2020

Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis, The Kingdom Keys,
The title of "Vicar of Christ" dropped by Bergoglio, Preparation for the False Christ, Coronavirus scam

From miguel de Portugal

It seems that Jorge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis, finally got something right and officially confirms, by deed, what we have announced for quite some time regarding the Kingdom Keys.

Pope Francis drops ‘Vicar of Christ’ title in Vatican yearbook. (1)

In a surprise move, Pope Francis has dropped the historic and essential title “Vicar of Christ” from the 2020 Pontifical Yearbook, the Holy See’s annual directory, relegating the title to a footnote, calling it a “historical title.”

The title 'Vicar of Jesus Christ' stems from Holy Scripture where Jesus grants St. Peter the power of the keys in the Church

Of course, unbeknown to him that is just part of the preparation for the identification of the False Christ, an event for which the Coronavirus scam has been launched.
(1) Source

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April 3rd, 2020

COVID-19 virus, Limitations to our freedoms,
Eyes and ears opened before the identification of the False Christ || Paycheck Protection Program for Small Business

Considering that.....

More than 3.9 billion people, or half of the world's population, have now been asked or ordered to stay at home by their governments to prevent the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus. (1)

and that.....

When humanity rang in a new decade just a couple of months ago, no one expected that we would see the biggest limitations to our freedoms since World War II. But that's only the second most surprising thing.

Surely what would have surprised us most, if we had been told on 1 January of what was to come, is that almost everyone is in favor of it. (2)

and since.....

The Elect must have their Eyes and Ears opened before the time of the identification of the False Christ - because they cannot fall for that snare since they are destined to Heaven - then the volume of God's Megaphone will have to increase to tremendous levels  for them unless we (all of us) help them open their Eyes and Ears soon. How? First of all, through prayer and sacrifice on their behalf and then, through Evangelization by example.

We must then think of ourselves as spiritual pain killers with very little time to waste to activate "our effect" on the Elect to the maximum level.
(1) Euronews Reports
(2) Euronews Briefing [the original link is no longer working; Oct 2020]

For those employers/employess who may have missed this important information....

New Paycheck Protection Program Offers Real Relief for Small Business (1)

“We cannot solve the economic crisis until we solve the public health crisis caused by the coronavirus, but we can take steps to ease the financial pain for our nation’s employers and their employees. And that is what Congress did last week,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) writes for Fox Business.
The $350 billion Paycheck Protection Program “will immediately get cash in the hands of small and midsize businesses to keep Americans tied to their jobs.” As long as employers use the loan “for payroll costs like salaries and cash tips, as well as debt obligations like mortgage, rent, utilities, and insurance premiums, it would be forgiven in full.”

(1) Source

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March 30th, 2020

Two groups in the Globalization Plan, World political order, Opus Dei, False Christ, Coronavirus manufactured world-panic, COVID-19 virus softened by God, Masters of the Plan rely on propaganda and manipulation, Dr. Day's tapes, COVID-19 manufactured world wide panic, Months of preparation, Celeste Solum video, Homeland Security, FEMA, World Economic Forum, Road Map for National Security, 9-11 events

From miguel de Portugal

Please, read the following material carefully and assimilate its contents to the extent that you are able to at this time. By bringing this information to the attention of the world, our responsibility is fulfilled regarding this matter.

We will try to do so in the most concise, direct and easy to understand way possible. However, if any of our readers have any difficulties understanding any of it, we will gladly strive to clarify it further.

* The Globalization group is made up of two entities, but with two very different intentions. One wants to establish a unique world political order (1) and the other, the Opus Dei, is only interested in being the channel to the False Christ. (1) The Opus Dei masters will go along with the unique world political order group and benefit from their moves and, when the time is right, they will turn against the unique world political order group and use all that they have done so far to make their demonic plan a reality. Just as they did in Latin America during the days of Bishop Oscar Romero (2).

* The coronavirus manufactured world-panic is the brain child of the unique world political order group, as we have clearly illustrated (3) with very concrete examples and numbers.

* The virus was to be quite deadly but, as we have revealed elsewhere, God neutralized it and turned it into a mild flu virus. This forced them to rely heavily on world wide propaganda and manipulation of ridiculously relatively low contagious and casualty numbers to achieve the resulting panic that they wanted to achieve with a truly deadly virus.

* The involvement of the Opus Dei with the unique world political order group is known by very few people - those who have learned it from us as we shared what God has revealed to us.

* Now God has placed in our hands concrete proof as how the information contained in Dr. Day's tapes (4) has been manifested on the COVID-19 manufactured world wide panic. This has come to us via Ms. Celeste Solum, a former Homeland Security and FEMA contractor. Her credentials/experience (5) are impeccable and so are the sources she uses to confirm her allegations - since they are official sources.

* Celeste produced a home type video (6) on March 27th, 2020, where she blows the whistle mercilessly on the manufacturers of the world-wide panic using their own verifiable information. When one views the extent they went to by covering every possible angle of the COVID-19 crisis, it will become obvious that many, many months (years?) went into its preparation. In addition, by carefully reviewing the results of their potential 'project problem analysis' (7), and how to act in any eventuality that may come up, is like looking into the proverbial crystal ball.

* As you view her presentation (6), keep in mind that Celeste is not aware of the Opus Dei involvement in the master plan nor of the fact that the virus is really not as dangerous as they intended it to be originally before God softened it.  She believes that they will go ahead and fulfill the entire plan.

* To reach the pages of the World Economic Forum which she refers to in most of her presentation - and that could hardly be read - the reader may utilize the Link at footnote (7).

We wish to publicly express our gratitude to Mrs. PD @ US for bringing to our attention Celeste's video. This twenty yearlong supporter is the same one who brought to our attention the Road Map for National Security: Imperative For Change which was published eight months before the 9-11 events and proved that they were also programmed with a very specific purpose.

(1) Interaction of Both
(2) Manipulation of Right and Left by the Opus Dei
(3) Coronavirus Scam Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
(4) New Order of Barbarians
(5) Celeste Solum professional experience
(6) Video published on March 27, 2020
(7) World Economic Forum Link

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